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The car ride there was going to be a few hours so I went on my phone. All of a sudden, I got a text message at the top of my screen.

Jonah- Talk

Zach- About what?

Jonah- You liking Jack

Zach- I don't

Jonah- You do. That is why you always seem jealous when we say he is out on another date

Zach- It's complicated

Jonah- How? You either like him or you don't

Zach- I don't know for sure if I like him

Jonah- I understand. I wont tell anyone

Zach- Okay. Thanks

I glanced at Jonah who sat in the front. Daniel and Corbyn were in the middle seats so I was stuck with Jack.

I looked through my phone until I ended up on a video that I started dying of laughter of.

After I finished watching it for about five minutes, I turned to Jack and handed him the phone.

"Watch that." I say laughing. After it got through the first time he laughed and looked at me with big eyes and his beautiful smile.

"This is amazing!" He says laughing. He taps Corbyn on the shoulder and gives him the phone and tells him to watch it.

Corbyn laughs and hands bake the phone. "That is amazing." He says chuckling. I laugh and like it, moving onto the next posts.

I was curious to see what was happening with the Jach ship. I quickly typed in '#Jach' and searched, getting a lot of posts coming up.

I looked through those until the car came to a stop. I looked up and noticed we were there. I followed Jack out and slipped my phone into my back pocket.

We got warmed up for the show and all took our needed bathroom breaks.

As we climbed on stage, I smiled at the boys as we got in position.

Usually when I perform, I stay out of my head but this time I couldn't. My mind drifted to Jack. He looked amazing today. He was wearing his Metallica shirt with black skinny jeans. I glanced over to him with a small smile to see him looking at the crowd with a small grin. How it could be so cute, I don't understand.

"Like it's not enough, yeah we make the biggest fiction. They believe it so it must be real."

I was genuinely confused of my feelings. I didn't know how I felt. Jack was nice, funny, amazing, handsome. He was everything.

But he isn't like me. He doesn't like the same gender like I do. He has a girl who he likes, and sometime in the future he will be married to a girl. I will go to the wedding with a fake smile on my face as I see the woman he is marrying walk up the isle.

And I will find someone eventually. Hopefully they will be better than Jack so I forget him, but that will be hard to happen.

The concert ended and I followed the boys off stage. Jonah grabbed my shoulder and I turned to him.

"What?" I ask.

"Something is on your mind." He says with confused and worried look. I shrug him off and walk the way the boys went.

"I am lost in my mind right now. I suggest that you don't try pulling me out of it." I say turning the corner into a room all of the other boys were in.


We were all lined up like we usually are at Meet & Greets. The only difference was that a lot of girls would take pictures between Corbyn and Jonah now. It was usually between Jonah and I, but they moved over one.

"There aren't as many girls taking photos between Jonah and I this time." I say looking at Jack. He shrugs.

"Some of them have it out for you, you know. They probably moved over one because they knew you weren't going to see them like that." He replied.

"But Corbyn is taken. It's not like he is looking for girls." I say questionably.

"Maybe they are...homophobic?" Jack says softly. I look down at he ground and think about it.

Girls liked me, so they would get pictures in between Jonah and I. But since I am gay, they realized they can't have me.

But it also could go the way that they were homophobic. They couldn't care for gays.

"Zach." A voice says. I look up to see a girl around sixteen. She holds out a rainbow bracelet to me and smiles.

"This is for you." She says. I smile and put it on, looking at it's rainbow colors.

"You made this? It is amazing. Thank you so much." I say hugging her. She hugged me back and went to stand in between Jonah and I for a picture. At least I knew a fan that wouldn't mind me.

The rest of the Meet & Greet was the same way. Some people who wouldn't mind, and the ones who would pass by me all together. At the end of it, I sighed heavily and headed towards the van with the rest of the boys. We decided to stop at Chipotle on the way back.

We all piled into the restaurant and found a seat. We ordered and our food came. We ate talking about fans and how the concert went. Corbyn then turns to me.

"What did you get?" He asks.

"Well," I start, grabbing the bracelet the girl gave me. I just remember that I never got her name.

"I got this bracelet. A girl gave it to me. I never got her name." I say showing it to them.

All of a sudden, my phone rings signaling I have a call. I look at it and notice it was Ryan. My eyebrows furrow and I press the answer button and press it to my ear.

"Ryan?" I ask. He usually never called unless it was an emergency.

"Zach." Reese's voice comes through the phone.

"Reese? Why do you have Ryan's phone?" I ask. In the background, I hear yelling from people.

"Zach..." She says almost in tears.

"Reese, please calm down. What is it?" I ask with worry lacing my voice.

Her next few words cause me to drop my phone. I quickly stand up, rushing out of the restaurant, knowing I would have to walk, but at the moment, I didn't care.

I needed to be home.

That was that chapter! Sorry for the cliff hanger. I was writing quickly and this thought came in my head.

Word Count: 1101

I almost got my phone taken away so I almost couldn't update :/

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