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I know he was joking, but it still hurt. It isn't everyday that someone you like tells you off. Especially when they are one of your best friends.

Jack was in a mood, I know it, but he was persistent. Just because this happened doesn't mean he won't continue after her. He loved her after all.

Jack was someone who was big on second chances, or even chances after that. You could always expect a redo with him because, most of the time, he thought it would make him hurt less but it always ended badly.

I just wish he knew I was here. That I would treat him. He wouldn't be hurting with me.

Too bad my father's words were very true and it made me question it. Why did god hate me? He must've just wanted me to suffer for being me.

I sighed and grabbed my phone, deciding that I needed time out with someone I haven't seen in a while.

I smiled as we agreed on a spot, and decided to take a shower before going. I quickly got up and went to my room, going to my bathroom.

I got undressed and got into the shower. As always, it was a place of thinking for me.

I thought of Eli. Of the little kisses we would share that meant so much. Of the 'I love you's that were always exchanged.

I still remember the last thing he said.

"I'll see you later." He said with a smile. I grinned back and pecked him on the cheek.

"I love you, Eli." I said.

"I love you too, Zach."

I felt tears begin to fall and my lips curve into a smile. He wasn't a sad memory, but A good one. He was the first person I ever openly dated and it made me smile knowing that.

I decided to stop my thoughts before they affected me in a bad way. I hurried up my shower and got out, walking to my dresser.

My eyes instantly met the pink shirt. It was the one from when I first met Eli, and my thoughts drifted to that moment.

"Hello?" A voice sounds from across the desk. I look up to see a boy about the same age as me, smiling and holding his hand out. "I need the shirts before you can take them."

"Oh, sorry." I say blushing and setting them on the counter. He chuckles.

"This is a nice one." He said pointing to the pink one. "I just love the color. It is simple yet full of meaning." He says, looking at me sideways. I grin.

"Yeah, I guess," I look over the counter at his name tag. "Eli." He smiles.

"Why the hell not." I muttered and grabbed out the shirt and a pair of black ripped skinny jeans.

I slipped on a pair of checkered Vans, and made my way to the door. When I got to the living room, I sighed.

There sat Jack with watery eyes. They were red, probably from crying and no sleep.

I rounded the couch to him and sat next to him. He looked up from his phone slowly and his eyes met mine.

"Jack, forget her. If she is going to make you cry, then don't talk to her. Don't even think about her. You deserve better. You-" Deserve me.

"I?" He asked. His voice was hoarse and I frowned.

"Just, never mind. Please, forget her. I don't like seeing you sad." I smiled at him. He smiled back, and before I could register it, he had his arms around me.

"Thanks Zach." He said into my shoulder and I tensed. It wasn't every day that you got a hug from your crush.

I blushed and pulled away, standing up. I tell him that I was going out, and he nodded, no questions asked. I hurried to the door and swung it open, getting ready for the walk there.

These streets gave memories. The drives and walks with Eli, even the first night we met was a memory on that road.

Even though he was gone, there was no difference. I still love Eli and nothing could change that.

Memories are memories. Wether you want them to stay or not, they will. So you just need to accept the fact that they are there.

Eli. Such a good memory.

I turned a corner to this certain important place. It was my first time coming here with not such a crowd, and it made me smile because I could do what I wanted.

I saw Jessica waiting there at the spot. I jogged up to her and hugged her, giving her a thanks for coming.

Jessica became friends with me and Eli quickly. It was amazing how fast she did.

And now here we were. Standing at Eli's grave.

I bent down to poke the roses that looked as if they were drooping. I placed them there when it was the reception and now they were basically dead.

"What I think is ironic is that most of the flowers you find dead are by gravestones." I said with a small but sad chuckle.

I glanced at her and she smiled at me. It was quiet while we looked at the stone until she spoke.

"You loved him. A lot. I could literally feel the love radiating off of you guys." She said with a grin. I laughed and my hands grazed the headstone.

"He taught me many things. Don't take love for granted. It could end so fast." I said, my fingers tracing his name. "Be happy for everything and everyone. One day, they will repay you with that same love." I finished tracing his name and moved to his birthday.

"Love people for who they are. Not who they should be." I started tracing the death date. "And love should last forever. Memory or not. Everyone deserves love."

Tears caught in my eyes as I finished the last number on the year. I felt Jessica put a hand on my back which calmed me a bit.

Jessica was like a sister to me. Kind of like how Jonah was a brother to me. They were just so close to me.

"I think it is time to go Zach." She said, taking her arm off my back. I nodded, wiping my eyes and nose with the long sleeve pink shirt.

"Okay." I said, giving one last glance at the stone before we left.

Hey. Hi. Hello. How ya doing? :)

Word Count: 1096

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now