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I had to say, I loved snow. I wish I lived where it snowed because there is something about the cold biting at your fingertips and nose that makes it great. That is, until you decide to stay outside for a while, or even go outside with an imbecile.

Even though Jack was stubborn, so was I. I was still angry about him not feeling anything when he held me that night, or just not aware of what he was feeling.

It didn't help my anger as I felt the curly haired man pelt me in the back of my head with a snowball. I slowly turned around and glared at the boy who just smirked at me.

"Was that necessary?" I asked, clearly annoyed with the boy. He rolled his eyes and bent down to grab more snow.

"Lighten up, Zach." He said, moving his hands to form the snow into a ball. "After all," he pauses and smirked. "It is just snow."

As he said that, the ball went flying towards me. My eyes widened and I blocked my face, but the ball hit my stomach instead.

Jack was strong, and I had to admit it hurt when he hit me. I glared at him.

"You want to play this game? Then I will." I reached down and grabbed some snow and formed it into a ball, immediately chucking it towards him. He dodged it and grabbed his own and throwing it at me.

That went on and on until Jack decided to load up on a lot of them and run at me while throwing them. As he got a few feet away, his foot fell through the snow and tripped him.

And coincidentally landing on top of me.

I groaned at the extra weight and when I opened my eyes I was met with brown ones.

"Hey." He said, his breath fanning my face and I mentally shivered. I could feel the tingles coursing through my body as it happened.

Jack slowly put his arms on each side of my head and gazed at me. There was something about the way he looked at me, but I couldn't piece it together before he got up.

"Sorry about that." He said, dusting himself off. I blushed as his hand extended for me to grab, and I gladly took it.

As I was helped to my feet, I could still feel the tingles that he gave me.

What this boy could do to me.

He led me into his house due to us freezing from our snowball fight from earlier. It was about time to eat anyways.

As we walked in, the smell of food filled my nose. I immediately walked strait to the kitchen and saw the table already set, mostly everyone sitting down getting ready to dig in.

I sat down in between Jonah and Jack, which was right across from Daniel who was looking at me weird. I just sent him a confused look and started dishing up my food.

It was like any other family dinner. We had a few conversations and ate until the talk about me came up.

"So," Kirstin started. "Zach, I know it is late, but I am sorry about Eli."

The table went oddly quiet like as if someone said a word, everything in the room would break.

Deciding that, since it was pointed towards me, I would answer, I answered it as calmly as I could. "He would've love you. All of you." I said, gazing at the four girls who never even seen the boy. Isla just looked at me puzzled while the rest gave sympathetic looks.

"What happened?" She asked, eyeing me. I gave her a smile full of sorrow.

"Well, Isla, Eli was Zach's boyfriend. Eli passed away a few weeks ago." Kirstin said for me. I smiled at her.

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now