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When someone is hurt, mentally or physically, you don't know if it is permanent or can go away.

These are scars. I have some. Both types, actually. All from my stupid, messed up past.

I wonder why people liked me. These scars showed the worst of me, yet they kept coming.

And they kept leaving their own scars on me.

My life isn't perfect though. No one's life is perfect. There is always something wrong. For me, there were more than one thing wrong.

But I wasn't gonna let that hold me back.

I waved and sang the part of the song we were performing and it gave me a giant smile to see my fans. My family.

Today and tomorrow, we would be in Texas with my family. Then we were heading up to the northern states.

We were going to visit all of our home states, and that made me happy, because I could see my mom after not being able to for a weeks.

Yes, I was a Momma's boy.

I glanced over at my mom and smiled as she met my eyes. She was already grinning at us. I glanced around to all the faces, familiar and unknown. They were what make us Why Don't We. They are what made me, well, me.

Performing for them was amazing. The adrenaline racing, making me happy to call them the family that my four best friends and I made.

As the show came to the end, and we got walked to the bus, I knew that these people were the best for me. These are people I can say "I love you" to without having to regret it. They will always be there for me.

Not that I regret saying it to people who have left. Some of then didn't leave on purpose. It's just that something happened to them that ended up making them leave.

I couldn't regret saying it because they actually loved me.

Eli was one of them. The crash, it was on accident that it happened. They said that Eli didn't see the truck-

I closed my eyes and I felt tears roll down my cheeks. I opened them and looked up at the night sky.

I knew he was up there. With the moon and stars. Looking down and being happy for me.

I was still a little bit jealous because he knew what the future held. I wanted to know.

I wiped my cheeks and chuckled, getting into the bus, which was already loaded with the other people. They were sitting down on their phones, doing things on social media.

I looked out the windows at the leaving cars and the fans as we left the venue. I couldn't wait to be at my home for once and with my family.


The only thing that keeps me on my toes, but if I was put in the face of death, I would accept it. At least I knew I achieved my dream and that the others will too.

Life is a match. In a matter of seconds, it can be huge, and in another second it could be put out. You could be chasing your dream, but it can be ended very quickly.

I watched the houses fly by as we stopped, and I could clearly tell it was my house. My mother was already home with Ryan and Reece, and I smiled as Reese ran out of the house to see us when we got out.

We got up and grabbed out bags, walking out of the bus and greeting my family. I watched as Reece ran to Daniel and hug him and I sat there in shock.

And when Reece turned to me, she laughed and grinned, knowing I was upset. She quickly ran to me and wrapped her arms around my legs.

"I would refuse to hug you but you are too cute." I said as I bended down to her height and gave her an actual hug. She swiftly turned her head and kissed my cheek, giving me a big smile.

"I missed you." She said and I chuckled.

"I missed you too." I said kissing her forehead. I stood up and looked around, meeting eyes with my mother. I moved around Reece and walked up to my mother and pull her into a hug.

"God how I missed you." I said and I felt her giggle.

"I missed you too." She said, quickly pecking my cheek. She then pulled back and looked me in the eyes, bringing her hands up to my cheeks.

"Oh Zach I am so sorry about Eli. I never met him but he was amazing. I can tell it in your eyes because of you missing him so much." She said and I smiled softly.

"It's okay Mama. It wasn't your fault." The other boys already were inside, not witnessing the motherly care she was giving me. I sighed and brought my hands up to hers and slowly brought them down to her sides, but still held them.

"He would've loved you." I said with a sigh. She gave me a sad smile before moving to grab my bag, letting go of my hands and then ushering me inside.

When I got in there, I heard the boys arguing about who will get who bed and with who. So far, they have only decided that I was sticking to my bed.

That was until my mom came in and decided for us, and the decision was fine with me, except for who I was sharing my bed with.

"Corbyn gets the couch, Daniel and Jonah get the guest room, and Jack and Zach, you get Zach's bed."

I sighed and grabbed my bag from my mom and started the walk towards my room. When I was out of everyone's sight, I rolled my eyes and smiled.

Of course Mom. Make tonight eventful.

There you go! And I bet you are all getting dirty minds.

Fun story:




Amber_TCW_WDWon Twitter so go follow!

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on Twitter so go follow!

Word count: 1100

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now