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Leave questions for a Q and A


Eli's father was on a business trip, as Sam said it, so he wouldn't be home while we had our stay. So that was one less person to get to know.

I didn't mind getting to know people, but it would feel weird. I kind of felt jealous at Eli's perfect family.

"Zach, you're welcome to dig in." Sam said, getting me out of my thoughts. I shot her a smile and a small thank you and started picking up bacon and placing it on my plate.

After eating for a bit, Sam spoke up. "Zach," she said. "You didn't say much about your family. What are they like?"

I almost choked on my food when she said this. I shot Eli a glance and he quickly spoke up.

"Mom, that is kind of a touchy subject-"

"It's fine Eli." I said after swallowing. "Well..."

And I explained it. Well, most of it. Some parts, tears threatened to fall, and other parts, my hand threatened to hit the table. I really hated my father, to the point where I thought it was bad for me. He did what he did, betrayed his son, his wife, just because of me.

"I will be in the bathroom." I said, dismissing myself from the table. While walking, the horrid thoughts filled my head. It was my fault. It was all my fault.

My brain was acting as if it wanted me to think these dirty thoughts, the ones that made me to blame for my mother being in the hospital. That I was the reason that there was scars of remembrance on my back.

I finally made it to the bathroom, and I sat down on the toilet with the cover down. I felt as if this was the only time I had peace and quiet in a while.

I knew it was bad for me to be alone right now, but it was something I had to do. I had to escape from my fake reality and replace it with the real one.

In my head, I could still hear my father's voice yelling. Telling me I was a worthless piece of trash. That no one would want me. That anyone who did want me would die a foul death. That they would lead to a tragedy.

And I knew he was right.

After the stay with Eli and his family, I felt happy to be around someone new. Guaranteed I did it mostly every day with my fans, it felt good to be around someone who wouldn't scream at me and ask to take photos twenty four seven.

But, of course, when we got back, Daniel enlightened me by saying we had to go to an interview in a few hours.

And here I am, sitting on a couch with my four best friends and band mates, answering questions for an unknown man. Most of the questions were the same as the others, and you could tell I was getting bored by the minute. I just wanted sleep.

"So, it seems as if three of you are now taken." He said. We nodded and said yes. "Why don't you tell us a little about them?"

"Well," Jack started. "Her name is May and she is 18, just like me. She is planning to go to college but she wants to be a model and she has three younger siblings."

"Christina, most of you know about her, she is going to college for fashion and she has one other sibling and she is 18." Corbyn answered.

"Eli is 17, and, well, still in school but is taking it online, and has a younger sister." I said smiling. Just then, someone back stage ran up, a worried look on their face as they carried my phone.

"Zach, it is important. It's about Eli." She whispered in a soft but hurried voice. I nodded and took my phone, furrowing my brows as I got up and walked back stage.

"Yeah?" I asked. The voice was stern over the phone as they talked.

"Hello, are you related to Eli Lane in any way?" She asked.

"Yeah, he's my boyfriend. What happened?" I asked cautiously.

"I'm sorry to say, but he has gotten into an accident. We don't know if he will make it." She said.

And here I was again. Sitting in a hospital, waiting, hoping that they can get through this.

Why did it have to be a reoccurring experience? People I love, on the brink of death, with a rose for life and a heart for death playing on the scale, waiting for it to tip in the odds of ones favor.

First my mother, now Eli. As I thought, my father's words were correct. That anyone who cared for me and loved me would end up in tragedy or death. So far, it seemed as that.

I just had to distance myself, I suppose. Away from anyone and everyone, so this didn't happen again. Especially to Jack.

I knew I shouldn't spend a thought on him right now, as my boyfriend was dying in the other room, but I couldn't help it. Just when I thought I was good without him, I knew I wasn't anymore. If Eli would be gone, then I would be forced to watch Jack and his girlfriend be together, when I knew it should be me.

I have thought and said that a billion times. That should be me, holding his hand, kissing him, cuddling him, but I also thought it with this. I should be the one in that hospital bed. I should be the one dying. And as I saw the doctor come out of the room with a remorseful face as he started walking to me, I though that I should be the one dead.

The doctor handed me a ring, saying that Eli wanted me to have it. That he was mumbling it as they got him from the accident.

It was a small black ring with engraved waves like the ocean on it. I knew he always loved the ocean. The doctor said that it reminded Eli of when we shared our first kiss, and when I asked him to mine.

The heart weighed more on the scale. He wasn't mine anymore.

Y'all already hate me so why not hate me more? Hehe.

Word Count: 1065

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