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Somehow, the boys managed to find me. I was halfway home, and let's just say I didn't look so good.

It was obvious I was crying. There was still tears running down my face. I sniffled and looked out the window of the van.

"Zach, we wont understand what is wrong unless you tell us." Jonah says to me softly. I shake my head and more tears come out of my eyes.

"Zach." Jack says putting his hand on my shoulder. I tighten up and feel the butterflies. After a while, I relax and turn to him.

His eyes were filled with worry. I dip my head down so my forehead is resting on his shoulder.

"My father..." I whisper to him. He awkwardly pats my back but then moved to hugging me.

"My father is becoming an alcoholic. He will come home and yell at my mom and Ryan. Reese just stays in her or Ryan's room." I pause taking a deep breath. "He is abusing them, Jack. And it is because of me."


I sat with my head in my hands as I received another "no". I checked all of the airports in LA, there is no planes to Texas.

The other boys were in the kitchen while I sat on the living room couch. They were eating, and I was sitting here starving, but that didn't bother me.

"Thanks. Bye." I say hanging up. I place my phone down on the table face down. I get up and stretch, a yawn coming from my mouth due to the lack of night's sleep.

I run over to the stairs and bound up them into my room. I grab my suitcase and quickly unzip it.

I put in about a week and a half worth of clothes with all my toiletries and hair products. I zip it up, somehow making it close. All of a sudden, my door opens and I turn to the person.

"Jack?" I ask. He looks from the bag and back to me.

"Where are you going?" He asks curiously. I look back to my bag and frown.

"I'm going home." I say to him.

"Why Zach? There is no way there."

"I'll walk if I have to. I need to fix this because I was the cause of this." I say grabbing my bag.

"Zach, it's not your fault-"

"Yes it is!" I yell. "I thought it would be a great idea to tell my family I am gay, and this mess happened! I caused all of this! I am the reason my family is getting yelled at. Hurt. I need to help them." I say to him, tears forming in my eyes.

"Zach. You didn't form this problem. It was your father." Jack says. "But, I understand if you want to go. And I will let you, but only if you let me come with." He says.

"Fine, I guess." He smiled and went to his room. I sighed and grabbed a pair of clothes. I walked into the bathroom and took my dirty clothes off.

I put on black sweatpants with a white long sleeve cotton shirt. I slipped on a pair of checkered lace-up vans. I sighed and put my hands in my pockets. I walked out of my room and down stairs into the living room where everyone except of Jack was. I sat down in between Jonah and Corbyn.

"Are you hungry?" Corbyn asks me. I shake my head. "You need to eat."

"I will." I say. "I'm just not tired right now."

There was a noice from the top of the stairs and I turned to see Jack standing there with his suitcase and mine.

"Jack, you didn't have to grab mine." I say running up the stairs to grab it. He just smiles his beautiful smile and shrugs.

"I wanted to be nice." He said. He looked at the boys and said, "We are driving to Texas."

"Alone?" Corbyn asks. I nod and bring my bad the rest of the way, Jack following me.

"We suggest you guys stay home. I need one person with me. I don't want you guys getting hurt. And plus," I glance at Jack. "He won't let me go unless he comes with."

"When are you leaving?" Daniel asks.

"Soon. In two hours actually." I say.

"I need to call off on my date Friday. I'll be right back." Jack says. A small pang happens and I shrug it off like usual.

"I'm going to make myself eggs." I say letting go of my suitcase handle. I walk into the kitchen and start the burner, grabbing a few eggs from the fridge.

I quickly make them and eat, wanting to get done as soon as possible. Jack finished his call a few minutes ago, and he was now sitting in the living room on the couch.

I set my plate in the sink and checked the time. It was still 11am, so we would leave in an hour. I went to my bag to check if everything was in there.

"Zach." Jonah calls. I follow his voice to the hallway by the door.

"Yeah?" I ask. He holds out a hundred dollar bill.

"For food and gas." He says.

"I can't. It's your money." I say. He shakes his head and shoves it in my hand, walking past me and into the living room. I sigh and shove it in my pocket, walking through the house to the backdoor.

As I hit the outside air, I take a deep breath. I go over to the circle of rocks and sit on the biggest one and face towards the city.

Look what I caused. I caused my family to break while I sat here happily. I caused them pain.

My imagination came over and started showing me the thoughts of what he did to them.

"Zach." Jack calls from the back door. I look over my shoulder at him. "It's time to go."

I stand up and walk over there. We grab our luggage and head to the front of the house. The boys were there so we said our goodbyes as Jack and I walked out to the car.

I made this in one day. Btw I am not a Jake Pauler. I am a Logangster. Yah yeet.

Word Count: 1061

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now