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That day, I was astonished. I never have been happier, or never felt alone. All because of Jack.

When he leaped at me, he made me hit the ground, but also kissed my lips. And a few moments of kissing back, he pulled away and told me his feelings.

But it was hard on him. I knew the pain he was forced to go through, some that could hurt his family, just like it hurt me. He had yet to tell his mother and siblings, and we still had to tell the fans.

The boys already knew, for they let Jack out knowing his intentions. It made me angry at first that they never stopped me from assuming and have him talk to me, but they said it was his words to say.

And now here we were. Cuddled up in the backseat of the uber as we made our way to the airport. We were staying at Jack's parents in Pensylvannia so we could tell them. Not only about Jack's sexuality, but for us. For us being together.

It felt weird saying that. We hadn't made it oficial between us, but I knew that the time would come soon. So soon that you wouldn't even see it coming.

When we would walk in public, we couldn't be right next to us where there was no space, but we had to be a few inches or a foot apart. I just wanted to reach over and grab his soft hand to hold in mine. Was that too hard to ask?

As we arrived to the familiar airport, I gave Jack a small little peck on the cheek before grabbing my bag and getting out of the big vehicle. There wasn't many people than usual, due to it being the time of flights still on their way.

I didn't know what I was more scared of. Being stopped by a fan and them asking questions or seeing Jack's family. Sydnie was already here, awaiting our arrival to get on a plane and leave right away. A week back and I was already gone from California.

As we caught up to Sydnie, she gave us a smile and said, "Nice to see you boys. Now, lets get to our flight before it leaves." As she turned around, you could hear her mumble, "becausse you guys showed up fashionably late."

Jack snickered at his older sister. "Thanks for calling me fanshionable. I always knew I got a great sense in clothes." Sydnie just rolled her eyes and countered back.

"Well, I taught you that fashion sense so you're welcome-"

"Guys!" I groaned. "Less arguing or else we will miss our flight!" Jack turned to me and gave me a pouty face and I rolled my eyes and shook my head, giving him a soft smile.

I always found it quite qute how he got along with his sisters so much. They did have their times, but they would always fix it.

The flight was nice; Jack sat there and talked to Sydnie while I rested my head on his shoulder and fell asleep. I needed it, because sleep is something I haven't had much time for. It was my brain that kept me awake, and my job.

When we landed, they weren't there waiting for us. We didn't tell them about our visit, so it would be more of a happy surpise instead of one that makes them hate both of us.

So when they opened the door and us three were on their doorstep, their happy and merry cheers filled the yard. Isla immediately went to Jack and gave him a hug, while Ava went over to Sydnie. They all crowded around Jack and Sydnie and I just sat on the side until a cute little girl ran up to me.

"Zach!" Isla yelled and I gave her a toothy grin and picked her up, giving her a small twirl. She squealed and when I set her down, I pulled her in for a hug. I loved hugging Isla, she always reminded me of Reese.

"Why are you guys here!? We didn't expect you for another few months!" Jack's mother said happily. Jack's smile fell a little, but not enough for the others to catch.

Pain can be so valant yet no one can see that it is.

"I...just thought to give you guys a visit." He said. His arm was no longer in it's cast, but it had a pad and guage wrapped around his arm. He was healing fast, and it was nice to see him as his energetic self again.

I slowly inched over to Jack, and when I was close enough, I gave him a soft smile as his family entered their house. He glanced forward and when he looked back at me, he planted a kiss on my cheek.

Oh this boy has got me by the hook and has already reeled me in.

I followed him and his family into the big house. I always loved their house because it felt like another home and I knew it was. Kirstin was always like another mother to me and I always felt welcomed around her.

"Well, dinner is done, so you can eat and rest. It is almost dusk." She said, bringing us into the kitchen. The other sister's ran off into the other room with their father and as they played games, we ate the Chicken Alfredo Kirstin made.

As Kirstin left the room, Sydnie turned to Jack and gave him a stern look. "You better do it soon. Mom will be angry if you don't." She said, pointing at him with her fork. He just sighed and rolled his eyes.

"It is harder than you think." He said. Jack turned to me and gave me a small smile before grabbing my hand. He put his head on my shoulder to lean on it, and I did the same but only on top of his curls.

We haven't said it yet it yet, but I think-

I heard someone clear their throat and Jack and I turned to look at the person standing at the door. I could hear Sydnie chuckle as she says, "Looks like you don't have to tell them."

I love you guys.


I don't want a girl who gets a car for her sweet sixteen...

Word Count: 1081

Noodle Boy | Jachary | Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now