Chapter 1 - Confussion

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"I looked everywhere Stefan," I say into my phone. I called Stefan instead of Damon because I don't really know what to say to Damon. I nearly died for him, I literally cried into his shoulder and sat on his lap. I don't want it to be awkward.

"What do you think, someone, stole it?" He asks.

"Yea, someone definitely took my stuff," I say pulling out my keys from my back pocket.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Stefan asks.

"I'm just gonna check on Jer before I go to the hospital. Can you meet me there?" I ask. Putting the keys in the door.

"Who's that?" I hear Elena say on the other line of the phone. I widen my eyes.

"Ok, Bye Stefan, good luck with her," I say opening the door. I throw my back to the ground and kick it slightly out of the walk. I stand directly at the bottom of the stairs. "Jer you up there?!" I yell out to him. I hear some clattering and groaning coming from the kitchen. Confused, I walk down the hall and around the corner, where I find uncle John holding his hand and bleeding from his chest. My mouth opens and I drop to the floor pulling out my phone and Dailing 000(911).

"000, Whats your emergency?" The voice on the other end says.

"Hi, I need an ambulance to 2104 Maple Street." I quickly mutter into the phone keeping a hand on Johns wound.

"Behind you," John mutters.

"What?" I ask.

"Behind you!" He yells clearly. I drop the phone and gasp. I pick up the knife lying next to John, blood on the end of it. I stand up and shakily hold the knife in my hand. I slowly walk towards the living room. Being careful of my surroundings. I hear footsteps behind me and I turn around gasping. I feel like someone is standing behind me so I turn around, but no one is there. I go back towards the kitchen to uncle John when I hear the front door open and then close. I scream turning around and looking at the door. I look up the stairs.

"Jeremey!" I scream running up to his bedroom. I run into his bedroom and see him passed out on the bed. "Jeremy!" I scream. "Please, Jeremy wake up!" I sob shaking him. He opens his eyes, gasping for air.


I stand on the stairs as I watch two men pull John out of the house as he lays on a stretcher, a needle in his arm and an oxygen mask on his face. I see Stefan at the door, but a policeman holds him back.

"He's okay," I say. The policeman moves out of his way and Stefan rushes up to me. I push him up the stairs.

"Jer said that Anna gave him her blood, and then he took these pills, and now I don't know if he is a vampire or not. I mean he looks fine, but then so do you. So I just don't know." I worry. Stefan inspects the pill bottle as Jer sits on the bed and stares at a random wall. Stefan throws the bottle onto the bed and gabs Jer's face forcing it towards him.

"Come here." Jer tries to push his face away but Stefan is stronger. "Look at me," Stefan says.

"No, I'm fine okay? I feel exactly the same." Jer complains.

"Should I call a paramedic up here? What should I do?" I ask stressed out, running my hands throw my hair.

"No," Stefan says. "He's fine." I let out a sigh of relief.

"You mean I'm not a vampire? Damn it." jer says, going a box across the room.

"First I nearly get burnt to the crisp, uncle John get stabbed in the chest and his fingers cut off, and now Jer wants to be a vampire." I mutter to Stefan, I turn to Jer. Don't say that. Jer. Why would you want that?" I ask him confused.

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