Chapter 20 - Old Miserable Prick

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Episode 2x15: The Dinner Party.


I take a seat at the dining table once again, slightly hunching over. 

"But I'd really love to ask you some questions about the work you're doing," Andy asks, taking a seat across from Elijah. She gives him pleading eyes, and without surprise, he succumbs to her request. 

"I'd love to answer," Elijah says looking over at Damon and giving him a sly smirk. Damon takes a seat next to me at the head of the table. He looks at me making a sour face while indicating towards Elijah. I smiled at him. Laughing a little, but not loud enough for anyone to hear.

"Great. Oh. That's so great." Andy says, giving a wide grin at Elijah. She wiggles in her seat reaching around the sides of the chair, until she comes to a stop. She sighs, as she looks over Alaric who just re-entered the room after helping Jenna with the dishes. "Ric. Would you do me a favor and grab me my notebook out of my bag?" She asks him, pointing over at her back placed in the open room. He doesn't respond, instead, he just turns around and starts looking for it.

"Elijah, did John tell you that he's Amara's and Elena's uncle/father," Damon asked. Tilting his head towards Elijah. I kick him under the table. He looks at me and gives me a sly confused look. I glare at him. Why the hell is he bringing this up?

"Yes. I'm well aware of that." Elijah hurridly answers. Not really caring about what is being said. Elijah doesn't look at Damon instead he remains looking at Andy smiling at her softly brushing Damon off.

"He's not my father," I mutter under my breath, both of which heard it anyway, no matter how low I mutter it. Elijah looks at me but I avoid his gaze. 

"Obviously clear from Amara's behavior, you can probably tell how much they both hate him," Damon says looking straight at Elijah. "There's no need to keep him on the endangered species list." I scoff at Damon's comment and slightly kick him under the table. Damon looks straight down the other end, staring straight at a nervous John, who has a worried look in his eye.

"Ric. It's in the front pocket. On the..." Andy stops, she sighs and stands up. "You know what? Excuse me guys," Andy excuses herself.

"What I want to know Elijah, is how you intend on killing Klaus." John questions. I roll my eyes at him. 

"What I want to know, is when you decided that you finally wanted to give a shit about our lives." I mocked. John turned his face at me, giving me a disapproving look.

"I've always cared, and you know it." I stifle out a laugh.


"There's a few things we should probably get clear right now. I allow you to live, solely to keep an eye on Elena. I allow Elena to remain in her house, living her life with her friends and her family, as she does as a courtesy. If you become a liability. I'll take her away from you and you'll never see her again." Elijah threatens. I bang my hands against the table and point at him, threateningly.

"Listen here, you old miserable prick. My sister is not your little pawn to play with, you do not allow us, or her to do anything. The moment you step out of line or threaten us again, I will have no trouble, taking Elena away from your plan, and trust me, I'm not as soft as I seem. I will ruin your big plan to stop Klaus, just so you can suffer. The moment you become unnecessary protection, I will kick your ass to the curb, and don't think for a second, that any of us, are grateful for you being here, cause if it was up to me, I would have gotten rid of you a long time ago." I say pushing myself away from the table, fuming, steaming with anger. I walk towards Ric, who is still on the other side of the room, away from everyone.

I watch as Andy strolls back over and takes my seat at the table. I look away from them and glance at Ric. I notice him fumble with something, as I finally get a glimpse of what it is, seeing that it is the dagger, Damon was going to use. I look at Ric, as gives me a focused and determined look. I look back at Elijah and shake my head. I slowly reach for the dagger, and give Alaric a reassuring look as he lets me take the dagger from him. I walk back towards the table, as Andy begins talking again.

"Okay. My first question is, when you got here to Mystic fa-" I don't let her finish the question, before I drive the dagger through the chair, right into his back. Letting it piece his skin. Andy lets out a scream, as everyone flinches back. Elijah gasps and lets out a breathless scream, as his veins begin to show, and his skin starts to become grey and wrinkled, almost like is aging rapidly. Everyone watches as he slowly starts to weaken and he becomes still, no longer moving, or breathing. 

I pull out the dagger, as I look at Damon, he gives me, almost a slightly concerned look. I don't say anything as I slam the dagger on the table in front of Damon. I turn around and look at Ric, nodding at him, before heading straight for the front door.

"I think you should probably get rid of him, before Jenna comes back with dessert." No one says anything, as I feel there eyes on my back as they watch me leave.


964 words.

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