Chapter 25 - Just One Day

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Episode 2x22


"You brought me to see a girl movie." Jeremy complains, as we walk towards the middle of the square. Currently we are meeting up with Caroline to watch the playing of Gone with The Wind. I'm not exactly excited to be here, as matter of fact I don't want to be here at all. I would prefer to be at home still curled up into a ball on my bed. I'm not ready yet, I'm not ready to face reality.

"We had to get out of the house Jer," Elena says, holding a blanket in her hand. "This is our three hour distraction from reality." She said looking around to find Caroline.

"Oh, is that what we're doing, pretending like our lives aren't screwed?" Jeremy says coming to a stop. Elena looks at me and gives me that look that just reads, 'help me please'. I shake my head at her. 

"I'm with Jeremy on this one." I say putting my hands up in defence. She rolls her eyes at me and turns back to a slightly smirking Jer.

"We need to do this okay." She says looking between me and Jer. "Breathe, eat, sleep, wake up, then do it all over again until one day, its just not as hard anymore." Elena says as her and Jer start to unfold the picnic blanket.They plop it on the floor and just they do, I notice an out of breath Caroline running towards us.

"Oh my god, there you are guys. I've been looking for you everywhere." She huffs, carrying over a picnic basket and a cooler bag. I take a seat on the floor at the same time as Elena crouches down onto her knees. "Who's hungry?" She sings. Elena and I start to unpack the basket.

"Are we really doing this?" Jer rolls up his sleeves, hesitant to participate. I grab onto his arm and make him look at me. 

"If I'm doing this, your doing it too." I say letting go of his arm. I felt bad because the moment i touched his arm I could just feel the warm blood in his body and for a split second all i could think about was drinking him dry. My fangs start to hurt and they retract.

"Yes, we are really doing this." Caroline nods her head. "You are going to take a page from Scarlett" Caroline motions towards the scream as it starts to roll the opening tittles. "We made it through the war, and I know you guys went through hell and my mum knows that I am a vampire." Caroline stumbles to say the last words of the sentence, as she kneels down to the ground. She is still trying to process how her mum knew about her for the last few weeks.  "So basically it's like Atlanta has burnt and yet, in spite of everything, we preserve." Caroline finishes, fist bumping the air. Elena looks up at and nods her head in encouragement. 

"Alright." Jeremy sighs as he takes a seat next to me. "What are we eating?"Caroline smiles as Elena chucks Jeremy a tin filled covered sandwich. Jer catches it but doesn't remain completely engaged. I punch his leg and he looks at me, smiling. I pull a funny face making him laugh and he returns back into the conversation with Elena and Caroline. I just got to stay distracted for a couple more hours and then I can go back home.


Elena ran off with Stefan somewhere and refused to tell me why, so it is just Jeremy, Caroline, Bonnie, who joined us later, who are all avoiding telling me something may I add, and I left. Gone with the wind is a long ass movie, we've been here for over two hours and we still have one hour left of the movie and we are all getting impatient. It's already dark outside and I'm starting to get really tired and i'm also really hungry. 

Jeremy's phone starts to ring and he answers it straight away. Bonnie, Caroline and I, turn to look at him. I use my new super hearing ability to listen in on the conversation.

"Alaric, hey." Jeremy greets him.

"Tell me you're with Amara?" Alaric asks. I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"Yea, she is sitting next to Caroline, why?" He replies.

"Damon just escaped, i think he is looking for her, and the cops are after him, listen he is in bad shape. Jeremy, so keep an eye on her and get her somewhere safe. I'm on my way." The phone goes dead and all three of them turn to face me.

"Someone plan on filling me in?" I ask. 


I wonder around the streets. Damon is gonna die and there isn't anything I can do to stop it from happening, there is no cure, there is no way out this time. Tears slip down my face. Everyones on a manhunt for him, I'm hoping to find him first. As I head further and further down the road, I start to lose hope in ever finding him, I don't know how long he has left and if I don't... if I don't get the chance to say everything I need to... I don't know what i'll do.

I stop in the middle of the street when I feel eyes watching me. I stand still, continuing to look straight ahead.

"Amara," I hear a deep frail voice say. I immediately turn around and see Damon. He is covered in sweat head to toe and his hear is floppy and wet. I run to him and wrap my arm underneath him to help in stand up straight, which fails because he just leans on me and pushes me slightly to the side. 

"Damon, are you okay?" I ask him as we walk along the road back towards the square. I'm gonna chuck him in the car and drive him straight to his house again. Damon doesn't answer, in fact he starts to tumble off by himself. I watch him as he starts to quicken his pace before stumbling a little. I rush over to him and grab his side to keep him steady. He bends over and puts his hands-on his knees. "Come on Damon." I encourage. 

"My car is just over there." I continue to drag him slightly towards the car until he vamp speeds me into one of the other cars. I try to shrug him off behind his hold on me is just too tight. "Damon?" I question. He looks at me, but I don't know if he is actually seeing me.

"I choose you Katherine." He says, almost like he is mesmerised by something. I shake my head at him.

"Its not Katherine Damon, its me, Its Amara." I say, still trying to get rid of his incredibly tight grip. Damon moves close to me slowly leaning down towards my neck. "No, Damon, stop." I wiggle underneath him but it is no use. I feel his teeth sink into my skin. I'm a vampire, I know it won't kill me, its just that it kind of hurts. "Damon, stop! You're hurting me." I say firmly. All f a sudden he pulls away and he looks at me with wide eyes. His face drops as he notices the blood on my neck, he looks down at his hands before he drops to his knees. I drop to his level and look at him intently. He looks, almost, dead. I just grab onto him and pull him in for a hug, and he allows me too. Damn it. Just one day.

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