Chapter 22 - Distraction

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"Did she just hang up on you?" Damon asked, his whole body tensing as he moves forward, his eyes shotting open.

"She did." Stefan replied in a monotone voice with his phone in his hand.

"She's lost it." Damon says, leaning back into the couch, throwing his hands in the air in frustration. Mimicking a mind explosion.

"If anyone can get him to help us kill Klaus it's her." Stefan adds. He isn't even looking at us, he is intensely staring off into the distance as he fiddles with his phone, spinning it round and round trying to concentrate.

"Bonnie has a way to kill Klaus Stefan. He thinks she's dead, we have a chance with her."

"She will kill herself in the process, Elena's looking for another way." Stefan retorts.

"Elena doesn't know what she's doing. She's an idiot." I add my two cents. "Elena's way is gonna get her killed Stefan. She doesn't care about finding any other way she is intent on dying. We have to stop her." I stand up to leave to go and find my sister, I'm not letting her die, I'm not prepared to, but if anything it'll be me. Stefan stands up and gets in my way. 

"Amara you can't go after her, you might get hurt, Klaus or Elijah might just use you instead." Damon stands up and grabs my arm. "Let me find her." Damon moves in front of me, pulling me back and standing up to Stefan puffing his chest. "I'm going after her Stefan."

"No, you need to back off," Stefan says moving forward, trying to intimidate us. "I don't like this either but we have to trust that we know what she is doing." He says looking down towards me. I shake my head.

"What happened to the Stefan that was so in love with my sister, that he would stop her from doing anything remotely stupid? We can't trust him! He is just using her to get his way. He isn't gonna hurt his brother, and you know it." I say poking him harshly. "I don't care what you do Stefan, but I'm going after my sister and I don't care who tries and stops me including you." I finish, barging straight past him, hurting my shoulder, as it collides with his. Ouch.


I walked into the parlor in the Salvatore house as saw Jenna in tears, shaking profusely, her hands fidgeting and her leg bouncing up and down. I received a phone call from a distraught Stefan explaining to me how sorry he was for scaring Jenna. After Klaus took over Alaric's body, which took everyone by surprise, Stefan went to check up on Jenna and found him there. Klaus threatened them both with a knife and Stefan had to reveal himself to stop him which scared the living daylights out of Jenna. She had never seen anything like Stefan in her life. 

"Jenna," I sighed giving her a soft look. I made my way over to her, being careful not to frighten her. She looked up at me as tears streamed down her face. She shook her head in a panicked manner,  flinching away at me as I tried to comfort her. 

"No, no, no, no, no, no." She muttered, leaning away from me. I couldn't look her in the eyes. I felt horrible for everything she went through.

"Jenna, you have to listen to me, you're going to be okay," I said crouching in front of her. I finally lock eyes with her, and I feel tears coming to the brim of my eyes. She shakes her head and rocks back and forth. I grab her hands and press them together, cupping them into mine. Her eyes moved away from mine and continued to dart around the room. 

"I can't-" She started but I cut her off.

"Jenna, you can." I nod, smiling slightly. "I know it is hard to process, but everything is going to be okay. You are okay, I'm okay, Elena's okay, Jer is okay. Everything is okay." My attempts to comfort her don't appear to be working as she starts shaking her head at me again.

"I'm scared," She cries. I move to the spot next to her on the couch, letting go of her hands. I wrap my arms around her and give her a hug, letting her cry onto my shoulder.

"I know you're scared. I'm scared too. But we will get through this together, I promise." I say looking down at her. I kiss the back of her head and just let her lay on me. I see Stefan in the doorway in the corner of my eye. I shift my eyes to him and give him a sympathetic smile. He goes to enter the room but I just shake my head at him. I can tell he is upset with what happened, and he is mad at what he did to Jenna. I know that he was only trying to protect her. He takes a step back and looks at the ground, walking away. A tear slips down my face as I watch him walk away and listen to the cries of Jenna. Oh shit.


Andy struts past me in the doorway as she lets out a slight huff, I walk into the lounge room and see Damon sitting down on the couch with a glass of bourbon or whiskey in his hand. 

"Sick of your little toy all ready," I smirk at him. He rolls his eyes at me and shakes his head.

"Don't start with me Amara, she's just my distraction." He said in a monotone voice, just like it was a normal thing.

"She is a life of her own to Damon, she deserves to have her own free will, you're victimizing her." I sigh, almost glaring at him. It makes me sad to think that he would think that it was okay for him to do that, I may not like her but she deserves better than what he is giving her.

"You should be thankful she's here." He says finally making eye contact with me. "It stops me from going after who I really want." He says in almost a sad tone, quickly looking me up and down. I dart my eyes to the floor, a slight blush rising to my cheek, a smile slowly appearing. I hear him get up off the couch as he starts to approach me. He stands right in front of me, and as I look down, he is so close that I can feel his breath on my neck. I refuse to look up at him, knowing exactly what he is going to do.

"Damon, I'm sorry." I murmur. He reaches up to my chin and gently pushes it up making me look at him. He doesn't reply and we stand closely. He takes a step forward and I feel his body press up against mine. Neither of us says a word, both just taking in deep breaths. I stay completely still, as he slowly starts to inch his lips towards mine. I don't know what to do, I am stunned. As our lips are about to touch, I feel Damon leave, rushing to the other side of the room for me. Elena barges in the room with Elijah following her close behind. I hear a door open from behind me as Stefan walks in and notices Elijah standing behind her. 

"Now you have invited him in?" I question her, looking at her like she is crazy.

"Elijah and I have renewed the terms of our deal," Elena says, giving us a serious look, ready to let Elijah speak. 

"The three of you will not face any harm from me." Elijah walks towards us with his glossy, fancy, smart-casual shoes. "I only ask for one thing in return," He starts.

"What is it?" Damon says, staring at Elena.

"An apology," Elijah says,.


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