Chapter 17 - Attacked

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The sound of my phone ringing wakes me up. I groan and roll over, trying to cover up my ears, but my phone goes off again. I toss and turn, before I come to the ultimate conclusion that I need to just check the text. I roll over and grab it,

'Gone to the lake house with Stefan, be back in the next few days'                                                         xoxo Elena.

I roll my eyes. When the going gets tough, Elena backs up and leaves. My thoughts are interrupted by a figure at my bedroom door.

"Morning Princess," Damon smirks, before inviting himself into my room. I let out a frustrated groan as I flop back down on to my bed getting back underneath the covers. Damon sits down next to me, and places one hand on top of my covered right leg. "Don't be like that." I roll my eyes.

"What do you want Damon?" I whine. 

"We have some work to do today." He stands up. "They have this historical book thingy that is being thrown by the Mayor for Elijah."

"Damon, I'm not going to let you kill anyone." I sigh.

"No. I don't want to kill him. I just want to know his endgame." He lies. I raise my eyebrows. "And then after the party, we can kill him." I just stare and Damon, not reply to his smart ass comments. I shake my head at him.

"If you weren't a vampire, I would kill you." I throw the covers off me and stand up, walking over to my cupboard to get some clothes, turning my back to him. I hear nothing for a while, but a hand snakes around my waist while the other one brushes my hair away off my right shoulder, and Damon imitates biting my neck. I roll my head closing my eyes, playing along.

"Do it," I whisper, smirking to myself. He goes to let go, but I grab his hands and stop him from moving. "No, do it," I say remaining in the same position. I feel Damon behind me still standing there. I can feel his breath on my neck, and I can tell he is contemplating it. I reach my right hand up and grab Damon's neck, pushing him towards my own. "Do it." We say nothing, neither of us moving, but we jump and quickly separate when we hear footsteps coming this way.

Jenna knocks on my door and pushes it open. She makes eye contact with Damon giving him a slight glare, before looking at me.

"I'm leaving for the historic gathering at the Lockwood's." She informs me while playing with her hair. 

"Okay, I'll see you there." I nod smiling. She gives me one last smile, before glaring at Damon and shutting the door. "Well, she doesn't like you." He turns towards the turn and starts to walk out the door, but I chase after him. "Where are you going?"

"Gotta go pick up Andy, I'll meet you at the Lockwoods." He replies, before turning around a whooshing away.

"Oh," I mutter to myself, looking down.


I enter the household and spot Jenna instantly. She smiles at me.

"I didn't expect you to come," She looks at me, confusion written on her face.

"Well I just love history," I responded, giving the fakest smile possible.

"No you don't, that's why your failing." She smirks. I playfully punch her in the arm.

"Hey," I laugh. She starts laughing with me, until she sees something over my shoulder, and she stops. I turn around to see what it is and that's when I see Damon. I smile at him, as he smirks back at me. I stand next to Jenna as she starts a conversation with him.

"Damon." She says unenthusiastically. "What are you doing here?" Before he has the chance to answer, Andy pops up from behind him and smiles at Jenna. 

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