Chapter 8 - Who Else Is With You?

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I could only imagine the pain the boys must be going through.

"Caroline, where are we going?!" I ask, tired and queasy. 

"Shhh." She hisses. I roll my eyes, as I blindly follow Caroline through the forest. I hear the faint shots of guns, which causes me to pick up the pace.

"Damon!" I cry out for him. No, no, no. What could possibly be going on? We approach the old Lockwood cell, on the old Lockwood property from back in 1864, and just after the original settlers would have settled in. I stand at the top of the cobblestone stairs to the cell.

"What is that?" Elena asks. Her eyes furrowed.

"The old Lockwood Celler," I reply, looking down there but only seeing darkness. Caroline raises her hand signally for us to be silent. I stare at her, waiting for her to tell us something. 

"Caroline?" Elena asks. She places a hand on Caroline's shoulder to turn her around. "What is it?" Caroline places her hand on her mouth in shock.

"My Mum," She answers. She puts her hand on her chest. "She killing them." My eyes widen. 

"What?" Elena gasps. I start to run towards the staircase. A hand grabs my arm and tugs me back

"No, no, no, no, no," Caroline responds. 

"We have to stop her," I beg.

"No, I can't." Caroline pauses. "Elena, she's going to find out about me!" I pull my arm away from Caroline's hold and run down the stairs. I don't bother treading lightly. I want them to know that I am here, I want them to become distracted. 

"Let's do this. Each a stake in the heart, then burn them both." I hear Liz demand. No, no, no. I fling open a cell door letting it hit the wall loudly, it echoing down the cave. "Check it out." She asks one of her deputies. I see one of the deputies coming towards me, I don't even flinch, I just shove him out of the way.

"Move!" I yell at him. I run straight into the main area of the cave where I see a half-awake Damon and Stefan who is passed out. 

"What are you doing here?" She asks me.

"Get out of my way." I run around her. She's my best friends mum, I'm not gonna shove her. I run to Damon and crouch to him. "Damon. Oh, My, God."

"Amara? What are you doing here?" He groans.

"Its okay, I'm fine." I respond. Not really answering his question. A gunshot is heard as a vervain darts enters my leg. I scream in agony. 

"No, no she's not a vampire," Damon begs Liz to stop. 

"Shush Damon." She shoots Damon in the leg, and he groans in pain. Tears start to spill out down my face.

"Damon." I cry, he looks at me, pain written all over his face. "Liz please." I cry. She doesn't even hesitate, this time she shoots me in the chest. I gasp for air. All of a sudden, I see Elena rush into the room. 

"No!" She cries.

"Elena, what are you doing here?" She questions.

"Amara's human!" She crouches next to me. Liz's deputies, point their guns at Elena and I. My breath becoming shorter and shorter. 

"There vampires Elena. I have too. Its my duty to this town." She stresses.

"You can't kill them, I'm not gonna let you." Elena pants. A deputy pushes Elena away from me. A breeze then surrounds us as a swoosh noise is heard.

"Who else is with you?" Liz worries, her gun lowing from away from Elena and towards the entry. Elena doesn't have the answer before Caroline, starting with the deputy that shoved Elena, now screaming, is basically getting eaten alive by Caroline. The other deputy starts shooting vervain bullets at Caroline, but Caroline just uses the half-dead deputy as a shield. Well... now he's dead. She sprints to the other deputy and beats him up, no bite marks. She runs towards the dark end of the cave not wanting her mum to see her like this.

Caroline slowly starts walking towards her mum, blood dripping from her mouth. She's almost scaring me. 

"Hi Mum," She simply states. The color from Lizes face disappears as she looks at her daughter scared and worried out of her mind at the sight of her daughter.

Once again, my vision starts to fade and the world becomes dizzy. Why is it always me that has to get hurt? Ughhhh.


I groggily awake from my slumber. My eyes still heavy and just... my everything still tired. Ughhh. I moan a lot, don't I? I slowly sit up. The events from whenever it was come crashing in my head. Liz shot me. Mother of the year. She shot her daughters best friend. Wow.

"Amara? Amara, thank god you're awake." I hear my sister state. When my eyes finally open, I realize I'm sitting on an uncomfortable leather couch in what looks to be an abandoned mansion.

"Elena, where are we?" I mumble. 

"I don't know." She answers. That's so helpful.

"Why are we here?" I question. Elena doesn't even open her mouth, but a voice is heard. Elena looks scared, incredibly scared.

"I see you're just like your sister, full of questions." 

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