Chapter 9 - Rose

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{ A/N Hey guys, I'm just letting you know that I changed the ending of the last chapter an It won't make sense if you keep reading on from here. :-) }

I turn my head around to see a woman standing there, she has short brown hair and brown eyes. She seems confident yet unsure at the same time. She smirks at Elena and I.

"Your resemblance is uncanny." She stares, her eyes flickering between the two of us.

"That would be the point of identical twins." I shot back at my kidnapper I suppose. 

"I like you." She smirks. 

"He's here." A man runs into the large room. Looking like his head is about to be chopped off. He runs towards Elena and I, but then starts pacing back and forth. What the hell is going on here? "This was a mistake." He speaks the woman. 

"No, I told you I would get us out of this, you have to trust me." She says trying her best attempt to calm him down. 

"No! He wants me dead Rose." He continues to pace back and forth.

"Trevor, He wants her more!" She continues to press his worries. But that only makes me more anxious.

"I can't do this, you give her to him, he'll have mercy on you, but I need to get out of here." He starts to freak out worse and worse. Rose vamps over to him. Oh, they're vamps. Yay, more problems. She grabs his hands in comfort.

"Hey. What are we?" She asks him, her face dead serious. He sighs and catches his breath.

"We're Family." He pants. "Forever." I smile, I almost feel bad for the pair. This is what family is all about, and I kind of jealous of there sibling relationship. Rose nods at him. Smiling sweetly. The cute moment is interrupted by a loud thudding on a door, that echoes through the house. 

"You're scared." Elena sighs. No shit Sherlock. The pair just ignores my sister as the look towards the noise of were the thudding is coming from. 

"Stay here with them, don't make a sound," Rose tells him. He nods and looks at us. I sympathetically smile at Trevor. He puts his hands on his hips as, Elena exchange looks of worry as she gets up and joins Trevor in the pacing. We hear footsteps coming towards the entryway to the room. Elena and I both instantly look over and see a new man come into view. He stares at us shocked. I cower, as Elena stiffens. He zooms over to us, another vamp, great. With a serious look, he leans closer to Elena, sniffing her neck, if you didn't know the situation, you would probably think it was very weird. He then came closer to me, looking at the blood from the wound I once had on my chest and arm. He stands up straight, a tear brewing in my eye from fright.

"Human. Its impossible, yet here they are." He states. "Hello there." He says to me. I whimper. Elena doesn't even turn around to look at us. She just remains looking away, her back still stiff. "Well, we have a long journey ahead of us, we should be going." He turns to look at Elena.

"Please don't let him take us." Elena cries to Rose. I see Rose look away from Elena, I know she feels awful about it. She feels the guilt it's obvious, it's written all over her face.

"I just have one last piece of business I have to take care of. Then we are done." He turns to look at Rose and Trevor. 

"I have waited so long for this day, Elijah," Trevor says, not looking this Elijah guy straight in the eye. Elijah walks over to Trevor and circles him, like an animal stalking its prey. "I'm truly very sorry."

"Oh no, your apology is not necessary." Elijah poshly speaks.

"Yes, yes it is." Trevor nods, a petrified look on his face. Elijah continues to circle him. "You trusted me with Katerina... and I failed you." 

"Oh, yes, you are the guilty one, and Rose aided you because she was loyal to you. That, I honor." Elijah stops in front of him. Looking Trevor straight in the eye. "Where was your loyalty?" 

"I beg your forgiveness," Trevor asks. I see a tear fall down Roses' face, I can see how much they both want this freedom, but I don't understand why this guy has the authority to kill this man.

"So granted." Trevor smiles in relief. But that is short lived by Elijah's hand going through his head, decapitating him. I gasp, as I hear Rose scream and gasp in pain. She falls to the floor, looking at the sight of her brothers head across the room from his body. Tears slowly fall down my face. Oh, My, God. Elena's hand rises to her face.

"You..." Rose cries.

"Don't, Rose..." Elijah calmly says, like it was nothing. Rose cries. I feel so bad. "Now that you are free." Elijah cracks his neck. "Come." He reaches his hand out to Elena.

"What about the moonstone?" Elena tries to bargain. Elijah stops in his tracks.

"What about the moonstone?"Elijah questions her. 

"I know that you need it, and I know where it is." Elena continues. "We can help you get it."

"Tell me where it is." He demands.

"It doesn't work that way." Elena shakes her head. Elijah grits his teeth.

"Are you negotiating with me?" He raises his eyebrows. He turns around to look at Rose with his arms crossed.

"Its the first I've heard of it." Rose glares at him. He looks back at Elena, and he stares at her intently. Obviously trying to compel her for the answer. She doesn't answer and he steps back. 

"Wearing vervain are we. Maybe your sister will help?" He grabs Elena by the neck and slams her against the wall. "I only need one of you, so if you don't give me an answer and I crush her." He squeezes her neck as she struggles to breathe.

"It's in the tomb! Underneath the church ruins." I say. Not wanting to see my sister get hurt.

"Whats it doing there?" He asks.

"It's with Kathrine," I mutter.

"Interesting." He lets go of Elena, as shattering glass is heard. "What is that?" Elijah asks looking at Rose. "Who else is in this house?

"I don't know!" Rose yells. Elijah grabs Elena and I by our arms and tightly drags us along behind him. 

"Move!" He demands. As we enter what looks to be the foyer, he lets go of us, shoving us towards rose, as she stops us from stumbling. A gust of wind curls around us and a swoosh is heard. Damon.  

"Over here." Stefan teases.

"No over here." Damon then teases. I smile, they are here to help us. Ou of nowhere a weapon fires as it dives into Elijah's hand. Elijah stares at it for a second, before pulling it out. Suddenly, I'm pulled away and I am standing against a wall, in front of Damon, he places a finger on my lip to shush me I nod my head as he smiles, at me, knowing that i'm safe and awake.

"Excuse me!" Elijah says aloud. "To whom it may concern, you're making a great mistake if you think that you can beat me. You can't." He says with complete confidence in himself. "You hear that? I repeat, you cannot beat me. So I want the girls, on the count of 3 or heads will roll." I hear him snap something in half, "Do we understand each other?"

"I'll come with you." Elena states. "You only need one of us, and please don't her my friends. They are only trying to help me out." Nothing is said for a few moments.

"What game are you trying to play with me." The next thing I know, a massive boom is heard as well as shattering glass. I hear Elijah scream in pain for a few seconds, and when the screams stop I hear him panting. I don't know whats going on, but Damon hasn't let go of me yet. I hear gunshots go off, about ten to be exact. I hear crashes and bangs before Damon disappears. When everything becomes quiet. I walk around the corner to the foyer. Was I see Elijah with a stake in his heart. I see Rose appear, looking shocked at the fact he was killed. I see Damon attempt to go after her.

"Let her go." I repsond. Damon looks at me and smiles properly at me. I run over to Damon, my arms wrapping around him.

"I was so scared." He whispered in my ear. As he hugs me back,

"Me too Damon. Me too."

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