Chapter 21 - 12 Year Olds

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Episode 2x17:


As I open the polished wooden door, I hear the slight mutters of people talking in the kitchen.

"Elena, Jenna, is anyone home?" I yell out as I shut the door behind me. After... I killed Elijah, I felt like I needed to have a little, me time. When no one answers I follow the mummers into the kitchen, where I see a distraught Jenna, and an Angry Elena, as well as a black haired women sitting on a dinning table chair. "Hey whats going on?" Everyone looks at me, as well as the one women I have never wanted to kill more than ever. "Isobel." I grit my teeth. "You bitch." I go to attack her, but Elena runs over to me and pulls me back.

"Now is not the time Amara." Elena whispers to me.

"Now seems like the perfect time to me." I look over a Jenna who is watching this play out. My face softens as I look at her with sympathy.

"Jenna." I mutter. She has been crying, she still is, as tears roll down her face. I go to walk over to her to hug her but Jenna flinches away from me. I stop in my tracks, and look behind me to Isobel.

"You knew she was alive too?" Jenna cries. I turn back to her and give her a sad look, avoiding her eyes. "Ric, does he know she is alive too?" She says with doubt clear in her voice, when nor Elena or I answer, she comes to the conclusion. "John, did he know?" A tear rolls down my face as I do not want to answer her.

"Jenna I can explain everything." Elena worries.

"No," Jenna turns her back on us, and storms off into her room. Another tear drops.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to intrude." My fist curls in anger, as I sharply turn around to Isobel, who is slightly smirking in the chair. "You bitch!" I shout as I charge at her, reaching her and flat out slap her straight across the face." She looks taken back for a moment, before smirking. I storm past her and walk straight out the front door. Not looking back.


Episode 2x18:

As I approach the Salvatore house, I hear the voices of Damon and Stefan.

"Do you really think Bonnie can take on Klaus?" Damon asks Stefan. I look through the trees as I continue to walk forward. I watch, as Damon leans over the half brick wall just in front of the Entrance, looking out into the trees.

"She said she can channel enough of the witches power to kill him." Stefan places his hands on his hips. "Elijah thought that it would work and he was an original, so..." Damon stops leaning over the banister, and gives his famous brooding look.

"We just need to find him." Damon says walking closer to Stefan. I furrow my eyebrows, I killed Elijah. What?

"Yea." Stefan lets out a sigh, looking towards the house.

"Could she do one of those witch tracking spells?" Damon asks. Continuing to shuffle forward, pacing on the spot, not being able to stand still.

"Nope. Not without something that belongs to klaus." Stefan leans against the banister as he crosses his arms. "Believe me. I already asked." It is silent for a few moments. "Have you found Amara." Stefan asks, looking a Damon. Damon looks away from Stefan, avoiding eye contact. "I know you have been searching for her. You disappear at night, and you've been asking around."

"No, she wants to stay hidden. I don't blame her, after what happened with Jenna..." He pauses. "I just wish I could help her."

"Amara will show up when we need her, she always dose-" Both of them stop, as I step on a twig and it snaps. They both notice me and I smirk.

"What, need me now?" I ask. Stefan smiles, and lets out a little laugh as he shakes his head, but Damon remains neutral, not saying a word. We are interrupted by the opening of the door.

"Thank you, Mr. Henry." Elena says, shaking an older looking mans hand. He exits not saying a word. Damon and Stefan follow after her but they stop when they get to the door. I furrow my eyebrows.

"What are you guys doing?" I walk over to them. I push past them and enter the house. I'm ignored as Elena walks over to the door.

"I'm sorry. I completely forgot." She says giving a fake innocent smile, as she shakes her head. "Stefan, would you like to come inside my house?" She asks, gesturing towards the parlour.

"I would love to. Thank you." He replies, smiling back at her and entering the house.

"What are we, 12?" Damon scoffs.

"One of us is." Elena replies with a sassy look on her face.

"Elena i'm glad you're finally accepting who you are." I smirk. She turns around and gives me a slight glare after she rolls her eyes.

"If I let you in." She turns back to Damon. "Do you promise to obey the owner of this house?"

"No." He answers bluntly with a funny look on his face.

"Seriously Damon." She pauses, as Damon looks away frustrated. "My way. You promised. I call the shots. No lies, no secret agendas. Remember?" Damon looks at Stefan.

"We should have choose the other twin." He says to Stefan. Elena crosses her arms, and says nothing giving a very stern look. "Yes Elena," Damon rolls his eyes. "Sure." He says leaning against the door.

"Then please, do come in." She smirks, as he walks into the house.

"Its okay Damon, 12 year olds, do develop brains after a while. Just this one needs a little more help." I pout at Elena, mocking her. She turns her back and walks off after Stefan. Just like her to run off.

990 Words.

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