Chapter 14 - Nightmare

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I still remain in the foyer. My legs shaking and my heart beating so fast. Silent tears roll down my face, as my mind still sees the now dead Rose, implanted in my memory. Damon took Rose to get rid of her body, and I can just tell how much it is affecting, more then he leads on. I don't even notice that Damon has walked back into this death riddle house, until the door slams behind him, making me jump in fear. He walks towards the cabinet where he keeps his bourbon. Without saying a word he pours two classes. Handing me one as he takes a seat next to me.

"I'm surprised you're still here." He says, taking a sip of his drink.

"I had to stay. She was my friend." I simply answer. He slouches down, creating a dip in the couch. We stay silent. It wasn't awkward. It was as though we were silently paying our respects, all we could hear was the crackling of the fire, coming from the fireplace across the room.

"You should go home." He breaks the silence. I turn my head towards him.

"What?" I shake my head. "No."

"I'm fine Amara. Tomorrow is a whole new day. You'll be fine and soon this will all be but a distant memory." He says, drowning his sorrows.

"Damon, I'm... I'm... your friend. Friends ALWAYS know when the other is hurting. I know when you are hurting." I said, placing my drink on the floor and then slowly resting my hand on top of his. He removes his hand from underneath mine almost instantly.

"What do you want to hear? That I cared about her? That I am upset?" He pauses. His face gives me all the emotion I need from him. He feels abandoned. My heart shatters for him.

"Damon. I know your upset. Stop putting up this stupid wall and acting like your not hurt. I know you are! Just let me in Damon!" I yell. He doesn't respond. Instead, he just stares at me.

"It sucks. Okay! It's sucks!" He snaps back. "They were after me! That was supposed to be me. Tyler's werewolf friend was after me!" He gets quieter with every word. Another tear falls down my face.

"Damon. It's not your fault." I say reaching my hand out for his again. He pushes it away and stands up.

"Yes, it is Amara!" He throws the glass at the fireplace and the shards of glass splatter everywhere. I stand up and grab his arm.

"Damon! Damon!" I yell as he breathes heavily, panting, looking like he could throw a car through a wall. "Damon!" I put an extra hand on his arm, and finally, he turns and looks at me, a single tear, falling down his cheek. I pull him in and embrace him. Not letting go, not wanting to let him go.


"Hi, Amara." Say a voice that I would love to never hear again. Uncle John is my dad's asshole brother. He is the reason why the tomb vampires and nearly Damon and I were burnt to death. Let's just say, me and the rest of my family, all have axes to grind with him.

"John." I simply state grabbing a mug from the shelf and pouring myself some coffee, with no emotion aiming towards that stupid bastard. Uncle John does the same thing. He turns the tv on and on pops Mayor Lockwood.

"Due to the current tragedies, that have plagued our town, we will be holding a memorial in the town square today. To honor all those we have lost. Join us in hopes that as a community, we can begin to heal." She speaks to the crowd of news reports and audience. I snatch the remote from John and turn the tv off.

"Morning." Uncle John says, speaking to a stomping Elena.

"What are you doing here?" She grits her teeth.

"Coffee?" He offers, ignoring her question.

"We're not doing that. We did that last night. No more avoiding. Why are you here?" She presses, clearly having enough of his shit.

"I'm here to protect the two of you." He said looking between us.

"Hey. Don't bring me into this." I say placing my mug down upon the kitchen top. I walk past Elena, heading towards the front door.

"Don't start with that. What are your interior motives?" She asks.

"I'll tell you more when I am convinced I can trust you." He shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Trust is a two-way street, John." I leave my final words of wisdom, picking up my house keys, before I exit the household.


I snuck into the Salvatore house. Not really needing to talk to either of them, but right now, I don't want to be at home in the middle of a John and Elena war. I pour myself some bourbon and take a sip. Ahhh. My silence is short-lived when two hands grab me from behind.

"Doppelganger." A low husky voice says. I struggle to get the hands away when, a young woman, whom I recognized as one of Tyler's wolf friends, stands in front of me. "Your friends have something I want." She gives me an evil smile. Before snapping my wrist. I scream, but due to the hands on my mouth, the sounds are muffled. "You're coming with us." She nods, before places a hand on top of whoever else is holding me, slowly suffocating me, knocking me out.


I wake with a gasp of fear. Sweat dripping down my face. My head pounding with thoughts. I groan in pain. What scares me more, is a man, who is sitting directly across from the cage that I have seemed to be placed in, almost as though I am an animal. He holds a pistol. I look at the lock dangling from the cage, knowing that there is no chance in hell that I am going to break it. I move to the back of the cage, as far away from the man as I can get.

"I got lots of plain bullets." He stares into space, smiling evilly. "I got a knife." He threatened, picking up the kitchen knife that is placed next to him. I sob. This is my worst nightmare. "Its gonna be a long night for you sweet pea." He says before grabbing my leg with a tight grip. As much as I pulled, he was stronger. He was a wolf, and with all of that power, he held my leg and slightly cut a long strip down my calf.

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