Chapter 10 - Ash

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"Okay so let me get this straight between the timeline of the week I was unconscious due to the Cherif Fobes bad life choices, to the moment Rose kidnapped us. You're saying that, Tyler inherited a werewolf curse, that recently was trigged because he accidentally killed Sarah, because Matt failed to aggravate Tyler to kill him. They both tried to get themselves killed by Tyler because Kathrine compelled them too, because she wants another werewolf in the game to give to Klaus when he comes to town. While this was all happening, you were able to trap Kathrine in the Tomb and seal it with a spell to keep her from escaping but somehow the moonstone is with her because Kathrine always has something to bargain with. Then Damon recklessly killed Mason and you guys made it seem like he was going back to Cali, but Now his girlfriend is down here saying how Mason never made it back to Cali, so now the Cherif has got the town on a manhunt for him." I pace in the Salvatore house, in front of the two boys. "Why isn't Elena telling me this, where the hell is she?" I yell. Damon and Stefan look at me like I'm some sort of psychopath. I stop pacing and stand right in front of them. "Stop staring at me and say something!" I yell.

"We don't know where she is?" Stefan responds.

"Way to state the obvious Stefan," Damon mutters.

"Look I'm gonna go home and look for my sister, while you too sit on your thumbs." I storm out of the house. I know that I shouldn't be mad at them but I need to take out my built up stress on someone and it might as well be them, because I'll know they'll forgive me.

Just as I go to leave, Rose enters the room.

"What the hell is she doing here?" I exclaim. Rose looks a bit shocked, at the amount of screaming that is coming from me. You know what I can't deal with this. When you guys actually come up with something, come and find me.


I walk alongside Matt as we had towards Tyler at school. As much as I would love to be with Elena and Stefan dealing with Rose. *Note Sarcasm*.

"Hey Man, how you doing?" Matt says walking towards Tyler. Tyler looks at me and smiles, I smile back. He looks at Matt again.

"Good, you?" Tyler shortly answers. Boys. They always complain about how girls are so dramatic, I mean, seriously, boys are meant to be the I punch you, you punch me, we even kind. I roll my eyes at them.

"I'm pissed at myself for picking a fight with you man." Matt caves. Tyler stiffens slightly at the memory of what happened. I can tell that both of the boys are reluctant to talk about what happened. "And I feel guilty about what happened to Sarah. I mean... I've been dogging you for days cause I didn't know what to say to you." Matt shakes. If I didn't know him any better, I would say that he could cry at any moment.

"Don't worry about it, man." Tyler calmly says. Something in my can see how distant Tyler is making himself from Matt. I know that they both don't how to exactly say any of it. It's a horrible situation to talk about.

"I am really sorry. Please know that." Matt sighs. Tyler only nods in answer. Some of me wants to attack Tyler for being such an asshole towards Matt, but I know that I just have to ignore it for Matt's sake. Matt and I continue walking towards the school.

"It's okay Matty," I say grabbing his arm, linking it with mine and resting my head on his shoulder.

"Matt?" Caroline says, I instantly stand up straight.

"Hey," Matt replies.

"How are you?" Caroline asks. This is starting to feel very awkward, and with the stares of our peers, looking right into our souls, you just now that there was a little bit of tension between them too.

"I--I've been better," Matt mutters in reply. Caroline doesn't say anything in response. Matt looks at me, his eyes begging for help.

"Sorry to interrupt, but we gotta go to class." Before Caroline could answer, I drag Matt away. I look at Matt. "You owe me."

"I just don't know what to say to her. It's awkward." Matt answers.

"You just need to get the cuts to really talk to her." I elbow him. "Grow some." I laugh. He gives me a slight laugh but I can tell his mind is elsewhere.


I stand among the Salvatore boys and Bonnie, as she tries to commence a spell to open the tomb and to hopefully weaken Kathrine. I hope she is able to complete the spell, but there is something in me that has a very bad feeling about all of it, it so much power. Bonnie shuts her eyes as she starts to commence her voodoo magic. She starts muttering Latin as the picture of Kathrine lights on fire. I take a step back, as it makes me jump.

"What exactly are you doing?" Damon asks.

"I can turn this into ash." She points at the picture of Kathrine, that once belonged to her. "We can weaken her when we blow the ashes on her, and I'll Incapacitate her for a minute or two. Long enough for one of you two, to get the stone and get out."

"And what if it doesn't work," I ask Bonnie.

"It will." She simply answers. I raise my eyebrows at her. Stefan walks away, Damon following behind.

"Better get the torches, that tomb is gonna be dark," Stefan says. I walk towards Damon.

"Please be careful," I mutter to him. I see Stefan look at me in the corner of my eye. "You two Stefan." He nods his head and continues backing a few things into a bag.

"Alaric's stake gun's are in my trunk. Bonnie?" He asks, almost like asking permission to leave.

"Go ahead. I'm almost done." She says, not taking her eyes away from her spell. I see Jeremy watch as I stay behind as the two Salvatores leave the room.

"What are you doing?" He turns to her, trying to whisper. I watch as he grabs her upper arm lightly. She tries to shush him her head looking towards my direction as I try my best to make it look like I can't hear their conversation. "You're not strong enough." Bonnie puts her finger to my brother's lip. Its weird, and I can feel the moment from over here. What the hell is going on between those two?

"I'll be fine." She promises. But everyone knows that you shouldn't make promises you might not keep.

(A/N I know that this is a really crappy chapter. It will get better.)

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