Chapter 13 - Nausea

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I exit the school with a huff. That bitch. I turn my attention to the distant police officers, talking into there radios, and what seems to be Damon and Liz looking over a body with blood leaking from their neck. Damon looks up and glances over in my direction before leaving Liz and the remaining officers to look after the scene.

"Damon, what happened?" I ask him.

"Rose, she got out, she's gone on a rampage." He says. He is looking around, he is not fully paying attention to my presence. 

"Why would Rose do this I thought she was on our side?" I look at the floor shaking my head. It doesn't make any sense. She said she wanted to help us.

"Its the bite, it's affecting her." He answered his mind still not in the conversation. 

"What bite?" I confusingly ask him. This time he actually looks at me. 

"The wolf bite..." He answers, looking at me, very confused.

"What wolf bite?" I ask.

"Elena said she'd tell you about it. She said she'd ring you." Damon informs me. I sigh.

"Of course she said that." I paused. I am definitely going to have words with her. "Whats wrong with rose?"

"When the dog bit her, it poisoned her, she is slowly dying. She's going to be dead soon." He stops talking. I take in the response. "The wolf bite is making her slowly go insane. She confusing reality with Deja vu." My stomach drops. How horrible. I would hate that so much. Damon's head takes a sudden peak, as he starts to hurriedly look around, before zooming off towards the carpark.

"Damon!" I yell after him, chasing him to the carpark. When I finally see him, he is hovering over a crazed Rose, who is trying to thrush Damon off of her.

"Rose! Rose! Stop!" He yells at her. A young blonde is bleeding from her neck, blood splattering everywhere, but she does not move. Another dead. She continues to fight him back, but Damon is able to keep her down. "Rose, its Damon! It's Damon. It's Damon." He repeated, each getting quieter. I watch as Rose starts to settle down. She stops fighting him and she looks at him with fearful and confused eyes. Almost as though she had come out of a trance.

Damon slowly gets off of her, as she begins to rise. She glances at me for a few seconds before her eyes find the blonde. She starts to cry and hyperventilate.

"Did I do this?" She cries out. Covering her mouth with her hand. When neither of us answer, Rose starts to belt down with tears. "No. I didn't mean to. I didn't mean to. No. I didn't mean to hurt anyone. I never wanted to hurt anybody." I feel my own tears slip down my face, as I watch her pour her heart out. She is in panic mode.

"I know you didn't. It's okay." Damon says pulling her hair out of her face. I glance at the two, and watch as Damon carefully helps her up and takes her into his arm as she cries. This is the Damon that I like. This is the Damon that I want.


For the last hour, all Elena and I could hear was the screams and cries coming from Damon's room. She was in so much pain, all she wanted was for it to end. I couldn't help but cry. I know that Damon cared for her, and I know that both he and I shared a soft spot for Rose. Someone who loved their sibling so much, even when they got into arguments, they still wanted to protect them, we could understand that. Out of everyone, I know that he will take her death the hardest.

"I need to talk to her." Elena stands from the couch after the last hour of her nonstop whining about the screams. 

"Elena no," I say to her. I'm not really paying that much attention to her. I know that Rose will not want to be interrogated before she departs. I want her to die in peace. 

"We need answers, and the only person that has them is about to die!" She yells at me, pointing upstairs to were the screams are coming from. Having enough I stand up and glare at her, looking her directly in her eyes. 

"Stop being Selfish!" I scream. She looks taken back by my harsh words. "Elena she is dying. I know that she is our last source of information but I don't care. Elena can't you hear her. Her screams are echo throughout the house like chiming bells. She is scared, she is sick, she doesn't need you up there right now." I huff. Tears are just streaming from my eyes. 

"Why do you care? I mean, I'm surprised your not happy she's gone. Everyone can tell that you want to get in Damon's pants, and the only thing that stood in your way is dying. I mean, it's not like you really care, is it?" She muttered. Instead of answering her, I just landed her with a big fat red handprint across her face. 

"You-are-a-bitch." I flat out tell her. 

The screams stop. 

I can no longer hear the screams of pain echoing in the house. There is just nothing. I fall onto the couch as I let tears stream down my face. Poor Rose. To have her life taken away like that, from under her feet. I whimper in shock. Omg. Elena slowly walks out the door, not saying a single word of empathy.

A wave of nausea hit me, but it only lasted a few seconds. The sudden realization of the world that I have been placed in, and the death that seemed to follow us around. A place they I would have never wanted to be involved in, has become some that has swallowed me hole and made me someone who I never wanted to become. The death that surrounded me was my own doing. I was too selfish to see past the fact that these people that I cared about were dropping like flies around me because I was scared to die at the hands of a Supernatural being. I was the problem. It was my fault that she died, and everyone knew it. They just didn't want to say it. 

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