Chapter 6 - Love

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Elena's P.O.V    -     (Only happening one-time for dramatic effect, Maybe)

I run towards my sister's screams. Please, don't be dead. Please. I rush around the corner and see Caroline draped over my sister who seems to be laying on the floor out cold. I gasp. Caroline's head shoots towards me. 

"Omg, Elena, please I didn't mean it, I didn't want this to happen." She cries. I run over to my sister.

"Omg, omg." I reach down and touch her pulse. Its there but its very weak. I see Damon out of the corner of my eye go to stab her. "Damon. No!" I scream. He stops and looks at me. He looks at the floor, and he drops the stake. His face draining of colour, his mouth wide open. He just stares at her. Stefan vamps over to Damon, holding him back, where did he come from? I stare at my sister. "She needs blood, she's weak, but she is still there." Damons eyes glimmer for a second with hope, he really does like her. I hear footsteps behind me, I turn around, and see a confused Bonnie. She looks at my sister and takes a sharp inhale. She looks petrified, she looks at Caroline, seeing the poor girl, helpless and scared, blood dripping from her chin. 

"Caroline," she nervously stutters. Stefan lets go of Damon and walks over to Caroline. He grabs her by the shoulders and pushes her forward slightly.

"Come one, let's go clean you up," He says kindly. He hugs her slightly. She starts walking, her head down in shame.

"No... no.." Bonnie mutters to herself. "You're not.... You can't be." She runs over to Caroline and grabs her tightly around the wrist. Bonnie stiffens up. Caroline finally looks at Bonnie, tears with a mixture of blood trail down her chin. 

"Bonnie?" Caroline cries. Bonnie slowly moves back shaking her head and letting go of Caroline. "I....I...I." She creeks out. Bonnie looks at my sister who is lying on the floor. 

"Oh my god," Bonnie lets out. Running to her side. She kneels in front of her. "Amara." She whispers.

"Bonnie." Caroline cries out. I feel bad, for the both of them, for someone reason, I don't think it's kicked yet. Bonnie feels for her pulse. 

"You need to feed her blood," Bonnie says, not daring to look at any of us. "She's dying." Damon vamps over to Amara's side. He bites into his wrist and shoves it into her mouth. 

"Come, Amara, drink." He worriedly asks her. He sighs of relief when she starts drinking his blood. I watch as her neck starts to heal. I sigh. Thank god. Bonnie stands up, but Damon doesn't move, he silently kneels next to my sisters. Not engaging in our conversation. I push Stefan and Caroline away to clean her up. I need to calm Bonnie down.

"I can't believe this is happening," Bonnie says looking at my sister. She turns around to me. He faces wet with the tears. Damon gets up and walks over to me. 

"She's going to be alright." He informs me. I can tell he is relieved. Damon starts screaming next to me, clutching his head. I look at Bonnie. She looks at a hose in the far distance, it starts going over, spraying water everywhere. It slowly forms a massive puddle, that has a trail leading straight for Damon.

"I told you what would happen if anyone else got hurt." Bonnie threatened.

"I didn't this." He screams out in pain. 

"Bonnie, this wasn't his fault." I defend him. I may not agree with his methods but, Amara cares for him, I'm going to do what she would.

"Everything that happens is his fault, Elena," She says. Damon continues to cry out in pain.

"Bonnie, what are you doing?" I say looking at the trail of water, slowly head towards Damon. My question is answered the water burst into flames. I gasp for the hundredth time today. "Bonnie stop! Bonnie!" The fire reaches Damon's legs and his pants catch on fire. He screams even louder, hitting his legs, attempting to put it out. "Bonnie stop it, your gonna kill him!" I yell. She doesn't even pay attention to me. I look at the fire. Crap. I run at the fire and take a leap of faith to the other side. I run straight to Bonnie and shake her. The spell stops, and the fire is put out. 

"Why did you do that, I nearly had him," She says, tears dripping down her face.

"Becuase she loves him, and he loves her, and she would never forgive you. I'm saving you from making a horrible decision." We look over Damon, to see him, breathing. I wrap my arms around Bonnie as she cries out into my arms. I just rub her back and hug her. I look at my sister, who still hasn't awaken yet. I hope she does soon. Bonnie sobs into my shoulder. This is going to be a long night, and however long it takes for my sister to wake up.

A/N: Hey guys I know this is short but, that is the only part I need to write about Elena so.... YEA. Bye.

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