Chapter 11 - Immediate Circle

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I walk up the porch steps towards my house.

"Thank you for saving my sister today, and now walking me home," I say turning to him.

"Well someone has to help save your sister from her suicide mission." He smirks at me, as we stop before the door. "Rose ran off again. She came back to just run away again when things got tough."

"She was scared Damon, she didn't mean too." I sigh. Elijah could scare anyone. I mean he is literally 1000 years old. He knows more about this world than anyone. The oldest man alive.

"Yes she did mean to run, she's been running for over 500 years." Damon looked away.

"I just can't believe Elijah's still alive, I mean, you killed him. He should be dead, and I mean before he was trying to bring us to this Klaus as a sacrifice, but from what you're telling me, he helped save Elena." I rant to him.

"If I had a dollar every time some evil vampire surprised me..." He stared at me. I walked towards the door as the midnight air hit my face, it was refreshing. Damon grabbed my arm and swung me around to turn to him.

"What your sister did today was incredibly stupid, and while your sister will say its heroic, it's not. Amara, I swear, if you even attempt to sacrifice yourself to save your sister, I'll kill you myself, or I'll lock your ass away for the next century." Damon was dead serious, I could see it on his face.

"Damon if there is one thing that I am not, it's my sister, but that does not mean that I would not do anything for her. She is my sister. I would do anything to protect her." I pull my arm away from his grip. "And I would hope you would understand." I look him straight at him. "I need you to understand Damon." We stare at each other and I feel the urge to kiss him again, just one more inch closer. As his eyes glance at my lips and our heads getting closer, I can feel the heat rise to my cheeks, until the front door opens.

"Uh. Amara." Jeremy stutters. I sigh as I back away from him.

"Whats wrong Gilbert." Damon doesn't even look at him, I can feel his eyes still on me.

"Stefan. He tried to save me, and got himself locked into the tomb." Jeremy scratched his neck where a band-aid was placed to stop his bite mark from bleeding any more. My mind instantly drifts to Elena. I looked at Damon, I could see the confused look on his face.

"I need to see Stefan," Damon says, looking away from me and heading back to his car.

"Damon I'm coming with you." I insist. He stops and looks at Jer.

"Keep her here." He demands. I turn to Jer and watch him nod.

"Damon no."

"I'll be fine." He finishes as he opens the car door and drives away.


I watch as Elena twirls the moonstone around in her hands, as Bonnie sits on Elena's bed.

"Now that you've got this back, what are you gonna do with it?" Elena asks Bonnie, as she inspects the stone.

"I say we flush it down the toilet and let it float away. Unless Klaus wants to go for a little... toilet run. I don't think will be seeing it any time soon." I smirk. I mean it's true. Who would want to stink like that, it would ruin our clothes and get your hair. Eww. Elena rolls her eyes, and continues to pay attention to Bonnie.

"Well, we know this is what binds the sun and the moon curse. If I can figure out a way to remove the spell from the stone, the moonstone just becomes a stone." She shrugs. 

"And according to Kathrine, Klaus becomes vengeful." Elena raises her eyebrows at Bonnie.

"Maybe... If he finds out." Bonnie fires back.

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