Chapter 26 - Yes

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Episode 2x20


Damon lies on his bed, almost like he is paralysed, he doesn't try to move because every movement for him hurts. I have a towel in my hand and I try to wipe away all of the sweat but I can't. I place towel on the beside table and I just sit next to him. I can't believe this is happening. Why does this have to happen.

I grab onto Damons sweaty hand and I hold it tight. He opens his eyes looks dead at me, his pale face still becoming lighter and lighter.

"Damon, you have to fight just a bit longer. Stefan says he has got a cure okay, you just need to wait for him to get here." I climb onto the bed and sit on top of him.

"Amara get out of here." He groans in response, trying to push me off I shake my head as a tear falls down my cheek.

"If I have to hold you down myself, I will. I need you Damon, I need you, you have to hold on." I say, more tears falling down my face. "Damon!" I shake him. I can tell he is awake, he is just to tired to response. I start to ball my eyes out. There is nothing I can do to stop this. I get off him and slide down next to him. Our faces close together.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"You don't have to be sorry, just please promise me you'll try to hang on for just a little bit more." I say. He nods at me and little part of me is relieved. I feel one of his hands move and it starts to rise up towards my face. He pushes some strands of hair out of my face and I smile at him. I can't help it as he leans in. Tears fall down my face and onto my lips and I can taste the salt from each one but, I don't deny it this time, and when our lips touch, I am filled with fireworks. Its magical and I just hope that this can happen again. I pull away from him and look him in the eyes. "Damon please, I need you in my life. My story with you hasn't finished there is still hope. Please, I can't lose someone else I love." I shake my head, gripping onto his shirt.

"You just said you loved me. I love you too." He smiled.

"I do love you Damon, and you deserve to live." I respond to him. Damon grabs onto my face and holds it.

"Amara. I'm IN love with you." He says. I sit there shocked, do I love him too? Do i feel this way about him too? The short answer....


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