Chapter 7 - Told Ya

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Out of all the people on this plant, I am just a tiny dot, on a massive spinning sphere, rotating around a ball of flames, that gives us light. Just as harmful as it is good. It can burn down massive buildings, have catastrophic consequences. I believe everyone is put on this earth to have a purpose, to help others, to shine there only light, while others just burn, being harmful, just as others are good.

Caroline bit me, and I'm just laying here, but really, what safe place do I have to go. Katherine has been invited in, the salvators are just an open invitation for the undead. I don't have a safe place to land. I hurt the people I love most. The person I love most. I destroyed Damon. I want to kiss him, tell him how much I love him. I'm just like Kathrine, I'm destroying his humanity.

"Amara," I hear Him say, sadness in his voice. "I need you, I miss you, I ... I love you. Please wake up, wake up!" I feel like my body is tossing and turning, but I know it isn't. I know it's Damon, it couldn't be anyone else, the rough but softness in his voice. He needs me and all I can do is lay here like an idiot. I'm never gonna see Damon. This is a bad outcome to a horror movie. Wake up, wake up, wake up!!

My eyes shoot open and I sit up abruptly, panting like no one's business. I look around the dark and empty room. No one. Have I been hearing things?

"Miss, Miss, are you okay." A woman from outside the room, rushing over to my side.

"I'm... I'm fine. Thank you." I smile. She looks down at me smiling apologetically before walking out of the room.


"Aunt Jenna, I'm fine, I promise." I smile as we walk through the door as she guides me to the couch.

"Hey its only been a few days since you woke up, I'd rather be safe than sorry." She says as I grab onto the couch, sitting down. I laugh at her. "Elena, can you come down here please, I need you to look after Amara while I go out for a minute!" She yells out.

"Jenna, I don't need a babysitter," I complain.

"Fine, consider it as sister bonding time." She shrugs, walking away as Elena's feet come plonking down the stairs. I sigh. She sits in front of me as Jenna opens the door. "Have fun!" she yells as she shuts the door behind her. We sit in silence.

"How's Damon?" I say, lifting my head to face her.

"He's fine." She bluntly answers.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"He is leaving for the public park opening, down near the falls." She answers.

"We need to go," I say trying to stand up.

"Woah, hey, you can't leave," She says, trying to stop me.

"Yes, I can."


"Amara, hey!" A voice yells out to me. I turn around to see a man running up to me. I stop in my tracks. "I don't believe we've met. My name is Mason, Tyler's my nephew."

"Amara." I reach out my hand to shake his. His grip was firm and sturdy. 

"You know, your boyfriend tried to kill me last night." He muttered. I stand there slightly confused.

"Who?" I ask

"Damon. He thought silver would work, idiot." He rolled his eyes.

"Damon's not my boyfriend." I defend. He gives me a deadly glare. I try to walk away, but he grabs onto my arm and pulls me back. I try to tug my arm away, but he won't let go. "Let go of me." I continue to tug.

"I just thought, he tried to kill me, its only best that I drag his girlfriend away and dump her dead body in a lake, but then I remembered how close you were with Tyler, so maybe I'll just rough you up instead, leave you with a few bruises." He says staring straight at me, I try to pull my arm away again.

"You're crazy," I argue. I gasp as his grasp tightens. I wince in pain. "Let go of me!" I scream. I see peoples heads turn towards us as he lets go of my arm. I look at it and see red handprints from where his hands once were. I look around trying to find Damon but I can't find him anywhere, as a matter of fact, I can't find Stefan either. 

I walk away from Mason as I look around for another 20 minutes before I spot Elena and Caroline walking up a hill, right to the top. I make my way over to them. 

"What's going on?" I ask, curious.

"Something's wrong." Caroline answers. I look at her, as she watches her mum walk up the street and something in the pit of my stomach starts to rumble. "Oh no." She mumbles.

"What's wrong Caroline?" I question, actually nervous about the answer.

"Stefan and Damon." She mumbles as she takes off, running into the bush. Elena and I try to keep up with her but fail as we attempt to follow her. We catch up to Caroline again as she starts to bend down, taking a specific interest in a leaf. She reaches out and touches it, and when she pulls away her fingers are red. Blood.

"What are you three doing out here?" A booming voice says. We spin around to see Mason. 

"We could ask you the same question Mason." Elena snarky voice answers. "Have you seen Stefan?"

"Yea, I've seen him, Elena." He answers, shrugging, not giving us an answer as he takes a step towards us, as we take one back. "I saw Damon too." He looks at me. I glare at him.

"Where are they?" Elena asks. 

"You don't need me for that." He pause walking towards us again, looking between Elena and I. "I let your friend sniff them out." He says nodding at Caroline. "Does your mother know what you are?" He asks her. "I would be happy to tell her." Caroline tries to go at him but he grabs Elena and puts her into a choke hold. I swear, I'm gonna kill him myself

"Don't be stupid, necks snap easily around here. Plus. I don't like her very much." Mason warns us. I put my hands into a fist.

"I swear Mason if you hurt her..." I threaten. He just looks at me, smiling.

"I can take you," Caroline says.

"You wanna bet?" He laughs.

"Yeah, I do." She answers as she vamps over to him, kicking him up against a tree, and pinning him to it. She then throws him against another tree. "Told ya." She smirks at him as he whimpers.

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