Chapter 28 - Till Its Gone

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Episode 2x22

'You don't know what you have got, till it's gone'

I never realised how true that saying is. Looking down at Damon and seeing how close to the brink of death he is, it truely scares me. I don't want to lose him, and everything I said to him is true. I'm going to be alive for hundreds or years, and I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle it without him. I don't think I could live off Stefan's bunny munchies, and I trust that Damon knows whats best. Snatch, eat, erase. Stefan can't teach me that.

I lie next to Damon, holding his hand, comforting him. I can't explain all the emotions running through my head right now. He can barely keep his eyes open, his body is almost lifeless, and I can't deal with seeing him this way much longer. 

"Am Interrupting something?" Elena says from behind me. I roll my eyes and turn around, but who I see is not Elena, instead I am greeted by the devilish smirk of Katherine. I roll off the bed and stand in front of it, slowly walking towards her. "I mean, i'm the one who brought the cure." She says, holding up a vial full of blood. I stare at her shocked as she pushes past me. 

"You got free." Damon barely gets out, his voice shaky and horse. She leans down to Damon and takes the cork off the top and starts to pour it into his mouth.

"Yep finally." She answers, tipping the bottle back and putting the vial on the bedside table. 

"And you came here anyway." He said, still lying down. Katherine places her hand on his check.

"I figured I owed you one." She says, slapping his cheek a little. She gets off the bed and I watch as she walks to the door way. "I wouldn't wait up on Stefan though," She says smirking. "He is paying for that." She points to the vial. "He gave himself over to Klaus, I wouldn't expect him anytime soon.

"What do you mean he gave himself over?" I ask her confused. Damn it Stefan.

"He just sacrificed everything to save his brother, including Elena." She shrugged her shoulders. I looked at the floor. Elena. What am I gonna tell her. I looked at her gobsmacked, I really didn't know what to say to her. "Its a good thing you have Damon to keep you company, but poor little Elena, she won't have anyone." Katherine pouts. "Goodbye Amara." She finishes walking out of the room. I don't reply to her, instead I look back at Damon, who starts to sit up and looks like his got a little more life in him. He looks just as shocked and confused as I am.


Elena sits across from me as we talk in her room, how am i meant to tell her? how does one do that? I clear my throat and Elena stops talking..

"Elena I have something to tell you." I say, fully invoking her attention. "Stefan.... Stefan... Stefan-"

"What about Stefan?" She cuts me off. 

"Stefan left with Klaus so he could save Damon." I blurt out quickly, Elena doesn't respond this time and I just stare at her. I'm trying to see whats going on in her head right now, but I can't figure it out. "And he won't be coming back for a while." I say quietly, almost in a whisper, nervous for her reaction. She still doesn't say anything, but I see a tear roll down her face. I don't even hesitate to change my position. I immediately move and sit next to her cradling her, as she lets out small sobs. Stefan were are you? 

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