Chapter 15 - Death

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The man sits there, humming to himself as Jules comes crashing into the rustic caravan trailer on MY phone to someone. 

"He needs proof." She said, speaking directly to whoever this man is. He turns to me, with a crazy look in his eyes, without a care in the world, pulls out a gun, and shoots me in the arm.

"AHH! STOP. PLEASE." I scream louder than I ever have before. I've never been more scared to die in my life. Especially this way, before I get to say goodbye. The fear has always been there, knowing that, one moment I could be living, breathing, but the next, I could be just gone. Ever since my parents died, I've only just become increasingly more and more afraid of it. My only positive thought is it's better me than my friends, then Elena. Without another word, Jules turns around and leaves the trailer, shutting the door behind her, leaving me and the man again.

"Come on sweetie, don't cry." He speaks through his gritted teeth as he gives me a wide grin, grabbing onto my leg. 

"Please... no." I whimper, not much left in me to fight. He leans forward, getting closer to me.

"As long as your friends do as we say, you won't get hurt... well anymore then you already are." He lets go of my leg before slumping back in his chair. "Let's hope they know what's good for you, Yea?" 


Nothing. That's what I hear. The silence of the world, the quietness of death slowly approaching me. The wound in my arm, still bleeding. Dripping, Getting worse as the clock ticks down, to the showdown that I know is inevitable between the Salvators and the wolf pack. I hope they know what they are doing, seeing as you know, my life depends on it. I sit in the cage continuing to suppress the pain, and the cries inside. As the man swings his legs of a chair he had been laying across on, and faces me. 

"So... how many vampires are in this town?" He crouches down in front of me, his head slightly tilted. I avoid his gaze, not daring to look at him. He waits for my answer, but I do not budge. The last thing I want is for anyone I care about to get hurt, or worse killed. He just smirks and shakes his head slightly, knowing that I'm not going to give him, the answer he seeks. Instead of asking again, he picks up a kitchen knife, a very sharp knife. I look at him with bleeding eyes. As he forcefully grabs my legs and yanks me towards him, before plunging the knife into my calf. He does not remove it, however, instead he holds me still as he twists the knife ever so slowly.

"Please! Stop! I beg!" I whimper, tears streaming down my wrinkle face. Never had I felt so much pain before. I squeal and whine. He stops moving and lets go of the knife, still not removing it from my leg. I watch as he stands up and turns around to go back to his chair. "Why are you doing this to me?" I saying kicking the cage with my other leg in anger, with gritted teeth. "Why are you doing this to me? Why?" I sob more instead of with anger this time, as I huddle closer to the corner of the cage, latching onto it and holding tight, almost like I'm wishing for it to provide me comfort.

"Cause your friends with Vampires." He laughs. "I want to send them a message." He reaches out for my leg again, grabbing it and pulling it roughly towards him. "And why not?" He shrugs, before ripping the knife out of my leg, causing me to jolt upwards in pain, screaming. He looks at me as I squirm. "Sorry, what was that?" He laughs, watching me as I cry.

"Get Me Out!" I scream, hoping for just one person to hear. One person to help me.

"Excuse me? What was that?" He repeats watching me, as I kick the cage and pull on the cage, just hoping for something to collapse, or break, or something to just get me out of here. I thrash around in anger and pain.

"Let me out!" I sob. Stopping as I hug myself, cradling in fear. Laughing at me, he turns his back and leaves. I can hear the slightly muffled voices through the open door but I can't make out any words. I don't know how long I can put up with this. I just hope that my friends get here soon. I'm just about ready to give up


When I hear more muffled voices my head peaks up. While I'm sure I am slowly bleeding to death, and that me moving isn't going to help the situation, I grab onto the bars and start shaking them. 

"Damon! Stefan! Help." Dry tears are smudged on my face, as my hair hangs low, blocking some of my vision. I hear footsteps enter the caravan as it starts to shake as I hear banging on the outside of it. I flick my hair out of my face and see Tyler staring at me. He doesn't do anything. "Tyler! Help me please..." My voice is raspy and sore, from all the screaming and crying but I still continue to beg. "There is a latch there" I point. "Please." He doesn't move. He gives me a blank expression. He looks outside, hesitating. "Tyler! Seriously. I'm bleeding to death, I got no time for your do I, don't I moments. Open the fricken cage and get me out of here!" I yell. He flinches before sighing and running over to me.

He opens the cage as I pull myself out. I don't thank him, he stands looking at me bewildered. I grab his arm and yank myself up off the ground. I stand on one leg, attempting to not put pressure on the wounded one.

"Amara..." He starts.

"Don't Tyler." I don't need his excuses or his help. I hop out of the Caravan to see Stefan and Damon lying on the floor, as one of their pack members points a gun at them. "No!" I yell. Everyone's heads turn to me as I hobble on one foot. Jules runs over to me, and grabs my arm, pulls it behind my back and slams me against the caravan, hitting my shoulder into the caravan. Pointing a loaded gun into my back. "Arhhh." I hiss, wincing from the pain. Tyler steps out of the van and looks down to me. I give him pleading eyes, but once again he just stares at me. Tyler's eyes flick to Jules and then back to me, knowing he has to choose, but he doesn't know who, but its pretty obvious to me. I look over to see one of Jules' men pick up a stake and aim it towards Damon's chest. "No!" I cry out. It was the guy from before. He smirks at me before looking back at Damon and drawing back his hands to stab him, but just as he is about to plunge, all of the pack start screaming and crying out in pain dropping to the floor like flies. I watch them all as they go one by one. "What's happening?" I manage to get out.

"What the hell is going on?" Tyler mutters as he watches everyone drop. I see a man slowly approaching with his hands out wide. Jonas Martin. Stefan struggles up to get onto his feet, but I watch as Damon rolls around in pain. I hop my way over to him, ignoring the pain as I drop beside him.

"Damon." I shake him. He opens his eyes and looks at me. He holds his arm tight as I look to his shoulder and see a bullet hole. I reach towards it. "I'm sorry," I mutter before digging my fingers in, pulling it out. He screams out in pain, as I wince at seeing him hurt. I grab onto his arm, ignoring the shooting pain in my leg.

"Elijah made a promise to Elena. I am here to see it's upheld." Jonas blankly says. "You need to go." He looks at me. "Get out of here. Now." Damon looks at my arm and legs and looks at the pool of blood that surrounds each hole in my body. I look down at it to see how bad they have both gotten, and I'm 100% sure that I'm never gonna get these stains out. Damon and I then make contact his he quickly sweeps me off my feet, holding my bridal style, as he walks over to Stefan. They nod as they both start walking away. This the part where I now stop worrying about death and start focusing on the pain, and boy, it is good enough to make me pass out... oh, wait.


"Amara." I hear a voice repeat. My eyes flutter open as I look up to see Damon hovering over me. He gives out a sigh of relief. I look up to seeing that I'm lying on Damon's bed in his room.

"Hey. I mutter." I groan, feeling my arm for the wound, but I don't find any. I furrow my eyebrows as I look at Damon.

"I fed you my blood." He informs me. "So try not to die in the next 24 hours." I roll my eyes. He takes a seat on his bed, putting an arm over my stomach. "Are you okay?" He asks me seriously. 

"I'm fine Damon." I nod, gulping and finally realizing how sore my throat is. He gives me a look that desperately screams, I don't believe you. I place my hand on his resting one. "Trust me Damon, I am okay now." He continues to give me the, I don't believe you looks, but drops the subject.


A/N I'm sorry I took so long!!

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