Chapter 3 - Stop Manipulating Him

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I walk up the steps into the Lockwood house. The mayors funeral is still going on, while I am fully aware that Kathrine has compelled me to meet her and tell her everything I know and I have no say what so ever, and that I can't tell anyone that. I know that somewhere in this party is Elena, Stefan and Damon, who I really don't want to run into. I get to the porch and see Tyler at the door. I run up to him and give him a hug.

"I know what it's like Tyler." I start. "I'm truly sorry, I know how hard it would be for you," he nods, his head. I look over Tyler's shoulder and see Damon drinking Beer. I know that I don't want to see him, but. I walk over to him. "You know, I heard that day drinking is bad for your health," I say. He glances at me before looking away, continuing to drink. "Damon, how are you?" I ask.

"Great Amara. Walking on sunshine. Thanks for asking." He says. Staring at me. I feel guilty. He thought he kissed me and I kissed back.

"Damon..." I say, with sorrow eyes.

"Amara..." He says mocking me.

"We should be able to talk about this. Damon, we are close enough now. I really want to know how you doing." I say nodding my head and easing my eyebrows.

"I kissed you, I thought you kissed me back. Doppelgänger hijinks ensued. How do you think I'm doing?" He says, stubbornly. I think my guilt is about to swallow me whole.

"I think that your hurt," I answer placing my hand on my hip.

"Hmm. Oh, I don't get hurt, Amara." He says smirking like a child. I roll my eyes.

"No, You don't admit that you get hurt. You cover it up with anger and then you do something stupid." I say confidently.

"You know me too well." He said not even looking at me taking another sip of his bourbon 

"Yea, and I know you well enough to know that sooner or later you'll lash out, and I'm gonna tell you something. No matter what that is. I promise I will always be here." I tell him. His frown turns into a smirk, he snidely laughs.

"You're scared, You think Kathrine is gonna push me into the deep end." He comments, continuing to look at me as if this is all just a big joke to him.

"No, I know that Kathrine has pushed you off into the deep end. Just like how I know that you are going to lose it and lash out, but Damon, I can help you, you just have to let me," I say to him walking over and grabbing his hand. He looks at his hand and we watch as our fingers entwine and he pauses and just stares at me before his face turns cold and dark again.

"Good luck with that." He snapped his hand away from me. I sigh. I can help him, I have to. He turns around as he try's, note try's, to walk away from me, but he fails as I grabbed him by his left arm and swing him around to face me and stare him  

"I will always care for you Damon. I just don't know if I want to fall in love with you. If I do, it comes with danger, murder, and I don't think I want that. I just want you, but I also want my life." I say, my voice breaking, I don't like hurting Damon, I know I'm falling for him, but I can't, but I want to, I really want to.

"Now I'm hurt." He says shrugging me off and pushing me away. I sigh. Why can't I do anything right?

"Kathrine, I know yours here,"I yell out into the Salvatore boarding house. No one answers, "Bitch, you better come out now, or I'm leaving!" I yell angrily. She vamps in front of me, smirking.

"Have fun randevuing with Damon, did we?" She smirks, I just bet she's laughing her ass of inside.

"Stop manipulating Damon," I basically command her, with a serious look on my face. I place my hand on my hip and stare at her sternly like I'm looking at the hole in her chest where her soul should be. She continues to smirk at me like she is enjoying my pain, his pain.

"And why should I do that exactly? I'm having fun with Damon, he seemed to Enjoy the kiss we shared the other day." She asks, raising one eyebrow still holding the smirk on her face.

"Damon's breaking. You're killing him from the inside. If you truly love Stefan, you know hurting his Brother, won't help your, situation with him. You need to stop hurting Damon, and actually do something good, you never know, Stefan might change his mind if he thinks your good." I smirk at her. Hopefully, this will work, it's not true, Stefan is in love with Elena. Katherine stops smirking at she looks at the floor. She looks sad...ish.  Until she gives a hateful look. 

"You ask me to stop manipulating Damon, but yet you try to manipulate me? That's something I would do, just like me, cold and selfish," She states, thinking she's won.

"I'm nothing like you Kathrine, you manipulate Damon and Stefan for your own gain, I'm only doing it because Damon doesn't deserve to be manipulated by a coldhearted, selfish bitch like you," I said stepping closer to Kathrine. She vamps speeds over to me and holds me by my neck on the wall. 

"Listen up, you don't get to tell me what to do. You don't get to boss me around, this is how our partnership is going to work." I can feel Katherine crushing my windpipe. I start kicking her. "You are going to listen to me, do what I say and if you tell anyone, anyone at all, I will and this is a promise, I will hurt everyone you love, including Damon." She says.

"I don't love Damon," I say, continuing to struggle.

"I see right through you. You're in love with Damon, you just don't want to admit it. You know, you're missing out, he is great under the sheets," she says.

"Put her Down Kathrine." I hear a stern voice says. 

"Stefan, fancy seeing you here." She drops me, as I struggle to breathe. Stefan rushes over to me. Holding me. I start to breathe properly, sort of.

"Damon.... Where is he?" I ask Stefan. he just looks at me, inspecting me.

"I don't know," He shakes his head.

"I need to find him," I get up and try to walk but I stumble and fall, getting caught by Stefan.

"Damon can wait, you need your rest." Stefan comforts me.I just nod, to tiered to agree.


A/n I'm so sorry guys that I took forever to update. School is getting to me, my grades are slipping, a little, I have work. I promise whenever I can, I will update, but I have exciting news. I'm writing a new book about Joe Sugg, which I will probably post the first 2 or 3 chapters, just before Christmas for you. I'm sorry again for the slow updates! Xx

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