Chapter 18 - Stop Talking

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"So I'm having a dinner party." Without announcing himself, Damon walks into my bedroom and sits down at the bottom of my bed. I jump out of my skin at the sudden visit and drop my book looking up at him.

"Rude. I could have been indecent." I glare. He smirks at me.

"Oh, could we do this again and try it your way." I roll my eyes at his smart arse remark, I ignore it and move on, he'll never change.

"What's this dinner party, you speak of?" I ask him, uncrossing my legs and dangling them off the side of my bed.

"Just a little historical party." He shrugs. I look at him confused. Why do I have to be there? As if he reads my mind, he responds with, "With Elijah." I look at him my facial expression gone serious. He has defiantly got something planned, cause this is definitely not like him.

"Is there going to be alcohol?" I ask, with one eyebrow raised, smirking. He slightly laughs.

"Yes, as well as an Aunt Jenna." He adds raising his eyebrow. My smirk drops, he laughs at me.

"Do I have to come? Is it that important?" Completely uninterested now, not want to go anymore.

"Yes, and if you try not to come. I'll compel you to." He stands up walking over to me, looking me dead in the eye. He walks closer to me, my heart skips a beat as he stands right in front of me. I reach my arms out and push him away jokingly.

"Yea, good luck with that." I move around him towards my bathroom. He starts walking out of my room, and as he reaches the door, he stops and turns to me.

"See you at 7."


I arrive at the door at 7 exactly, knocking on it waiting patiently for Damon to answer. I stand around for a minute before ringing the doorbell again. When no one answer, I decided it best to let myself in. I push open the heavy wooden door, and I am instantly greeted with warmth. I sigh,  taking my jacket off and hanging it on the coat hanger. I walk towards the intersection of the hallway as a make my way down the hall to the library. 

"Damon?" I call out for him, however, he does not respond. I make my way towards the library as I push open the door. I see Alaric slowly walking towards Damon. Before making myself known I wait to eavesdrop on their conversation.

"You know this a bad idea?" Ric says nervously approaching Damon from behind as Damon starts pouring himself a glass of whatever alcohol is inside the bottle. Alaric paces back and forth. 

"There is no such thing as a bad idea." Damon shakes his head, pouring a second glass for Alaric. Damon stops slouching over the bar table and turns to face Alaric, "Just poorly executed awesome ones." He hands over the glass. "Here."

"No." Alaric declines the drink and looks away from Damon, before looking at him again. "I don't like the idea of Elijah being in the same house as Jenna." He says placing his hands on his hips.

"Jenna is perfectly safe." Damon uses hand gestures to exaggerate his words. "Besides it's just a fact-finding mission. It's totally harmless." He slyly smirks. Laughing at his words, knowing it is a lie.

"Just a fact-finding mission?" Ric repeats, worry clear in his voice.

"Yea." Damon lies. Giving his innocent face to help plead his case.

"Listen." Alaric removes his hands from his hips and crosses his arms, moving slightly closer to Damon. "No sneak attacks, no surprise plans. Nothing that is gonna put Jenna in harm's way okay?" Alaric double checks. Damon just bobbles his head up and down, agree with everything he is saying.

"Scouts honor." He raises his right hand in a joking matter, but still giving a serious look to Ric. Ric sighs, still not completely believing him, but leaving the conversation be. I turn around the corner and make myself known.

"You know Damon. It's rude to lie." I say stepping down the steps moving closer to Damon. My boots clicking against the floor. Damon looks over at me, quickly scanning me up and down. 

"You know its rude to eavesdrop Amara." He smirks, rolling his eyes slightly. Alaric turns around and watches us. I continue to walk closer to Damon as I take the alcoholic drink out of his hand and take a drink from it. I take a gulp from it, not really caring that I snatched it from him, nor does he seem to care as he does not take it back. However, the glass is still removed from my hands. 

"Hey," I say furrowing my eyebrows and turning to Ric. "I was drinking that," I complain.

"Yea I know, and I would rather your Aunt to not think I was allowing you to drink." He passes the drink back to Damon. I roll my eyes.

"Hey, Jenna needs help with the wine." A whiny voice says as heavy footsteps walk into the room. Damon removes his gaze from me to just above my head to where Andy stands. Damon and Alaric face each other as Damon pats him on the back, before smirking and letting his hand drop next to him, still holding his glass. "Thanks," Andy mutters.

"Yea" He sighs as he walks past her, not really interacting with her. I watch as Andy waits until Ric leaves the room, before walking over to where Ric was once standing. Damon takes one last sip before placing his glass on the bar table. He hurriedly walks over to a wooden desk, were beside a bunch of books lays a massive wood box. He opens it up and reaches inside, pulling out a piece of cream colored cloth. I squint at it, as he starts to unravel it revealing a small dagger. Confused I step closer to get a better look at it.

"What is that?" Andy asks. 

"Dessert," Damon responds, facing us with a giant smirk on his face. I sigh. He reaches back in the box and pulls out a small vile filled with white dust. Andy stands next to Damon blocking my view. I roll my eyes at her and take this as an opportunity to drink. I walk over to Damon's bar table and pick up his glass, pouring some more alcohol into it. I lean against the small table. Taking small sips from the glass.

"Ahh." I sigh, as the liquid slightly burns my throat.

"Elijah is stronger than me. He is faster than me. It's all about the element of surprise." He explains to us. 

"Well, that's too bad. I like him. He's very old-school classy."  Andy smiles, watching Damon as he moves around.

"Yes because a 1000-year-old blood-sucking vampire, sounds like the classyist company." I sarcastically remark. Rolling my eyes at her. Neither of them replies to me, as Damon starts to walk over to me.

"Which is why you should encourage the gentlemen to take their after dinner drinks in here, while you do coffee in the kitchen with the girls." He suggests to Andy.

"Hmm... That is a little too sexist for me." Andy replies to him, lifting one eyebrow at him almost giving him a disgusted look. Damon ignores it and walks over to me, removing the drink from my hand. I protest, but he just ignores that too.

"Andy I don't think that really was a suggestion," I comment looking at her with snide eyes. She doesn't even look at me as she keeps her focus on Damon. Damon turns around looking at her.

"Stop talking." He sighs, giving her a look that definitely suggests that she should do what he has asked. She smiles at him as I roll my eyes. She turns around, smiling like a love-struck puppy and she goes to exit the room. My ears spring up as I hear the doorbell ring. 

"Who else did you invite?" I ask him.

"No one." He goes to leave but before he does I grab his shoulder. He turns around to face me but I do not say anything, I remove the glass from his hand and smile. I turn around and sit on the couch.

"You should go and see whos at the door. I'll be fine here." I smile swirling the drink in my hand. He rolls his eyes, smirking before walking away.

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