Chapter 27 - Dad

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Episode 2x22


Stefan's POV.


As Klaus makes me drink out of the blood bag, i try and keep my sanity. I become thirstier and thirstier for human blood and I can feel my hunger taking over all my of my senses. I told myself never again but extreme situations call fro extreme measures. I can't let Damon die, not after everything. Katherine sits in the corner of the room, pretending to be compelled to watch. I can't help but think about everything thats ever happened leading up to this moment in time. I blame her for everything, and part of me, wishes that Damon and I died in the field that day, that none of this never happened, but I also know, that without her, I would have never met Elena, or Amara, and Damon and I would have never made amends. She tells me that I love her and maybe I did, but that was a long time ago.



'My family has taken in a beautiful young women, with gorgeous brown eyes and lushes long brown hair. Her name is Katherine and I have never met anyone like her.

After escorting her to the ball, I walked her upstairs, towards her room and we made small talk.

"I had a lovely day today Stefan." Katherine spoke, holding her dress up so that her feet would not trip over the bottom of the dress.

"How long do you plan on staying in Mystic falls." I reached out his hand for Katherine to grab and she finished climbing the staircase. She took my hand and I lead her to the front of her room.

"As long as I'm wanted." She replies with a small smirk. "Your father has been very kind to give me shelter." She let go of me and walks infant of me.

"How could we not? Losing your family in a fire. I'm grateful you made it out of Atlanta." I answer her.

"So I gather I'm wanted?" She replies. I let out a small laugh.

"Ah, very much so." We stand outside her room in silence momentarily. I clear my throat and look at the ground not be sure how to say any of what i'm about to tell her. "So I know we have only known each other for a shirt while and, and I know I'm in competition for your affections but ah, I've," I let out a nervous laugh as I grab her hand and raise it slightly. "I've never met a woman quite like you. I look at you and I see an angel." I let go of her hand and I raise my right arm to her face and I caress her cheek. "Its a touch of skin, and my entire body ignites. I kiss you and I know that i'm, i'm falling in love." I end, I remove my hand and study her face for any vaulters or regrets. Not knowing if what I say to her is being replicated. When she says nothing, I take my chance and I lean in and kiss her. I smile into the kiss as I feel her kiss back. When we seperate I can't help but say it. "I am in love with you." I admit to her.

"There's just so much you don't know about me Stefan." She gulps nervously. 

"Just more to learn and love." I comfort her, still smiling.

"I'm gonna good night now." She says, going to turn around around. My heart drops and my smile slips away.

"I've upset you." I ask. Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion. I though she'd be happy.

"No, you haven't upset me. You have just surprised me." She answers. "Until tomorrow." She responds. Scurrying off into her room.


Some of me wants to believe that none of that was real, and that it was all a lie, but it wasn't. i didn't think that I could love someone like her, but I did. Her and Elena are so different. Although Amara is like a mix of both. The good and the bad. She reminds me so much of the time I spent with Katherine, but she also reminds me of the good the resides in Elena. 

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