Chapter 4 - Wait

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SLAM! My eyes shoot open as the front door to the Salvatore house door is slammed shut. Shit. I look around me. I am lying in Damon's bedroom, after Stephan the "hero", put me to bed because I needed rest, but if that is Damon, I'm going downstairs to find out. We need to talk. I make my way out of his room, hobbling through the hall and just getting to the stairs.

"Very brave of you to come here," He says, I go to answer, but I stop as I hear another voice speak. I watch as Damon pours himself another glass of Bourbon

"I wanted to say Goodbye." An exact replica of my voice says. Katherine, I swear to god, I will rip out her tongue and shove it down her throat if she does anything to hurt Damon.

"Leaving so soon?" Damon remarks sounding like a smart ass, which is what he intended.

"I know when I'm not wanted,"

"Don't lie, Kat, you knew you weren't wanted when you first got here," He rudely states. Taking the first sip of his alcoholic drink. She just pouts at him, pretending to be sad. I watch them argue from a distance. Make her leave Damon, don't fall into her trap. "Don't pout." He starts. "It's not attractive on a woman your age." He jugs the rest of his drink.

"Ouch," she scoffs. Damon slams his cup down and turns in my direction. I quickly dash into the hallway. I hear a swoosh. I peak around the corner as I see Kathrine and Damon standing close to each other. "What, no goodbye kiss?" She pouts again.

"Why don't I kill you instead." Damon looks at Kathrine with hate, but I can still see the glimpse of love in his eyes, I hard to miss. Kathrine just chuckles, knowing that he won't do it, because he can't, he doesn't want to, deep inside. "What are you doing here?" He asks shaking his head at her. She smirks.

"Nostalgia, curiosity, excetera...excetera." She says like it came naturally, like it wasn't some master plan that she was brewing in her head.

"I'm better at the enigmatic one-liners, Kathrine. What are you up to?" Damon pushes, even I know, she ain't gonna budge, it's going to be lies, lies, and oh wait, more lies.

"Trust me Damon, you'll know when I'm up to something," Kathrine says. Does she even know the meaning of trust, because if lying and manipulating is her way of getting people to trust her, she's doing a really bad job. Kathrine steps closer to Damon. "Come on, Kiss me," She says confidently. "Which will it be Damon, we both know you are only capable of one," Kathrine says, her face just inches away from his. I place my hand over my mouth, please don't Damon, be stronger than her, don't let her in. Damon pushes her away and turns the opposite direction, walking away. Kathrine appears in front of him, places a hand on his chest and she pushes him onto the Sofa. I bite my lip, Don't let her do it, Damon. She runs her hands along Damon's chest. "My sweet, innocent Damon." She tries to seduce him. Damon grabs her by the neck and they flip over onto the floor, where Damon is on top. They just look at each other, as Kathrine starts to smirk. Damon attacks her lips and I whimper. My head lashes around the corner, I can't watch this. I slide down the wall, as I hear vases breaking and glasses shattering.

"Wait..." Damon says. Tears spill from my eyes. I can't believe Damon would let her do this to him. She is just going to break his heart again, for the millionth time. I hear them both panting as the tears don't stop. "I have a question. Answer it, and it's back to fireworks, and rockets red glare. Answer it right and.... I'll forget the last 145 years I spent missing you. I'll forget, how much I loved you, I'll forget about Amara, and her stupid life and family, I'll forget everything and we can start over. This can be our defining moment, because we have time. That's the beauty of eternity. I just need the truth." Tears still fall from my eyes. I feel like my hearts been shattered. As much as I hate to admit it, Kathrine is right. I do love Damon, and I hate seeing him like this, but I can't believe he would say that I thought... well I obviously thought wrong. 

"Stop." I hear Kathrine state, softly. "I already know your question and its answers." There isn't any speaking for a moment or two, just silence. "The truth is...." She starts, "I never loved you." My eyes widen, that bitch. I am going to kill her. I can just imagine the shock on his face, I abruptly stand up and run to where they are. Without thinking, I tackle Kathrine to the floor. She looks slightly taken back.

"Amara..." Damon starts I can hear the shock in his voice.

"Don't ." I start. Before Katherine has the chance to get free. I raise my left hand and slap her clean across the face. "It was always Stephan for you, wasn't it? You just manipulated Damon, for fun, for your psychopathic enjoyment. Are you happy now!" I yell. Kathrine looks shocked. She wasn't expecting me. She pushes me off, and I go flying into the wall as I hit my head on a painting. I fall to the floor, and I can feel the blood slowly oozing down the back of my neck, before I pass out, 


"Is she okay? Damon, what happened?" I hear voices ask, as I open my eyes, sinking in everything, including what had happened. Damon goes to talk when he looks at me and sees that I'm awake. He smiles and walks over to my side. I sit up as he gets to the side and just stands there, smiling. Before I can stop it, my hand meets his face, and in the corner of my eye, I can see everyone's shocked face. Stefan, Elena, Bonnie, Care, Ty and Matt, all just staring with mouths open, confused.

"You bastard!" I yell. I swing my legs off the bed, I had just realized I had been laid on and I storm out of the room. I don't even dare to look at him, the dick.

"Amara wait!" I hear Damon yell. He can dream it, but I ain't' turning around to talk to him right now, I just can't.

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