Chapter 23 - Everything Sucks

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Episode 2x20


The last thing I remember was going to sleep. All I could hear was the swirling screams and thoughts in my mind, clouding all of my judgement. As the gravel beneath me scratches my skin at every movement, my eyes fly open  and I'm swarmed with darkness. I'm defiantly not home anymore. I slowly start to push myself up, sitting up straight my head hanging down. I hear voices behind me, as 2 pairs of feet walk along the bushy track. I don't know what was said before but the next thing I know two hands grab me from behind and spin me around. 

"Amara! Amara!" The voice screams. I turn around a face them to meet a worried Elena. "Hey, hey, Amara!" She shakes me, trying to wake me up from my drowsy state.

"Elena?" I question, not even being sure if its her. My breathing is heavy, and all I can feel is a shooting pain in head, and feeling everything burn.

"She's not dead," The women behind Elena says, "She is in transition." My heart drops, as I meet the womens eyes. Tears come to the brim of my eyes. No, this can't be happening. I'm not ready to be a vampire, not yet. I shake my head ferociously. I hear some gasp behind me, and when I turn around I see ginger hair and a frightened looking Jenna. Elena gets up and rushes over to her. Jenna grabs her head in pain, I instantly know that she is transitioning. 

"Why both of them, you only need one!" Elena screams. She looks at Jenna with a petrified face as she cries slightly looking at how scared Jenna is. 

"Klaus wants to teach you a lesson. He knows everything. The conspiring, the manipulation, if you didn't think Klaus knew about what you were going to do, you an idiot. Its only a just desert that you get to watch them die, and then you go too." The woman gives us an evil smirk, before flicking her hair as she walks away from us.

"Ahh, my head, whats wrong with me?" I turn to face Jenna and watch as she grips onto her hair pulling it tightly as she starts rocking back and forth.

"Do you remember what happened?" Elena says, sitting in front of her. Jenna pushes her hair behind her ears and shakes her head.

"I remember you calling me," She starts facing Elena. "You sounded so scared." She starts before letting out a frustrated grunt. "I should have realised that it wasn't you." She grips the grass beneath her and pulls it out in anger. "As soon as I walked out of the house someone grabbed me, a vampire."

"Klaus." Elena answers. "It was Klaus."

"He made me drink his blood, and I don't.... I don't... I don't remember anything after that." Jenna shakes her head. Jenna takes a couple deep breaths before taking one last sharp one. "Where are we? Wha... what happened?" Jenna starts to freak out, looking around.

"We're at the quarry." Elena answers grabbing Jenna's hands trying to stop her from freaking out. "He brought us here."

"Why don't I remember anything?" Jenna starts shaking her head violently, freaking herself out. She's scared. Momentarily it is complelty silent. Elena didn't know how to deal her and quite frankly, neither did I. Elena takes in a deep breath. 

"Jenna, do you remember when... when I told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena's voice is shaky and soft, she wants to let Jenna down gently.

"Yea, if you die with vampire blood in your system-" Jenna pauses, her eyes wide open trying to process what this means. "Oh God." She stutters. "He killed me." She looks stunned, I mean who wouldn't, I can nearly keep myself together, I don't even want to think about any off this. "What does Klaus plan to do? Why does he want to kill us?" Jenna asks.

"He wants to become a hybrid, half wolf, half vampire. He wants to be the most powerful being ever." Elena replies.


I feel my stomach start to churn, not only from the anger coursing through me, not only that but it also begs for me to feed on something, anything with warm blood. I can feel my blood boil, as I continue to stare at Jenna's body lying on the floor desiccated and frozen. I can't even concentrate on anything else, just the anger and the hunger. I watch Klaus walk over to Elena, as the flames trapping her in stop her from escaping him. 

"It's time." He smirks. The flames disappear from around her, and Klaus walks towards her, staring intently at her, as a tear falls down Elena's face. My heart wants me to scream at the top of my lungs, but all my mind and body can think about is the hunger that is becoming stronger and stronger, the pain of my fangs growing through my gums, and the churn of my insides as they crave for blood. Klaus stands next to her forces her to look him in the eye. "Thank you Elena." Klaus smiles, while keeping a hold on Elena's face.

"Go to hell." Elena glares, gritting her teeth. I couldn't move, it was like I was paralysed. Nothing would work. It wasn't till Klaus sunk his fangs into Elena's neck that I let the first squeal come out, it was one of pain or lose or hurt, I couldn't really tell. Elena didn't fight it, she just let him. I watched as he drank her try, every last drop. She collapsed to the floor, her blood dripping everyone, and even though I didn't want to, all I could think about was Elena's blood dripping everywhere. A tear fell down my check as I licked my lips.

"I can feel it, its happening." Klaus says, mesmerised. As he stumbles towards me, I hear every bone crack, one by one, in his body, slowly turning him into a wolf. He smiles as he stares at the moon. "Yes." For a moment, I though all hope was lost, but then he screamed, flying into the air and landing harshly on the ground. I turned to see Bonnie chanting some magic voodoo. I turn back to Greta, but just I she is about to start chanting, Damon appears behind her and snaps her neck, and she immediately falls to the floor. He looks down at Elena, lying on the floor and freaks out. His eyes opening wide. He finally looks up and glances around, he see's me lying on the ground and almost lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Amara? Amara? Are you okay?" Damon runs towards me, crouching down and slowly lifts me up into a seating position. I don't know how to respond to him. I don't know what would I can use, in my mind right now, there is not an amount of words that can describe how I feel, not enough to form a functional sentence. He picks me up off the floor, and i fall into his arms, not resisting the help. I glance back to Elena's body and I can't help but feel an overwhelming amount of sadness. To the point that I just start balling my eyes out into Damons chest. He doesn't do anything, he just lets me cry as he carries me. He places me on the floor, up against a pile of stones to help me stay up right. 

I hear branches breaking from behind me, and when I turn my head, I see Stefan, rushing to the scene, he looks at me and sees me sitting there in tears, and he immediately rushes to me. Not paying attention to anything else, and yet to notice that his girlfriend lies dead on the floor. He doesn't say anything, he just crouches down to my level and stares at me. He brushes the strands off hair on my face behind my ear before using his thumb to gently wipe away my tears. He gives me a sympathetic look, standing up and looking around. 

When Stefan finally notices Elena lying on the floor he walks towards her, and picks her body up off the floor, she just falls in his arms, her limbs hanging low, no ability to do anything. I can't help but cry even more when I see her with him. 

"No!" I hear Damon yell. I only see a blur run off into the distance. 

"Damon?" Stefan asks, looking at his brother.

"Elijah betrayed us, just like I said he would! He took Klaus!" Damon kicks the floor in anger, removing a whole patch of grass from the ground. 

"Grab Amara, we need to go." Stefan states before speeding off with Elena. Everything Sucks.

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