Chapter Six

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Max's POV

I walked out of y/n's tent my head down I felt my cheek, I was blushing again damn it. I heard footsteps run up to me, I looked up and it was Nikki, of course.
"Hi there Maaax~ I saw you walk out of her tent, so didya tell her?" she giggled
"No.. I did not tell her not yet at least I-I was going to but I-I got too nervous to, and don't you think it's a little early? I men She just got here today." I say walking back to my tent, She giggles
"Well ya better tell her soon or else I doo! Hmm probably on Saturday" She decided on a day and nodded, great, I walked into my tent Neil was already in there sleeping.
"Okay now let me sleep," I say hurrying into my tent and closing it.
"Alright, then Max niight!" She laughed again and went to her tent. I got into my bed sort thing, and snuggled up to Mr. HoneyNuts, and just daydreamed about her for awhile, I realized what I was doing and facepalmed "Just go to bed damn it" I whispered to myself before doing so after a few minutes.

~Timeskip to morning~

I woke up relatively early, it was sunrise, I tried to fall back asleep but just couldn't, I sighed getting up and making some coffee to get me a little more awake. °Ding!° ahhh coffee, I put it in one of the cups and walked outside, hmh... Sunrise still I see. I walk over to y/n's tent and peak in.. Um, she's not there, neither is her instrument..? Hmm. I stop thinking to myself for a second and hear her playing somewhere close in the woods, it was so peaceful, I wondered if she was singing along with it, I followed the music and found her I stayed behind a little, she was singing it.


I woke up really early, surprised honestly, I usually don't get up this early, I decided to use this to be alone and play outside in the woods, so I changed and grabbed my guitar and rushed to a place close but far, I sat and played The Villain I appear to be

I hear a slight rustle but shrug it off as a rabbit. Around the end of the song, I look behind me and I see Max who just got here.
"Oh! H-hey! Sorry, if-if I woke you!" I stutter, he smiles and shakes his head.
"No you didn't it's alright, I liked that song what was it?" He asks sitting in front of me, I smile lightly blushing, "Are you blushing?"
Crap he noticed saynosaynosayno "Y-Maybe" IT WAS SO SIMPLE REALLY?

He chuckles seeing how I looked down quickly "Oh wow, hah, it's cute." did he just-? I look up at him.
"Nothing.." I smiled
"You-you called me cute? Th-thank you" I laugh to myself hearing how flustered I was.
"Y-yeah I-I did-didn't I?" He was blushing so much at the moment but so was I. It was silent for a bit before he broke it.
"Uhm cou-could I see your guitar for a bit?"
"Y-yeah h-here" I gave it to him,
"Could like, I have this for the day, I swear I'll give it back afterward I just have a song in mind I want to learn." He said almost nervously, I thought about it for a sec.
"PROMISE. you won't 'hurt' it? Or break it?"
"I promise I won't." I nodded in response.
"Alright go ahead you can give it back tomorrow? Or I guess Wednesday?"
"Yeah!- yeah, how about same time tomorrow? Like right here maybe?"
"I can do that yeah." Wonder what song it would be
"What song is it?" he chuckled a bit nervously.
"You'll see tomorrow morning" I smiled happy that Max was going to surprise me with a song.
"Wanna head back to camp? They should be waking up soon?"
"Sure" We walked back Max had turned back into his normal self and I did the same but with a slight smile.

"Hmh... Guess we're still a little early- well, I'm going to go practice a little until they have to get up." He says walking to his tent, I give a little wave and smile at him and does the same back.
I go into the Mess Hall seeing if they had anything yet, and fortunately, they did, I grabbed some food a little coffee with some creamer and sugar. As I was almost finished David came in smiling as he saw me, my smile kind of dropped, I was alright being along but now I have happy tree man to talk to now. He walked over and started.
"Hello y/n! How have you been! Are you enjoying it here?" He smiled brightly, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but to smile back at him.
"Yes, I am enjoying it here."

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