Chapter Thirty-Three

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Max's POV

We wake up at seven, David yelling good morning in his cheery voice, sleeping in sounds wonderful right now. I think the time I fell asleep was like around maybe 12 am? Doesn't matter much, I just couldn't fall asleep for some reason this time.

I lazily get up rubbing my eyes starting my coffee and putting on my regular blue sweatshirt. The coffee maker dings and I immediately put it in my cup, blow on it a bit and take a sip, really hot, but really good, I just burned my tongue again, shit that hurts.

I step outside with it and head to the mess hall for breakfast looks like everyone's already there. I stroll on over not wanting to interact with people at the moment but I suck it up an go in anyways, grab some food and sit with the gang. They're already talking about something, I think it's about the activities or someone? Or both.

"Daniel was acting pretty weird yesterday while you two were away," Nikki says with her mouth partially full of food.

"Nikki please talk when you're done chewing, sometimes I can barely understand you and it's disgusting." Neil grosses out "But yeah, he was, it was like he was nervous about something, he kept talking to himself, which I mean, it's normal, but he was going off about Xemug again. It was strange. David went to talk to him once we mentioned it to him."

"Ah, so that's why Daniel was quiet last night or less bothersome you could say. I mean, he's not bothering me and I'm sure he'll be fine. That and I don't care to much sense of what he's done." Y/n says I have to agree, he's been shitter and shitter to us like I don't see him messing with the other campers, probably because he hates us the most? Eh wouldn't blame him.

"I mean I have to agree. He's been messing with us the most, probably because he hates us the most and doesn't care to hide it most times like he did last summer." I shrug and take a bite of whatever I'm eating. Not bad this morning.

"Yeah, but I have to wonder why the hell he was rambling on like that. It isn't like him to be like that." Neil countered too.

"Hey maybe jus we'll never know, I mean summer ends in a couple of weeks too." Nikki continues to speak with her mouth full. Neil doesn't even respond.

And damn, summer does end a couple of weeks, and I really don't want to go back, I have multiple reasons, I'm actually sorta enjoying this summer here, I don't want to leave my friends, I don't want to leave y/n, and I really really don't want to go back to the hell of 'home'. Hah, David would make a better dad, I could actually stand him, I actually am starting to get used to the constant happiness. I wouldn't mind, it and he sure seemed more than happy that I called him that yesterday even if it was obvious sarcasm...WHAT AM I THINKING?! I mean.. It wouldn't be that bad. Damn it. I rub my face, I really need to stop thinking about it, but it'd sound nice not being around my real family.

"Max? Maaax?" I realize Nikki is calling me out of my thoughts.

"What Nikki?" I sigh

"Nothing you were spacing out a bunch, just sittin' there not doin' or replyin' to anything."

"Mhm, just thinkin' about something," I say being as vague as possible.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Y/n decides to butt in and ask.

"Nothin' much actually, nothing really specific." Lies. But, what am I going to say? 'Im thinking about having David as a dad because my home life sucks ass but David as a dad is a great idea to me?' That'd kill me and if I were to tell anyone, it would have to only tell David, and still, that would take me honestly forever to actually tell him. I feel like I almost have to now, what the fuck. STOP THINKING.

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