Chapter Twenty-Four

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Y/n's POV
In all honesty, Daniel sounds like a devilish asshole, can't wait to meet him, I get out of Max's tent and stretch out my back, we talked what seemed like forever, which was really nice until David interrupted us from what we were talking about, kinda pissed me off since I got him to smile a little bit, but then David came in and him all mad so I still sat and talked to him.
I get out and walk around the camp eventually grabbing my guitar and at the dock for once, It around seven now, so most people are either eating or talking to the people who were eating. So I head out and start playing

God, it's been forever since I played a song like that, no one was really out listening Max was in the mess haul, probably saying 'I told you fucking so' Because he told me he was going to do so.
"Well hello, their Y/n!" I heard an odd voice, I don't think I've heard that one here at all... I swear.
I turn around and see an identical David, but in white clothing. Daniel. It had to be. "Hello? Are you Daniel?" He nods and smiles.
"How'd you know?" He says sarcastically, I give him a skeptical look.
"What do you want?"
"Just wanted to say hello to a new camper, can I do that?" I roll my eyes.
"Fine, what's up what do you want?"
"Jeez you're much for first impressions aren't you?"
"Yeah I know right, great aren't I? But in all honesty, why are you over here and not with the others in the cafeteria?"
"New counselors need to know all the kids here. Anyways I heard you like art and play guitar. Also, you get up really early? That's a good thing." I strum all the cords loudly, feeling awkward and weirded out.
"Do you know weird and creepy that actually sounds? How the fuck do you know that about me other than the guitar part?"
"I've heard about you Y/n, from David of course." He smiles widely, a little creepy in all honesty.
"Can you.. go away now?"
"Well, I mean I can but I don't want to. Someone else told me you liked a certain someone at camp hm?"I attempt to look as non-interested as I can.
"Really? In this camp? Please." Certain people know about this, he's not one of em'.
"Oh come on their's Harrison-"
"Gross." I look down at my guitar and play a few random notes while he lists some of the people in the camp.
"Let me finish." He says surprisingly irritated.
"Harrison, Nerf, Preston, Max" You can tell he has an idea of who it is, which is shitty, but I ignore the fact that he said it in that way. I look up at him, not blushing, in fact, my face felt a little cold.
"Really? you think I'd like them, please if you want someone to bug about this go to Harrison the magic annoyance."
"Harsh but if you say so. See ya later." He turns around and waves, finally god, he takes forever, I continue playing.

Daniel's POV
Holy shit she's annoying as hell when she's like that, I go talk to David.
"Hey, David? What's up with Y/n?"
"Max told her about you so it may be a little hard getting to know her as she really is, she doesn't like opening up to people of what I've seen or heard, and It seems she only talks to certain people."
"Preston, Max, Nikki, Neil, she gets mad at Harrison a lot I'm not sure why though.." He smiles. "Why did you want to know?"
"Just wondering. Thanks though." He nods and walks to one of the campers sitting at the tables. 
Everyone heads out and Y/n is still sitting on the dock with guitar, Max walks up, and sits next to her, looks like their just talking for right now.

3rd POVMax walked over to Y/n, and sat by her, she played a little then Max played a little bit it went back and forth, a few times y/n would put her head on his shoulder, a few times Max would do the same, while the other players, they would also mess each other up from time to time having Y/n laugh a little and Max just smiling at her laughing a little.

"Hey, I have a small question for ya."
"Alright what is it?" Y/n stops playing and looks over at him.
"Would you... Like to maybe.. go on a small date??" Max was blushing looking away to avoid eye contact. Y/n Just smiled and blushed too and nodded.
"Yeah, I'll go on a date with you"
"Really!-Really?" She laughed.
"Yeah, I will ya idiot." Max laughed out of shyness and embarrassment.
"But we have to keep this away from Daniel, he bugged me over who I liked and said Harrison, gross, and he was weird and creepy, like what the hell?"
"Definitely keep it away from him and Yeah, no shit he is, he's a little fucked up."
"A little?" Y/n ended.
"Oh also, David and Gwen know they're going to help me plan this out, I just need to tell them to keep it away from Daniel, and that'll be all." Y/n nodded and handed the guitar to Max and he started going off of random cords eventually falling into a song he knew when he was a little younger.
David and Gwen saw them and smiled, Daniel saw this and smiled mischievously instead.

//Remember that chapter when Max wanted to ask you out but then shit happened so he couldn't???? WELL NOW HE CAN AND HE DO.

But anyways, he finally got to do it, Daniel has an idea thingy I'll try to update on Wednesday this week, apologizes if I don't or can't, have a lovely week! Hope you enjoyed!

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