Chapter Thirty

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At Max's tent 3rd POV

"So do you think David is gonna yell at you?" Y/n asks sitting by him on the cot.

"Maybe, but he isn't gonna do much probably yell at me and apologize later, he's done this before.

"Ah, alright, wait,, David mad? Has he cursed before?" You asked interested "What'd you do?"

"All I did was do what I usually do and give him shit, and yeah, he did, I felt kinda bad so hopefully he doesn't do it again."

"Did you apologize?"

"In a way yes.." He says motioning to the top of the staff that sits leaning on the 'coat hanger'
"Was wondering what that was and where it came from.. where exactly?"
"Nahh, I'll tell you later I think David's coming, and its a 'long' story" He shrugs, he could shorten it up but he also just didn't want to talk about it. Not in a moody way. Just didn't want too.
"Hmh, alright whatever." Y/n looks to see that David is about to enter, seeing his tall silhouette. "Hey, David." She greeted.
"Hello Y/n, are you alright? Neil had told me that Daniel was being rude and trying to rip the paper away from you, is this true?" The red head asked, hoping it was true.
"Yes, it was, Nikki and Max were just trying to help get the paper away from me, and once he got it Max did what he did." She told.
"Alright, thank you. Maax." He says bending down to his level, Max rolls his eyes. "You might have taken it to far you didn't need to hurt him their, or at all!"

"I feel like it was necessary." He retorts

"And why is that?" He counters

"She told him multiple times, and in a stern voice, while covering it up to show that she didn't want anyone else to see it, but he insisted on being a dick about it. Trying to pull or teat it away from her. Repeatedly might I add. Plus, he said 'Just let me see it damnit., Let me see it you little shit, Just let me take a peek' So I decided to use violence so I think it was necessary indeed." He explained, everything was true about it, no lying. You shook your head confirming "And I'm pretty sure camp counselors are aloud to swear towards the 'children'"
David gasps, "Oh my! That still doesn't make it right to hurt him, but I see why you needed to, alright you're fine Max, I'm going to go talk to Daniel now." He smiled nervously and left He wanted to hug both of them but decided not to knowing they'd push him away.

At the cabin with the David's
David's POV

"I swear to the (Kool-Aid) god David. I didn't do those or say those things!"
"Daniel, I already asked Y/n and Max, they told me, that you had said those things." I say worried, I don't want to get in between, but I feel I need too. I sigh and sit at my desk while Daniel continues on.
"David. Are you really going to believe those two? The two who teased and give you shit? And I'm sure they've most likely lied to you, so why believe them now. And why are you getting involved with this anyways? All he did was kick me!"
I shake my head, "No it isn't just that! I know how you three are, don't think I haven't noticed tension between you three! I know that it might be your third or fourth day, and y/n already hates you. Especially if you haven't done anything wrong, unlike the last time you were here! Yes, I remember, but if you haven't done anything wrong, why in the world does she?? Another thing is that when someone agers you or him, you two (Max) seem to hold grudges! And against each other isn't okay, especially if your a camp councilor! You'll be around them more making them somewhat angry! And Gosh Darn it I hate it and I'm tired of it! Be nice to the children and apologize or leave!" I hadn't noticed that I had stood up and was pacing, I looked at Daniel, he had a shocked expression, and I'm sure I did too, but it was all true, and it very well needed to be said. I notice it and I thought they'd be able to at least work out a small bit by not holding grudges.
Daniel sat quiet, realizing some of it as well it seemed, "Ah fuck, I'm sorry David, and I do actually mean this, sorry that I didn't think you noticed and more-" I cut him off.
"Go apologize to the two first. Then you can come back." I was being stern, it feels weird, but needed, I can't apologize this time, this needed to happen.
Daniel nodded and left the cabin, he didn't seem to happy about it.

Daniel's POV

I walked out shocked not knowing that he could see the tension and seeing and realizing those things. I'm not to happy that I have to apoligize, but i'm sure David already knows about that. God, he makes me feel like I'm acting like a child which I'm pretty sure that's what I have been acting like, and he probably doesn't appretate it either. Oh god, what am I even thinking I shouldn't be. Whatever whatever.
I get to the tent, I hear heir whispering go to a hault, they must notice me. "Can I come in?" I ask trying to sound nice.
"No! Go away! We don't want you here." Max slightly yells to me. I peek in anyways. "HEY! What did I just say! OUT!"

"Hmmm, Nah, ayways," I sigh, "David sent me over to apoligize to you, for what I've done, so, I'm sorry that I kept pestering and messing with you--- chiilldren" I had no Idea on what to call them and that's what comes out? Stupid. They both look at me odd from saying it.
"Alright" Y/n says, everyone is suprising me today and it's only one in thee afternoon.
"Wait what?" I ask winderung if I heard them correctly.
"Yeah WHAT" Max says loking straight at her.
"I said alriight, as long as you stop treating Max and I and everyone else, if you have been, treating us like shit. If you proceed to, I'd say waych your back each time you do something. We've our ways and you know this."

Oh come on! I apoligize and she forgive but if I do something she doesn't like, I have to 'watch my back' "Are, are you serious? So I have to do everything in your liking towards you? Correct?"
"To a limit yes, being a dick is who you are, so I know you won't completley stop being mean or rude."
I nod "Alright. Is that all from you? And from you Max? That apoligize went to you also."
"I don't forgive but what she said, goes for me too, so watch it and get out." Damn okay, how the hell can she stand or any of the group stand him? Probably cause he's nice to them. And nice to them only. I nod once more, and leave.
"Alright, good bye children." I did it again, wait, how old are they even? Ten? Eleven? Even if they were a teenager they'd still be children. GOD STOP THINKING ABOUT IT, It doesn't even matter that much.

//Note: Max is the same age as you, whelp, im going to get started on the Maxwell story, by the time this goes out I should have a lot done, hopefully they will be out on Sunday or Saterday. It will be titled 'Maxwell! The Cartton Cat!' Violence is a thing in it, so if you didn't read the book vote I suggest it. And yeah, so, have a great day and, hopefully see you Sunday!//

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