Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Y/n's Pov

I wake up again really early, I check out my phone and completely drop it when I turn it on "Fuck, damn it the phone." I cover my eyes and pick it up but hold it at an angle so I can turn down the brightness. I look at the time and it's six in the fucking morning. What the hell. I shake my head and get up, might as well just get up and have some time to myself, maybe run... Yeah no, I don't do that, any who, I'll keep practicing.

I get up and get dressed in this with a messy bun:

I get up and get dressed in this with a messy bun:

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I grab my guitar and run out to my usual place. Until I hear someone,
"Uhm... Hello? Anyone their?" I then hear rustling "Well fine." I wander off, I don't want to deal with anyone, especially this hour. I head out to the lake Max showed me. I take a deep breath and smile feeling pretty great.
"Much better," I say to myself sitting down at the edge of a broken dock, I begin to tune and strum my guitar thinking of a song to play or a few before I need to get back to camp, or at least till seven. So I just start playing

I played a few resulting me to not realize the time, after my last song I hear people shouting my name. Fuck. I take a look at my phone it's 720. I stand up and walk back to camp.

Max's Pov

"David! Y/n isn't in her tent and she's not in her usual morning spot. Do you know where they're at??" I say walking up to him upset.
"No Max I don't, I'm worried to trust me." He says looking around in a worried manner while Gwen searches in a hurry she looks pretty frantic and worried while the most cult strolls around whistling. As much as I don't want to I go up to him and kick him in the shin.
"Oh hi, their Max!" He gets down to my shin, "Y'know that wasn't very kind of you right there! Please be careful and don't do it again!" I glare right into his eyes.
"I don't know what you did David to make him trust you again but I'm on to you cultist." I stare "And don't act like that. I know you pushed y/n into the lake, and why aren't you looking for her?"

"Oh, Max! I would never push a camper into a lake! And really, I am looking, its alright Max, I've finally changed for the better!" He lies.
"Bullshit Daniel, I know you didn't or haven't changed at all. Now look for her!" I yell at him, I know he hasn't changed I feel like something's up with him damn it.
Everyone is now calling out for her, I look in the forest going a little deeper, and I see her hurrying back. "Y/n! What the FUCK where were you?"
"Jeez nice to see you too, I was up early and lost time, god." She kept walking apparently not happy at all.
I catch up to her, "Where were you though? Or why are you so pissed?" I ask keeping up with her pace. I notice she's even more tense than usual, even her grip on her instrument is showing that.
"Don't worry about it, Max. Trust me I'll be fine eventually." I nod understanding it. She stays quiet the rest of the way. I don't know what pissed her off but I want to find out what. So I can fight it or them.
We get into camp and the counselors and the people she normally hangs out with crowd her and asks if she's alright and where was she.
"Y/n! Oh, my are you alright! Where on earth were you at!" Daniel sounds 'worried'. If looks could kill Daniel would already be dead in seconds. This motherfucker I swear to god if he did anything to make her like this, I'll fight him.

Y/n's Pov

I walk to my tent ready to curse at Daniel, I don't know what he did was the thing! I was playing my guitar like I normally do, but he found me, came over and started asking me personal questions! Like who does that at 640 in the morning?! Or just in general! The questions about my home life and my fucking past! Who the fuck does that? But because of that I got pissed and yelled and went further in the forest to get away from him, it was that or beating him up, and if he's a cultist than I don't think I want to do that.

~Time skip to later~

I've calmed down now, I told Max what happened, not David yet, I thought I might not want to tell him because then he'd have to talk to Daniel about it and I don't know what he'll do either be an adult and stop or be a child and come at me when David's not around. Either way, I'm not telling David just yet.
Were going on a hike, it's odd because we're not going on the regular path through it's weird though, because I'm completely confused on where we were at, but a few moments later, Gwen pulled me and Max to the back, Max acted like it was completely normal, she then tells us to wait while the others continue on without us. I look up at Gwen completely confused and she just has this grin, she's happy over something...
She tells us to follow her even though Max is ahead of her by a few steps, "Hey, what's going on? Where are we even going?" I'm still following curious but I have a nervous feeling and I have no idea what to expect out of this.

Minutes later were back at the broken dock I came to this morning, but it had a little table and has actual good food! I realized this is the date holy crap I would like to know he told me a day or two ago but I'm not complaining, it looks very nice.
We both sit at the table it's silent till I laugh a little because of how quiet it was and how embarrassed I felt and the heat of my face jeez. Max looks up confused.
"Sorry, it's just really quiet and awkward, don't even know what to talk about, wow. But really, what do you want to talk about hu?" I look at him with a smirk hiding the feeling that I just talked too much.
He chuckled a little before speaking, "Hah, yeah I was wondering why but anyways, god this is awkward." Gwen has left she said she'd be back in a while since Daniel was with David and the campers alone, which could go badly I suppose.
"So cliché question but what do you like or like to do?" He asks and shakes his head blushing.
I nod agreeing it is the pretty cliché "Well I love playing my acoustic by myself or with someone who's close to me, Drawing, writing, photography, {Insert something you like to do!}, going out to the middle of nowhere just because it's peaceful and feels nice, especially when I'm listening to music." I shrug and nod.

"I like the last one sounds great to do you do that a lot?"

"Yeah especially at home I'll even do it during the winter because I simply can't stand my p- But yeah, I did it last night because I just simply wanted to do it because It felt calming while I was pissed at Daniel. Of course, I came back to and I wasn't over the whole lake thing." I explain and he listens nodding
"I would've tried to attack him, curse him out most likely, or just sat in my tent, I'd rather do that much more than that, obviously. And were you about to say something?" He questions me.

"No, I just don't want to bring it up at the moment, especially if it's on our date, just something that would bring the mood down." I shake my head and smile nervously "Trust me, something I suggest not to bring up during this." I push my air behind my ear and give him a re-ushering smile that it's fine.

He smiles back a little "Alright what's ever that's fine." He nods at me.

{{Tbh, I love Daniel, he's great but ooops, oh well, and the date..
Yeah.. I don't know what to do on a date sooo, anyways, I might have another on Wednesday, I hoped you liked this weeks three!
Sorry that I don't know how to reasher or re-asher/usher??? I don't even know

 I don't know what to do on a date sooo, anyways, I might have another on Wednesday, I hoped you liked this weeks three!Sorry that I don't know how to reasher or re-asher/usher??? I don't even know

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Also take this art (not mine) of the precious boy eating}}

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