Chapter Twenty-Three

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David's POV

"You'll have to tell them soon especially if I'm going to be working here from now on," Daniel said putting his things at the end of my bed. He'll be sleeping on the couch for now. But he's right I have to tell them soon, I'll do it in an hour or so soon. I hope they won't mind.
"I'll tell them in about an hour I want to get activities set for tomorrow to make sure we know what we'll do!" He nods and we both smile, I hope I can trust him this time. "Oh by the way David, thanks for the second chance David, it really means a lot."
"No problem Daniel! That's what we do around here!" I think I can really trust him now I'm pretty sure!
Thirty minutes pass and Daniel had set up a little spot on the couch, I'm going to find Max, and tell him so he doesn't freak out when I tell the campers like last time... I head out and look in the mess haul were I saw him last, not their, so I go and check his tent and I see him there talking to Y/n and smiling, how sweet I'm so happy to see him smiling and talking to someone he likes! But I start, interrupting might you say.
"Hey, Max? I need to ask or - at least tell you something.." I say fidgeting with my hands in a worried manner, I have no idea how he'll react.

"Yeah? What do you want then?" Me and y/n both look at me a little annoyed. "Daniel's back! But I swear he's changed I promise you, Max!" I say happily, Y/n looks at Max confused.

"Daniel???" She asks.

"DAVID YOU IDIOT! WHY THE HELL IS HE BACK HE SHOULD BE IN JAIL NOT THIS FUCKING CAMPSITE! WHY THE HELL IS THE SON OF A BITCH BACK HERE?!" He yells "Max, calm down trust me he's changed, he's fine now! I promise!"


"Max! Be quiet! I'll tell everyone else in a few minutes! But please be quiet Max!"

"Just get out of my tent! And I am not going there to hear you or see him." He shakes his head and points out of the tent, I back out of his tent and he goes back to talking with Y/n.

Max's POV

"...What was that about? Who's Daniel?" She asks.
"A cultist that David should've never trusted, I mean you can tell just by the outfit! He's so fucking clueless at times."
"Oh shit what the fuck David. And so I'm guessing Daniel is dressed in all white then?" "Yeah. Duh! He almost killed the camp last time he was here! With fucking kool-aid! Grape!"
"That's ducked up why is he here he should be in jail for that." "That's what I said!"

Daniel's POV

I'm finally back to my stupid revenge on these damned kids especially the Max one, he drove me crazy while I was here. Saying that I was a cult leader and all of that jeez, gave me away the second I was in the room. That really got me, I wasn't going to put up with his shit the moment he said that. But now that David has talked to him, I'll have to really act the part that I've changed. God damn it, but if that's what I need to do I'll do it.

"Uh Daniel, I'm about to go tell the rest of the campers, care to come with?"
"Of course David!" I say happy and walk out with him to where all of the campers are at, and Gwen too, she's see's me and I wave, but she just looks annoyed? Hmh, not my problem.
"Alright campers!" David starts and I look out and I don't see Max, meaning he didn't even want to get involved or David asked him nicely to stay in his tent so he doesn't disrupt his speaking. But he continues on like it's a normal thing happening again, some of them sigh in irritation. Someone raises their hand.
"Ah! Yes, Nerf you have a question about Daniel?"
"No. Where's Max and Y/n? Why aren't they here for this stupid announcement?" Y/n? Who the hell is that? Must be new.. That's great! I've got an idea or two now. I smile and ask David about her when the campers leave.
"Hey, David?"
"Yes, Daniel?" He says happily,
"Who's Y/n? They new?"

"Oh yes, they are! Why do you ask?"

"I don't know, just haven't heard that name here before. Can you tell me a little about them?" I ask hoping he gives me something.

"Yeah! She's pretty tough in all honesty, well at least to me, I think or pretty sure she likes someone in camp, she's been to Wood Scouts about twice, she uh didn't sign up for anything... She also comes from a city nearby."
"Interesting do you know who she likes? Or what she would've signed up for at least?" "I'm not going to tell, and I heard she liked art and perhaps something else too. Oh! She can also play guitar! She gets up really early too."

"Perfect, that's pretty cool of her to do those things." David smiles and claps like he's excited.
"So what are the campers doing today?"
"It's Saturday, so they get a free day to do whatever they want!" God, he's so happy.

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