Chapter Eight

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Max's POV

I walked out of y/n's tent my head down I felt my cheek, I was blushing again damn it. I heard footsteps run up to me, I looked up and it was Nikki, of course.
"Hi there Maaax~ I saw you walk out of her tent, so didya tell her?" she giggled
"No.. I did not tell her not yet at least I-I was going to but I-I got too nervous to, and don't you think it's a little early? I men She just got here today." I say walking back to my tent, She giggles
"Well ya better tell her soon or else I doo! Hmm probably on Saturday" She decided on a day and nodded, great, I walked into my tent Neil was already in there sleeping.
"Okay now let me sleep," I say hurrying into my tent and closing it.
"Alright, then Max niight!" She laughed again and went to her tent. I got into my bed sort thing, and snuggled up to Mr. HoneyNuts, and just daydreamed about her for awhile, I realized what I was doing and facepalmed "Just go to bed damn it" I whispered to myself before doing so after a few minutes.

~Timeskip to morning~

I woke up relatively early, it was sunrise, I tried to fall back asleep but just couldn't, I sighed getting up and making some coffee to get me a little more awake. °Ding!° ahhh coffee, I put it in one of the cups and walked outside, hmh... Sunrise still I see. I walk over to y/n's tent and peak in.. Um, she's not there, neither is her instrument..? Hmm. I stop thinking to myself for a second and hear her playing somewhere close in the woods, it was so peaceful, I wondered if she was singing along with it, I followed the music and found her I stayed behind a little, she was singing it.


I woke up really early, surprised honestly, I usually don't get up this early, I decided to use this to be alone and play outside in the woods, so I changed and grabbed my guitar and rushed to a place close but far, I sat and played The Villain I appear to be

I hear a slight rustle but shrug it off as a rabbit. Around the end of the song, I look behind me and I see Max who just got here.
"Oh! H-hey! Sorry, if-if I woke you!" I stutter, he smiles and shakes his head.
"No you didn't it's alright, I liked that song what was it?" He asks sitting in front of me, I smile lightly blushing, "Are you blushing?"
Crap he noticed saynosaynosayno "Y-Maybe" IT WAS SO SIMPLE REALLY?

He chuckles seeing how I looked down quickly "Oh wow, hah, it's cute." did he just-? I look up at him.
"Nothing.." I smiled
"You-you called me cute? Th-thank you" I laugh to myself hearing how flustered I was.
 "Y-yeah I-I did-didn't I?" He was blushing so much at the moment but so was I. It was silent for a bit before he broke it.
"Uhm cou-could I see your guitar for a bit?"
"Y-yeah h-here" I gave it to him, 
"Could like, I have this for the day, I swear I'll give it back afterward I just have a song in mind I want to learn." He said almost nervously, I thought about it for a sec.
"PROMISE. you won't 'hurt' it? Or break it?"
"I promise I won't." I nodded in response.
"Alright go ahead you can give it back tomorrow? Or I guess Wednesday?"
"Yeah!- yeah, how about same time tomorrow? Like right here maybe?"
"I can do that yeah." Wonder what song it would be 
"What song is it?" he chuckled a bit nervously.
"You'll see tomorrow morning" I smiled happy that Max was going to surprise me with a song.
"Wanna head back to camp? They should be waking up soon?"
"Sure" We walked back Max had turned back into his normal self and I did the same but with a slight smile.

"Hmh... Guess we're still a little early- well, I'm going to go practice a little until they have to get up." He says walking to his tent, I give a little wave and smile at him and does the same back.
I go into the Mess Hall seeing if they had anything yet, and fortunately, they did, I grabbed some food a little coffee with some creamer and sugar. As I was almost finished David came in smiling as he saw me, my smile kind of dropped, I was alright being along but now I have happy tree man to talk to now. He walked over and started.
"Hello y/n! How have you been! Are you enjoying it here?" He smiled brightly, I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but to smile back at him.
"Yes, I am enjoying it here."

"GREAT! Have you made any friends yet?" I nodded and took a sip from my cup.
"Yeah like Harrison, Space Kid, Nikki, Neil, Max."
"Good! I'm happy you be already made friends!" He says as chipper as ever, I laugh a little, jeez, his positivity is contagious to me. I'm smiling like an idiot.

After a while, he checks his watch and stands up. "Welp! It's time for everyone to get up!" "Ahhh noo how about another free dayy?" 
"Sorry y/n but we need to do these activities"
"But do we need to do these activities?"
"Well no I suppose not.."

"Come on David, a free day free day free day" I chanted while looking up at the tall ginger, he actually thought about it 
"Hmm... I guess you can... Besides Gwen says she needed to do a few things done and we probably need to get a few new things for the-" I cut him off 

"Exactly! We all need a free day!" I smiled up at him.
"Alright it's settled then you all get an extra day off of activities, I will go announce that now" I nodded as he dashed off to make the announcement I finished eating and walked out smirking, yes, no activities today, time to do whatever I'd like to.

Max walked up to me "Hey what's up with the free day all of a sudden, I'm not complaining, just its a little sudden."
"I got David to change his mind about activities today."
"I like your style" He smirked at me and I still was. "
Why thank you" I say jokingly and walk off to my tent to look at what clothes I had brought. A few moments later I got a package from my mother that the Quarter Master delivered to me, it was a few new outfits and a pair of new earbuds "Awh yes sweet"

I liked them all I decided to put on (select favorite outfit) and hung around my tent a bit before walking around through the woods, Nikki saw and decided to join me.

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