Chapter Twenty-One

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I decide to get up, I finally got a chance to go back to sleep, the dream was a blur but I know it was a good one, I get outside and stretch my back once I get out, I wander around and go to the Mess Hall. I get something to eat and sit down at one of the tables, ah, time to myself other than sleep This is actually kinda nice, the food could be way better, and I could have some music that I adore.
Later on, Nikki comes bursting in, she gets her food and notices me, she hurries over to me and sits next to me, I notice all of the band-aids on her arms and a few on her leg
"What'd you do?" I ask.
"Oh! I got these from running away from another platypus! Max, Neil, and I we went in the forest and I said something offensive apparently to it so when we were running back they yelled at me to hurry up and apologize to it so while they kept running to the camp I slowed down to apologize to it, luckily it understood and were good now."

...I am completely confused so I just slowly just nod and pretend I know what she's talking about "Are the other two alright?"
"Oh yeah they are, they just have a few cuts on them too, nothing much, nothing bad!" Nikki says happily.
"That's good" I nod.
"So is that all you did when you went up there? Did ya hear anything weird or anything?"
"Oh yeah, well, not exactly weird but we did hear someone talking, they sounded oddly familiar though, Max wanted to stay and overhear them but Neil dragged him away, of course, he wasn't happy about it, I mean it's Max he said he knew who it was he just couldn't put his finger on it. He also mentioned that they were talking good, like weird things, like stuff with a camp, not using, that's when we dragged him away." "Did they sound familiar to you?" She nods and downs her food, jeez.
"But I mean it does sound a little weird with a camp? Bet they're talking about ours since ours might be y'know- the closest?" I ask her.
"Eh Sorta? I don't know wouldn't worry about it."
"Hmh.. alright then." I eat the rest of my food.

I get into my tent and change into:

I get into my tent and change into:

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I walk back out and go hang around someone in this camp, I had a thought that Max is probably hanging out with his friends I'll just hang out with someone else, hmm.. I look around and see Preston... Yeah, I'm gonna hang out with the theater kid.

I go up to him and say hi and see how he's doing.
"Hey, Preston watcha up to?"
"Oh hello, y/n! I'm not doing much just going over a few musicals that were made, Especially my favorites, do you have any favorites?" I nod and sit next to him "Differently, Heathers, Hamilton, Dear Even Hanson and a couple of older ones"
"AH! Same here! The older ones I enjoy are like: Cats, Singin' in the rain, and Wicked" "Ah, yeah! I love a few of those as well!" We are now freaking out about musicals, this is good.
"So how are your wounds doing?" He asks.
"Well, I don't know how long it'll be till they really heal"
"Oh, I bet it'll take forever to heal."
"Yup, hopefully in a few days.. or weeks?" He nods and we just continue talking.

//Ooo who's that blonde-y dude hiding out?

Alright, third chapter done! sorry I got busy doing things like going out didn't help I slept in a but, but I'm starting on the next chapter! Happy New Years Eve! I hope you all had a great year!//

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