Chapter Fifteen

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3rd POV

Hours pass and Y/n is not awake yet, she mumbled while being passed out which gave relief to Edward knowing she was sorta alright.
"Alrighty men lets sleep I don't think she'll be awake anytime soon, and if so she's chained to the wall once more." The three head off to sleep. It was around five in the morning when they headed off.

Y/N's Dreamscape

Why am I back here? This place isn't that much of anything to me unless its y'know. My own room. God this place looks worse. I'm at my own home. But it looks different since I last was here dream or not. But looking around, things have changed. Their new furniture, different food? As I walk into the kitchen its cleaner and quite a bit of fruit and smoothies?? This... This can't be my own house, my parents would buy this unless my sister told them to about a million times.

I walk into my own bedroom everything the same. But the colors started getting darker and darker. I'm looking around and my own wardrobe changes before me. My shirts and jackets and pants get a darker shade turning into more of a solid color some turning black, I begin to have a rush of panic come over me. I quickly go outside to the where I was before. The house reeked of smoke and alcohol, truly a disgusting scent to me. I need to awaken I know I'm in a dream it's plainly obvious.
I see my parents and younger sister talking and laughing, they always liked her and my older brother better. I try to resist the urge to walk over to them, but I end up doing so, I'm not in full control. I get over there and just listen to them talk, nothing translates to me but I keep listening. I have an eerie feeling about all of this.
"What?" I say to myself quietly and they turn to me just staring and glaring.
"Where-wheres Jack?" I ask for my older brother, he's the only one who seems to like me in this family.
"Don't stutter, Speak up then we'll say." Alex my younger sister said, I glared and kicked her leg.
"Just fucking tell me."
"Bitch. No nevermind then. You won't know." Parents didn't say a thing.
"Y/n?" I look around hearing his voice, I hate this. Just show me where he's at. Then there was just darkness.

Meanwhile, at the camp, it's around Eight am

David's POV

I started to wake everyone up, but someone was missing... Y/n and Max! I went to her tent but Max was already in there looking around in a slight panic.
"Max?" I say "Where'd Y/n go?"
"David you idiot what do you think I'm doing! Anyways. She might be out playing. Her guitar isn't here at the moment." He said quite monotone.
I smiled wide "SHE PLAYS GUITAR TO? IM SO HAPPY ABOUT THAT" I'm overwhelmed with happiness.
"HEY! language... But alright Max if you say so!"
I say smiling and heading out of y/n's tent.
"Oh god, y/n you better be okay." I hear Max say and it makes me joyful to know that he's showing care for someone. I'm happy for him. I seriously hope she's alright as well.

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