My parents [Alaska]

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"Are you out of your mind?!", I yelled as I entered my father's office.

"Excuse me?", he said and gave me a confused look.

"I come here to bring Mum the pills she forgot at home, instead I find JJ and we start to talk and then she randomly tells me what happened this morning", I hissed. "What's wrong with you? You know how hard this shit is for her!"

"I know!", he exclaimed. "And I already regret every single word I have said! But she wouldn't hear me out."

"Well, can you blame her? Every time you two get closer again, one of you ruins it. Last time, it was her by deciding to sign the divorce, now it was you with this stupid 'I-cannot-do-this-anymore'-thing. You two keep making things so difficult, it could be way easier than that!", I sighed.

"It's never easy", he looked down. "But I've been asking myself if she is better off without me. There would be nobody to hurt her, to mess everything up. Maybe she could even find someone who treats her better than I do."

"What?!", I yelled again. "What is wrong with you, Dad?! She needs you, she is more than lost without you, the months without you at home were a catastrophe! You two were happy for 13 years, what has changed to get you into a situation like this? People are thinking about getting a divorce when they fall out of love, but you two never fell out love. You two just fell out patience. But you never realized that, none of you."

"But I keep breaking her-"

"But you are also the one who puts her back together again! You've always been the one to put her back together again! There's nobody else who could ever do that apart from you!"

"I don't know if I'm able to do that again now", he mumbled. "She hates me. She had told me a million times that she needed some more time and I still pressured her which was the most stupid thing ever. I deserve to be rejected now."

"By staying away and accepting her current rejection you just break her more.", I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, sometimes I feel like I am the only adult in this family."

He took a deep breath: "But what can I do now? If I continue trying to talk to her, I'm pressuring her again. And then she'll feel like i still have not understood her feelings."

"Do you know what you two need?", I stated and he shook his head 'no'. "You two need at least a week off. Drive somewhere, only you two sticking around in one house, trying to put yourselves together again, realizing how stupid both of you are. Making it work-"

"She would rather die than living only with me in one house for a week", he interrupted me.

"No, she wouldn't. But don't worry, I'll talk to her", I sighed. "But if you think of actually doing it you need to find a place and pay it. That is not included in my help."

"Understood", he smiled weakly. "Thank you."

"That's what daughters are for, right?", I said sarcastically and left his office. My Mum was finally at her desk by then.

"Alaska?", she asked as she saw me walking towards her desk.

"I know about everything, you and Dad need to go on vacation. Go pack your stuff, I think you will be leaving soon.", I quickly said. "Oh, and here are your pills."

She looked at me in total confusion as I handed her the pills. "What did you just say?"

I decided to slow down and explained it again: "Okay, step by step then. I came here to bring you your pills. You were not at your desk so I met JJ, we talked a bit and then she told me about what happened between you and Dad this morning since today is your 13th wedding anniversary. I headed straight to Dad yelling like crazy for him being so stupid."


"What? He needed it. Actually he only agreed with me the whole time since he knows that he has been a douchebag. Well I tried to explain how he should try to fix this thing between you two but he said that he was scared of hurting you again."

"And why am I going on vacation all of the sudden?", she slowly asked.

"I figured that the only way to help you is to make you talk to each other. I could easily just lock you two up in a room but since you two are both working at the BAU, I guess you'd be out in less than two minutes. So you should just go on some kind of vacation. Living in one house, for a week? I guess Dad like the idea, otherwise he wouldn't be looking at houses to rent right now", I pointed to my Dad's office, where he was working on his computer.

"No", she simply said. "I am not going to do this, no."

"So you don't want this to be fixed?", I asked.

"There's nothing I want more, but we will be able to do this without going on 'vacation' for a week. At the moment, it even hurts too much to just face him, how could I be able to live in the same place with him now? Also, who is gonna take care of the house and you? I cannot just let you alone at home. Additionally, I cannot just take a week off work, that's no possible.", she explained.

"Firstly: Well, facing your problems and your fears is the intention of this vacation. Secondly: I can take care of the house, I'm old enough to stay alone. Jonas will be there as well, and JJ too. Don't worry about that. And thirdly: You are the bosses' wife, getting a week off will be the smallest problem for you.", I grinned. "Got ya."

She didn't reply.

"You need this, Mum!"

"Give me some time to think about it, okay?", she sighed.

"Noted. Don't worry, Dad will not run after you with this idea. He's too scared to hurt you in any way. So just talk to me. I love to be your tour guide.", and with these words, I walked towards the elevator.

"Clever", I heard a voice behind me as soon as the elevator doors had closed. "Getting rid of your parents for quite some time. I hope they will follow your idea, this could lead us to our most successful week!"

I didn't answer, trying to ignore.

"Don't worry, you'll see that it's gonna be fun. By the way, what have you eaten today?"

I turned around to face her. "Nothing", I spitted.

"I know", she giggled. "I just wanted you to remind it again. Feels good, doesn't it? What about a work-out at home? Or a run?"

As the doors opened I quickly left the elevator, hoping that she wouldn't follow me. But I already knew that she would always be there. If you let Ana in your head once, it's impossible to get her out.

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