Here with you [Emily]

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Alaska and I arrived back home in the early evening and she directly headed to bed again. I knew that she was exhausted, even though she would have never admitted it.

As I looked into her room in order to bring her a tea, she was already asleep. I covered her with an additional blanket and put the tea on her sideboard.

"Good night, Honey", I whispered and placed a soft kiss on her forehead, before switching off the light and closing the door behind me. I headed downstairs again and after I had put comfortable clothes on, I turned on the TV and sat down on the couch. The news had just started, but I had already drifted off and fallen asleep.


I woke up the next morning, wondering where I was. Only then I realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch. Suddenly I felt my throat hurting like hell, as well as my head. 'Oh, no', I thought. 'Don't tell me I got infected as well'. But I obviously had. My temperature was even higher than Alaska's the day before.

"Shit", I cursed as I saw that I should be at work in five minutes. I pulled out my phone in order to call Aaron, but instead I found a message from Alaska.

I went over to Jonas last night. I missed him so much and slept really well + I'm feeling much better ever since. Please don't be mad :) love you, see ya later !!

I sighed and just hoped that she didn't infect him as well. I dialed Aaron's number and he immediately picked up.

"Hey", he said.

"Hey", I cawed, realizing how fucked up my voice sounded. "I guess Alaska infected me too. I'll stay at home today before I'm gonna infect the whole team as well."

He knew how much I hated staying away from work and said: "Sure, shall I come over?"

"I don't think that this is a good idea", I answered. "I don't want you to get sick."

"I'll take the risk", he chuckled and before I could argue, he hung up. I smiled to myself. What an idiot.

Only some minutes later, he stood in front of the door. "You're really stupid", I sighed as I opened the door.

"Anything for you", he smiled and entered the house. "I brought some soup, tea, medicaments and many movies to watch", he grinned and held up two bags. God, he was so adorable. "Where is Alaska?"

"She sneaked out at night to see Jonas, she's still there and obviously feeling better. She just called me, saying that they will stay in today, neither of them going to school.", I sighed and walked into the kitchen in order to cook some water for the tea.

"Let me do that", he said and took the the electric kettle out of my hands, filling it up with water himself.

"I may be sick, but I can still fill a kettle with water", I sighed.

"i know you can", he nodded. "But that's why I'm here, so you can relax as much as possible and get better soon. You should put on a scarf for your throat, and", he put the kettle aside and took some medicaments out of one of the bags. "take some of those. They'll make you feel better."

He handed them to me and I swallowed one pill with a lot of water. That immediately hurt in my throat, making me cough.

"Are you okay?", he asked, looking worried.

I just nodded, coughing again. He finished the tea and we headed into the living room, where he put the cups on the table before handing me a blanket. Even though I would have never admitted it, I liked this caring, worried side of him.

"So, first round", he smiled. "Notting Hill or Dirty Dancing?"

"Seriously?", I grinned.

"What?", he smiled. "I know that you love to watch these movies when you are sick or on your period... and when you were pregnant, we had to watch Dirty Dancing at least every second day!"

I smiled, remembering every single time we had watched it. He was absolutely right, I had a thing for certain movies when I wasn't feeling well.

"Okay, true", I admitted. "Then let's start with Dirty Dancing once more."

"I knew you would choose this one", he chuckled before turning the TV on. I patted on the spot next to me on the couch.

"I thought you don't want me to get sick too", he smiled but made his way over to me.

"I thought you take the risk", I shot back and grinned provoking.

He just laughed and sat down next to me, offering me his arms and I leaned against his chest while watching Dirty Dancing. I hoped that the movie would never end since I had not felt this good in a while now, even though I was sick. With his arms wrapped around me, he gave me the feeling of protection and love, which I had missed so much. I smiled to myself as I felt his thumb drawing soft circles on my back. Even though we had just watched about half an hour of the movie, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes again, we were still in the same position as before.

"How are you?", Aaron softly asked as soon as he realized that I was awake.

"A bit better, I guess", I yawned. "How long was I asleep?"

"A bit more than one and half an hour", he answered.

"Oh my God, I missed the last scene of the movie!", I exclaimed and looked over to the TV, which was turned off.

"You already know this scene by heart", he smiled and look down at me.

"Maybe", I grinned. "Have you heard from Alaska?"

"She stopped by some time minutes ago, but we didn't want to wake you. She looked a lot of better than yesterday. Jonas was with her and they were gonna take a walk and later watch a movie at Jonas' place since we already occupied our living room."

I just nodded and rested my head on his chest again.

"You should eat something", he then said. "I'm gonna make the soup, okay?"

I let go of him and watched him walking into the kitchen. I heard how he set up water again und took spoons out of the cupboard. Some minutes later we sat face to face with each other on the couch, everyone eating their soup.

"You must be really sick", he noticed. "You only like this soup in the worst cases."

"You know me too well", I sighed.

"If you're not better by tomorrow, we should visit a doctor. Your temperature is still very high, it seems like it hit you harder than it hit Alaska."

"I'm already better as long as you are here with me", I whispered, staring into my soup. I recognized the way he looked at me but I didn't look up. All I could think about was how much

I loved Aaron Hotchner.

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