Elizabeth [Aaron]

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Two weeks had passed since Alaska had woken up. She didn't talk a lot, some days she didn't even say a word. Some days she managed to eat an apple, some days she started crying and screaming as soon as someone walked in with food. But Dr. Adams said that this was normal and that he believed that she was getting better. If she would get better too quick it wouldn't be real. She kept fighting with herself, and this struggle needed time if it was real.

Emily and I spent as much time at the hospital as possible, but sometimes Alaska didn't even want to see us. At the beginning, this had been very hard for us to understand, but we learned that she was just exhausted or didn't want anyone to see her like this if it had been a hard day. The battle against her eating disorder took all the energy away from her, but I knew that she did her best. I didn't know what Dr. Adams had told her, but he seemed to have better methods and a lot of more patience than previous clinics.

"It looks like she is slowly realizing what her illness did to her", he had said. "And that is the first and most important step for a recovery. We just need to give her time."


The alarm clock woke me up this one morning. I quickly shut it down, hoping that it would have not woken up Emily. I smiled as I found clinging to my torso, still sleeping. It had taken some time until she had been able to sleep properly since Alaska had been brought to the hospital, but she had calmed down a bit. Sometimes she had nightmares or worries that would keep her awake at night, but I had always stayed awake with her and helped her to relax.

Gently, I run my hand through her dark hair, putting one of the strands behind her ear so it wouldn't cover her face. She kept sleeping peacefully and I let her. Moving my hand to her back, I started to slowly draw circles on it with my fingers because I knew that she loved this.

After some time, she started to mumble and opened her eyes slowly.

"Good morning", I smiled.

She blinked and raised her head from my chest: "What time it is?"

"6:53", I replied.

"Shit, we wanted to get up at 6:30", she sighed and slowly started to move.

"I turned the alarm clock off", I explained. "You needed some more sleep."

"You're adorable", she smiled and gave me a quick kiss. "But we really have to get up."

I knew she was right since her mother wanted to stop by early because she was around due to her work. Elizabeth Prentiss had never liked me a lot, I knew that even though she always gave her best to act like she liked me. I guess she always wanted her daughter to marry a very wealthy, politically-involved guy. It did not occur often that we saw her, she also had no close bond to Alaska. Emily talked to her on the phone sometimes, telling her about our life or Alaska's condition.

"Really?", I smiled and took her hand, pulling her back to me. She chuckled as I kissed her deeply.

"I'd love to continue this, but we really have to get up now. We need to prepare everything for my mother's visit and get ready, so we can directly head to see Alaska afterwards", she explained and kissed my cheek before hopping out of bed.

I did the same and followed her into the bathroom, where we took a shower and got ready. It was around 8 am when the door bell rang. We had tidied up our kitchen and living room, made fresh coffee and put some snacks on the table, even though we were both more than sure that Elizabeth would only have a black coffee.

"Mum", Emily smiled as she opened the door.

"Hello Emily", the older women smiled and hugged her daughter.

"Hello Elizabeth", I said politely.

"Aaron", she nodded and gave me a quick smile before turning back to Emily again. "How is Alaska?"

"She's getting better", Emily sighed. "It's a slow process but she's strong."

"Well, she is a Prentiss", Elizabeth smiled. "We only have strong women in our family."

We walked into the kitchen where I made three coffees and handed them to both of them. Elizabeth was leaning against the counter in the kitchen. Emily and I were leaning against the opposite counter, and as she moved closer to me, I wrapped on arm around her hip.

"So, how are you, Elizabeth?", I asked.

"Oh, work keeps me busy", she nodded. "but apart from that, I'm fine. I'm really happy that I got to see both of you, my current schedule won't give me any free time, which is why I cannot stay for long. I'm sorry."

"It's okay", Emily smiled. "At least you're here now."

"I wish Alaska would be here now as well", her mother sighed and took a sip of her coffee.

"Me too", Emily whispered and looked up to me. I gave her a supportive smile and turned my attention back to Elizabeth.

"I brought her something", she said, pulling a gift out of her pocket. "Tell her that I believe in her."

"Thank you", I smiled as she handed it to me. "She'll be really happy."

"I hope-", the ring of her phone interrupted her. "Excuse me for a second." She picked up her phone and left the kitchen.

Emily rolled her eyes and turned towards me: "Typical ambassadress."

"Hey, at least she stopped by", I replied and stroke her back.

"I know", my wife sighed. "But I bet the next thing she does is coming in an telling us that she has to leave now. Wanna bet?"

Before I could even answer, Elizabeth Prentiss walked back into the kitchen and said: "I'm so sorry, but I have to go. This was an urgent call."

"Of course", Emily smiled and walked her to our door.

"See you", Elizabeth said as she hugged her daughter. "Take care of your daughter."

"We will", she smiled and hugged her back.

I waved her goodbye as she left our house and Emily and me watched her getting into her car before closing the door again.

"How unexpected", Emily grinned and I chuckled before the both of us grabbed our jackets in order to head to the hospital.

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