Dirty Dancing [Aaron]

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Two more days had passed since Emily had finally opened up to me again and it felt so good. We were able to interact like a couple again, all this awkward tension was gone and Emily herself seemed a lot of happier than before.

The evening before we had talked about the actual fight that had caused all this divorce stuff. I had been way too overprotective and she had gotten defensive, since she felt like I thought she was not able to protect herself. Totally stupid, but one thing had led to another back then. I had never been that overprotective before, but this case had really gotten me since Emily perfectly fitted into the unsub's scheme.

But we were able to just talk it out. I had not expected that, I actually expected that we wouldn't find a solution and would start from the beginning again, arguing. But instead both of us easily explained their point of view. I completely understood her and apologized, but she did as well. If only we had already done it like that months earlier.

"Have you heard from Alaska lately?", I asked her as I entered the living room with two cups of coffee.

She shook her head 'no': "I guess she spends a lot of time with Jonas. I talked to her yesterday, she sounded a bit sick but promised that he will take care of her."

"He better does", I mumbled, placing the cups on the small table and sat down on the couch in front of her.

"He is a good guy", she smiled.

"Hm", I replied. "We do not know a lot about him. I should've done more than just a background-check when she started seeing him."

"You did a background-check?!", Emily exclaimed.

"Sure!", I nodded, totally honest.

She bursted into laughter: "Oh my God, you have to stop being this stereotypical FBI-Dad!"

"What? Why?", I asked.

"Because there is nothing that young girls hate more than their Dad spying on them and their boyfriends. Besides, she and Jonas started dating a year ago and he still did not kill her yet, so I guess we are safe.", she smiled and took one of the cups of coffee. "It's actually a miracle that you have not scared him off yet."

"I am not that scary!", I sighed.

"Really?", she grinned. "Tell me, would you have liked it if you were a teenager going out with a girl you like, but then her father - who ironically works at the FBI - questions you like a serial-killer and does a background-check on you?"

Okay, I had to admit, that would have scared me. "Okay, you win", I grinned.

She smiled to herself, happy with her little triumph. I took a sip of coffee as well, looking out of the window. Rain was heavily pouring against the glass, surrounding us with this relaxing sound.

"Seems like we won't be able to go out today", my wife said, pointing at the glass front of the living room.

"I guess we have to stay in then", I smiled and looked over to her.

"How boring", she grinned.

"Trust me, it won't get boring", I grinned as well before climbing over to her and passionately kissing her. She directly brought her hand to my shirt and pulled it over my head before loosing her hands in my hair again.


"This reminds me of early times", I smiled as I watched her preparing lunch in the kitchen, only wearing panties and my shirt, which was way too large for her.

"You better get your ass of the couch and help me here", she grinned and I got up, wearing my jogging pants.

"I need my shirt for that", I playfully said and walked over to her.

"No, you don't", she simply replied. "It's gonna be hard but I guess I can live with you running around shirtless."

"Well then", I grinned and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before putting plates on the table.

"Nah, let's eat on the couch and watch a movie", she proposed and I liked that idea.

"But not Dirty Dancing again", I begged.

"Dirty Dancing is great!", she exclaimed out of the kitchen.

"It is, but it has already been great the last 300 times we have watched it", I sighed.

"Well then, choose another movie. I bet it won't be as great as Dirty Dancing or Notting Hill.", she yelled.

"Wanna bet?", I challenged her.

"It's on!", she replied. "You're so going to lose."

"You will see", I smiled and looked through the movies which we were able to rent. I then decided to watch Pretty Woman. Definitely not a movie I would watch myself, but I had a bet to win.

"Pretty Woman?!", she looked at me in surprise as she placed a bowl with Spaghetti alla Carbonara on the table between the two couches. "I have to admit, you keep surprising me every day, Aaron."

"Does this mean I won?", I smiled.

"Of course not", she rolled her eyes. "Nothing can top Dirty Dancing. That was clear to me even before we made this bet. You had no chance to win."

"That's not fair!", I exclaimed.

"It is", she shrugged.

"Oh, shut up", I grinned.

"Make me", she replied and raised her eyebrows. Without hesitation I pulled her closer and kissed her passionately, breaking apart as we both ran out of air, only to close the gap between our lips again.

"Not bad", she smiled. "Now, let's watch this not-as-good-as-Dirty-Dancing-movie!"

"We still can watch something else since the bet is already over", I suggested, hoping that I would not have to watch Pretty Woman.

"You wish", she grinned and sat down on the couch.

To my luck, only half an hour after the movie had started, we were not even paying attention anymore. Moreover, we were only paying attention to each other. I was just hovering over her and kissing her neck as her phone rang.

"I guess that's Alaska", she smiled. "We will continue this later."

I climbed off her and she got up to get her phone.

"Hotchner?", she said as she picked up the call. "Yes, this is her. [...] What?! [...] When?! [...] We are on our way!"

She had gone totally pale and looked at me in shook. Only one name slipped out of her mouth: "Alaska."

Within seconds we had pulled our clothes on and ran over to my car, driving back home, leaving all our stuff back in the house.

Emily had not even said what had happened exactly, but I already knew that it was bad this time. Much worse than the last times.

We should have never left her alone.

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