Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Ellie’s P.O.V

“Oh my goodness I am so tired” I panted as May and I reached Tom and Nath at lockers. May opened her locker and we chucked our dance kits in there. I leant into Toms shoulder and he just laughed at me. “Come on I can’t wait to get out of here” Nath said. We walked out of school and I saw Harry walking around clueless to where he was going, he looked lost. “Hi Harry how was your first day?” I walked up to him. “Yeah wasn’t too bad thanks, didn’t get too lost” he laughed.  “I was wondering if you want me to show you properly around tomorrow” I asked. Shit why did I asked him, I should have just let me ask me maybe he didn’t want me to show him around I bet he already had someone else already to do it. I am such an idiot. I thought as I looked away from his gaze. “Yeah that would be great how about I meet you outside the library at lunch because that’s pretty much the only place I know how to get to and you can show me around” he laughed. “Yeah okay, well I better be going my friends are waiting” I suddenly realised that they were all waiting for me at the gates. I saw Tom in the corner of my eye looking slightly bored and like he was hurt inside; he saw me looking and met my gaze and a small smile appeared on his lips. May was grinning at me aswell like a Cheisure Cat. “Okay see you around” “Bye” I walked back to May and we started to walk home “Soooo tell me what happened” she said excitedly “Nothing I just said I would show him around tomorrow lunch” I couldn’t help the massive smile that spread across my face. We reached the station so we said bye to May and Nath and it was just me and Tom. “So who’s that guy you were talking to earlier?” he asked “Um… you mean Harry oh he’s just new and I said I would show him around, because I know what it’s like to be new and stuff.” “Oh okay have fun with that” he said sarcastically. “Tom what’s the matter?” “Nothing just had a shit day” he sighed “Come here” I pulled him into a hug.

Tom’s P.O.V

She pulled me into a hug, well I guess I was kinda more hugging her because I was about 3 inches taller than her. I didn’t lie to her though about what was wrong, my day had been pretty much shit. The fact I told May about my feelings, at least I know she won’t tell anyone, but it’s still someone who knows. And that new kid Harry I am not so sure about him. I broke away from the hug even though I didn’t want to let her go, just knowing she was in my arms made me feel better. We carried on walking “So what are you doing for the final show?” she asked me. “Um… I was thinking singing and playing guitar” “Aww you are amazing at playing guitar I have always wanted to learn how to play what song you thinking of doing?” she asked as we turned on to her road. “Um Wonder wall by oasis maybe” ( . We turned up her drive and we were now standing in her porch “If You Want one day I could teach you how to play the guitar or just teach you a few chords or something” I mumbled on “You would do that?” “Yeah of course your my best friend Ellie” “Aw thanks Tom Tom I would love that” she smiled “Well I will see you tomorrow bye” I pulled her into another a hug. “Bye Tom” she called as I walked back down her drive as I began the walk back to my house. I pulled my ipod out of blazer pocket a turned up ‘fix you’ by coldplay and let the music run through my ears.    

My P.O.V

Me and Nath boarded the rain back to Gloucester. It was now about 15 minutes into the journey Nath had pulled out his song and was singing quietly to him self and writing down random words then rubbing them out again. “Nath let me see the song again?” I asked and he handed over the piece of paper.   

Personal soldier:

Tell me what's going on

I know there's something on your mind and can you just open up?

Do you feel out of love

Is somebody trying to hurt you?

You know I'd never let that happen

Must be out of their minds

“Um…. It needs a bit more ummm…” I thought in my head words that would fit “Ummmm…” I sang quietly the melody. “What about Cause you are the sunshine that makes my day and I won't let them take that away, hey” . He sung it to himself and wrote down the lyrics on his piece of paper. “OMG YOU ARE A GENIUS MAY, IT FITS PERFECTLY” he shouted. “Umm… Nath I know you love me because I am amazing, but everyone is starring” I laughed. He turned around and looked at everyone else on the carriage “Sorry” he said quietly. “You are honestly amazing” he said and pulled me into a hug. “Glad I could help” I smiled and the train pulled into the station.  

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