Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

Tom’s P.O.V

Me and Ellie were dancing and had been for the past few hours and I couldn’t wipe the smile from my face; I was having an amazing time. This was most defiantly been the best party I had been to in a while everything was going right for once. I pulled Ellie closer and starred deep into her eyes. “You have beautiful eyes” I whispered into her ear so she could hear me over the loud music. She laughed “I think you’re drunk Parker” she giggled “I’m not… I mean it” I said defensively and I leant down and kissed her. I smiled into the kiss I wanted this moment to last forever her lips were just magic like fireworks going off. I was suddenly pulled away, I turned to face a worried looking Nathan “Tom we need to go” he said sternly. “Why?” I questioned “They are here they know the girls are here” he said and I grabbed Ellie’s hand without a question and followed Nath out of the house. I looked around with every step I took to make sure no one was following us. Once we were out of the house Ellie stopped in her tracks “What about May?” she said with tears in her eyes. “I told her to go ahead and order a cab for us we are meeting her at the bus shelter” Nath said. I kissed her check and pulled her out into the night. Nathan was already about 20 meters in front obviously wanting to reach May to make sure she was safe. We ran to catch up with him.

May’s P.O.V

I ran down the garden it was pitch black, I could barely see a thing but I kept running faster and faster until I could only hear the faint sound of the music from the house, I stopped and caught my breath, I realised I was at the bottom of Jay’s garden my heals would most defiantly be ruined my now and covered in mud. From the many times I had been round Jay’s I remembered there was a hole in the bushes when many times when it was snowing we would hid behind the bush and throw snowballs from each side. I pulled out my phone which gave out a little light and shinned it around to, start to look for it. I suddenly heard a snap of a stick, I turned around quick and scanned around me, my heart was in my mouth I saw my breathe in the cold air “Hello” I whispered there was no reply I turn back around then I noticed the hole I ran towards it and ran through it and continued to run towards the main road. I didn’t dare stop and turn to look back around, it was probably just a bird before but considering I had just seen the women in black a few nights back and people were looking for me I didn’t want to take any chances. As I ran I had a feeling in the back of my mind that I was being followed but I was just imagining that right? The constant things that were running through my mind were, I hope Nathan got to Ellie and Tom in time, I hope they hadn’t noticed that we were there, I just hope they are ok.  I tried to push that to the back of my mind and just concentrating on where I was going. I knew I was getting closer due to the fact I heard a car and a fire engine drive past and it sounded close. I broke down into a jog then gradually into a walk; I jumped over the small wooden fence and began to walk along the path. I looked down at my legs they were covered in mud and my shoes were ruined. The sound of my heels clicking against the concert path was the only noise to be heard, it really freaked me out, the road was meant to be quite busy during the day however it was the middle of the night so there was barely any cars. I breathed out slowly and saw my breath in the cold air and I shivered. I rubbed my arms to try and warm myself up and take my mind off the cold.  I suddenly saw in the distance the bus shelter Nathan was talking about I sighed in relief as I reached it. I was about to get my phone out to call a cab, but I heard footsteps getting closer and closer I held my breath and closed my eyes hoping they were just going to walk past. But as the footsteps got closer they got slower as well. I had never been more scared in my life. I just wanted to be home with Nathan watching a DVD in the warm where I knew I was safe, just to be in his arms where I felt safe.

I opened my eyes slowly and I screamed as a dark hooded figure stood about 10 centre meters away. He put his hand over my mouth to stop me from screaming, it was sweaty and muddy I spat at it sp he removed his hand “Ew bitch” he said with disgust in his voice. I knew who it was “Ben?” I whispered, he didn’t look me in the eyes. “You know why I am here don’t make this harder than it needs to be” he whispered. I didn’t want to get Nath or Tom into any trouble “What?” I said “Don’t act dum I know you are a clever bitch really” he spat “Ben I have no clue” I said “Well, your best mates boyfriend owes us a lot of money” he said getting closer with every word he said. I stepped further back until I felt my back against the cold wooden wall of the shelter; and I tried to keep my breathing normal to show I wasn’t scared. “So what has that got to do with me” “It’s not just him though that owes us money” he chuckled “What who else then?” I questioned. “Your parents” he laughed. My heart felt like it had stopped wait, what had he just said my parents, they were working in France though. “What?” I said “They owe us more than your mate does” he said still getting closer “How…. much?”  I said nervously, he laughed as I shifted nervously “£20,000” I gulped “How?” “Well their business company and because I know you and you are related…” “You’re going to take it out on me” I finished his sentence for him. He nodded “See smart” he mocked. I gulped. “Give me the money” he warned “Ben come on I don’t carry £20,000” with me “I know you have it” “Ben I swear I don’t have it” I cried. My tears started to spill over my cheeks. He put his hand in his pocket and I could see he was fiddling with something in his pocket “Please Ben” I cried. I knew what it was “I thought we, were okay now” “OKAY YOU THINK AFTER WHAT YOU DID” he shouted. “I HAVE DONE NOTHING YOU TURNED MY BEST FRIENDS IN TO MONSTERS, WHAT ELES WOULD I HAVE DONE. THEY GOT HELP I OFFERED TO HELP YOU TOO” I cried. He looked me straight in the yes I saw he even has tears in his eyes. “Ben it’s okay to be scared and sad sometimes I know what you have been though” I tried to comfort him. He shrugged me off “You have no clue! About me or my life stay away from me” he warned. I stepped back has he pulled out a gun from his pocket.

“Please Ben” I said. I needed to get through to him, if I had ever meant anything to him he would let me go. “You know if it was up to me I would but I can’t and you know that it’s my job to do this” he whispered. “Ben you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to, we can go to the police…” I trailed on “NO you don’t understand” he said aiming the gun at me. “I have to”. Where was Nathan he said 5 minutes it had defiantly been more than 5. I needed him. I began shaking uncontrollably.

His hand was shaking as he healed the gun. This is it I thought I am going to die. I tried to take my mind of everything and zone out, and I thought of the memories I had, had with Tom, Ellie, Jay and Nathan as well as everyone else I knew. I thought back to my 15th birthday party, we camped out in my back garden in the tent. We were all so happy, that was one of the best days of my life. I heard running footsteps and voices getting closer, I sighed in relief. I looked at Ben and he was staring at me. Ellie Tom and Nath came into view. I wiped my eyes and went to run towards them but 3 other people came up behind them. “Nath” I whispered he took one look at me and began to run towards me but he was pulled back by 1 of the other hoodies and they held a knife to his neck. “Stop!” I shouted but no one listened. Tom and Ellie stayed back but I could tell Ellie was crying. Tom stood close to her. “LET HER GO, SHE HAS DONE NITHING WRONG” Nathan shouted. Ben ignored them. One of the other men started to put petrol around the shelter. “What are you doing” I said “Revenge” he said simply with a smile on his face. And another guy pulled out a lighter. I gasped.

Then he pulled the trigger and everything went in slow motion. I was falling; pain instantly ran through my body, it hurt so much it felt numb. I screamed as I hit the cold floor, I felt red liquid surround me I instantly knew it was my blood. Then smoke filled my nose and my vision began to fade.

Fire. Burning. Screaming. Shouting. Sirens. Flames. Smoke. Nath. Tom. Ellie. Pain. Blood. Burly.

“Nathan?” I whispered.  I couldn’t see a thing just felt a surreal pain coming from my side. I reached out my hand and it connected with someone else’s. “Don’t worry ‘I'll be your hero whose standing strong who protects you from any fight’. “Just keep breathing stay with me please!”

And everything went black.

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