Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Ellie’s P.O.V

I finally got off the train. I don’t know how May and Nath do that journey every day. I always get bored whenever I do it. I guess they have each other though .I had finally reached Gloucester station. I pulled my headphones out of ears; put it into my handbag and began walking towards the exist humming to ‘Busy’ by Olly Murs. Just one of many amazing songs off that album. Then I saw May waiting by the normal place where I usually meet her if I get the train standing under the shelter with her ipod in to. when she saw me she smiled; took her headphones out and; I ran towards he and she engulfed me into a massive hug. “Heyyyaaa you ok” she smiled “Yeah” I replied. “Come on we need a girly chat and deicide what we are wearing to Bird’s party” she grinned. “Definitely” I grinned back. We began walking back to hers deep in conversation. To be honest I had kinda forgot about Jay’s party but it’s going to be a good night, and by the sounds of it May was planning to get me with someone. She suddenly stopped talking and pulled out her phone from her pocket I saw Naths face pop up “You gonna answer him?” I laughed “Erh oh right” “Hey Nath”. Her face dropped from a smile into a confused look “Well I am at the station” she spoke “I just picked Ellie up why?” she questioned. “Umm okay babe why what’s the matter?”… “Yeah I promise I love you too but why?... you’re scaring me Nath” she whispered “Okay love you” she pulled the phone away from her ear and put it back into her pocket. “What was that all about?” I asked. “I don’t know Nath asked me to stay at home and when I told him I went to pick you up from the station he kinda freaked then he told me to take us back home straight away and to stay safe” “That’s a bit weird was he with Tom?” “I’m guessing so he sounded really worried you don’t think they got into any trouble do you?” she asked “No it’s probably nothing” I reassured her. “Yeah you’re probably right he said he would tell us when they got back”. “I guess we will have to wait and find out”    

We walked in silence; it was not an awkward one. But I could tell May was worried about Nath, and what he meant on the phone. He was like always there for her even since I can remember and I think it’s cute how they finally got together. Me and Tom had talked about it and were over the moon when they told us. To be honest I was thinking about it too. Well it was hard not to. Nath was always the calm one stopping people from freaking out. Like when we had our exams he was practically the only person who was freaking out and was calming everyone else down. I remember him sitting me down and telling me ‘It’s only a piece of paper and trust me you will be fine, just think of me in the exam…wait hang on that will distract you’ I remember hitting him lightly and laughing ‘See your smiling now don’t worry it’s not the end of the world’ I remember that cheesy grin he had plastered on his face and he pulled me into a firm hug, and I passed that exam. So it was weird to think Nath would be scared. I hope Tom wasn’t in any trouble either. I was suddenly pulled from my thoughts when, I felt someone’s eyes burning at the back of my head. I quickly turned round and saw nothing, just the trees blowing in the wind. There was no one else down this road just us two. “Elz you ok?” May asked worriedly “yeah just thought I saw someone” I smiled “Oh okay come on we are nearly back” she smiled back I turned back around and began walking back. I didn’t turn back around but I swear I felt someone watching my every move. It was scary. I was just imagining things though, right?

We reached her house and she pulled out her keys and opened the door. We walked into the kitchen and I sat down at the coffee table. “You want a cuppa?” “Yes please two sugars” I smiled “I think I know how my best friend likes her tea” she laughed “Just checking” I laughed back. “How long do you think the boys are going to be?” I asked “Ummm probably not long” she smiled. He handed my tea and I sipped it slowly. I wrapped my hands around the sides of the mug and let the heat warm up my fingers. We began disusing what we were going to wear to the party. She said she was going to wear her purple dress which was strapless and came down to about just below her thighs and her black heels. I told her I would wear my black body con  skirt and a pink blouse with my pink heels. We grinned and began deciding on how we should have our hair.  

I suddenly jumped when I heard loud knocking from the front door. “Shit… I guess there’re back” May mumbled “Yeah fuck that made me jump” I laughed “Same” we walked to the door. Suddenly May stopped “You ready to hear what they were up to” she said “Ready as I will ever be” she smiled weakly and opened the door.

They both ran in nearly knocking us back over. Nath literally jumped on May and hugged her tight. “Love you babe thank God your safe” he mumbled into her neck and kissed her head. She looked at me from over his shoulder and mouthed ‘some things up’. Then felt someone’s warm arms wrap around my waist and pull me close to them. Just by his touch I knew it was Tom. I smiled and felt my check leaning against his chest. He was breathing heavily like he had been running I felt his chest rise and fall in a fast pattern. “Tom have you been running?” I questioned pulling away from him “Yeah just the way here” he smiled weakly I could instantly tell something was up. “I thought you were going home?” I looked at him. “Ummm well…” he scratched the back of his neck and looked at Nath for help. He was standing behind May with his arms still wrapped around her waist and leaning his head on her shoulder. “Umm you both may want to sit down for this” Nath mumbled.

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