Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Tom’s P.O.V

I just keep walking. I didn’t know where I was going. But I just kept going. Further and Further. I pulled up my hood and pulled it tighter over my head. I dung my hands into my pockets and pulled out my ipod and plugged the headphones into my ears; turned up the volume to full blast. And let the music drown out my thoughts.  My phone vibrated and I pulled it out of my back pocket *1 new message from Mayyyyyyyy* I sighed. I knew she just wanted to help but she knew what it was the matter. I decided to open the message and read it *Hey Tom Tom please let me know you are okay, just call or text me, Nath will come pick you up at any time, or I can get a cab and come and meet you please Tom Tom xxxx* I wanted to go back, but not just yet. I looked around and then recognised where I was I was near town. I looked across the road and I heard that familiar laugh that I love. That voice I heard it coming closer and closer. I walked further down the alley way I was in. Then that voice was there. I looked and saw her. She had a massive smile on her face. I smiled because when she smiled I smiled. Then a different voice came into view. I had heard it. It was him. Then he entered the scene that I could see. She turned and looked in the direction of me and he pulled her head with his finger so she was looking directly at him.  His arm was wrapped around her waist and all I could think was I wish that was me.

Ellie’s P.O.V

We had stopped in mid conversation just enjoying each other. I felt like someone was watching me. I turned to look over my shoulder; something felt like it was missing. I saw nothing just darkness. I looked back to Harry and he wrapped his arms around my waist and I wrapped mine around his neck, he leaned down slowly. I knew what was happening omg he was going to kiss me omg. His lips gently brushed against mine and we kissed. It was magical it was just perfect.

Tom’s P.O.V

I watched their every move. Then when their lips touched. I sunk down to the ground and let the tears come out. I turned my ipod on to YMAS and listened to the swarm. I waited until they had continued walking past then I got out from the alley way and into the streets. I dung my phone from my pocket and dialled May’s Number after 3 rings she picked up “Hello Tom Tom where are you are you ok?” “Um… I was just wondering if you could come here…um I need a friend” I sniffed. I tried to hid my sadness. “Tom Tom just tell me where you are and I will come and meet you” “Um… at brick Street” “Tom how the fuck did you get there hang on I am on my way, do you want me to bring anyone else?” “No…um… I just want to talk to you” “I’ll be there in 15 mins tops promise and Tom Tom please don’t do anything stupid promise me” “Promise May, see you soon” “Bye Tom Tom” and I hung up. Shit it was cold, I looked at my phone and it was 11. I sighed and leaned against the road sign and waited for May.

About 15 minutes later, I heard a car coming and I looked up and saw a cab which pulled to a Holt and May jumped out. She ran out and pulled me into a massive hug I buried my head into her shoulder and the tears just came out. “Come on Tom Tom come back to mine” she whispered I smiled and held open the taxi door and she got in first then me.

The journey home was pretty much silent. I think May knew it wasn’t a good place to talk, in the back of a cab with a driver giving me evils whenever he looked in his mirror. We pulled up at May’s and she paid the cab driver “No May let me” I offered but she had already given the money over. We entered her house and we walked into the kitchen “Do you wanna cuppa?” she offered “Please” She stuck the kettle on and got out to mugs and place a tea bag in each. She turned to me and pointed over to the kitchen table. I took a seat and she took a seat opposite. She smiled weakly at me “Your parents away again?” I asked “Um… yeah mums in France and Dad’s in Manchester the usual” she looked sad but changed the converstaion  “What’s the matter Tom Tom?” she asked and sounded concerned. “Its Ellie…you won’t understand”

May’s P.O.V

He looked at the floor and avoided my gaze. The kettle clicked he stood up and walked towards it he poured the water into each cup and I got up and got the milk from the fridge and handed it to him. He smiled and poured it into the tea. He made the tea exactly how I like it I smiled and he handed me my mug and we walked into the living room.  We took a seat and I sipped my tea. “Try me” I said “I saw them together…out on their date” I saw the tears in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder. “They kissed and then when away who knows what they were going to do” he whispered “Tom Tom it’s okay, and trust me she isn’t going to do what you think they will do Ellie is not like that” “I know” he sighed “It’s horrible you know loving someone you can’t have” “Trust me I know I’ve been through that and you just feel like shit, like nothing is worth doing and nothing ever compares to that person” “You pretty much got it in one… wait how did you know” “Um… well I guess I have pretty much always felt that way to Nath ever since that time when I broke up with Ben he just made me feel special and he’s always been there when my parents ain’t which is normally” I sighed and he smiled. “You know maybe if you told her it may help?” “Maybe one day” he smiled.    

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