Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Ellie’s P.O.V

“Oh Tom” I cried he pulled me into his chest and the tears just came falling out, leaving small tear stains on his polo top they just came out more and More. “Shhh its ok” he smoothed me. Tom pulled away from me; looked me in the eyes and took my hand and led me into my living room. ”Your parents out?” he whispered. I just nodded. I put my head in my hands. I knew he was watching my every moved he watched me like a hawk. I looked up at him. He didn’t look how he normally did. He usually had that cheeky look, with a massive smile on his face. His eyes usually shone bright almost glowing however they looked hurt full of worry. I sighed and began to tell him everything my heart poured out to him about how perfect the date went. The Kiss. The texts. Then the text. I took my phone from the table and put the text up and let him read it. I read it again to myself. Then noticed the text could mean so may things.   

*So sorry babe, my parents are in some trouble I had to go with them,They found out about you and me I am so sorry I will try and come back when everything is sorted. I never meant for it to turn out like this I promise ly *

I watched his eyes. “Tom what does they found out mean?” I whispered. He looked at me then reread the text again “That Prick!” he shouted and stood up I put my hand on his shoulder “Please Tom, he’s gone and properly never coming back. I’m scared what does they found out mean and I never meant for it to turn out like this ”I cried. Was I in some sort of danger? He put his head in his hands and looked like he was thinking hard. What did it mean? Who were they? How did it turn out? Was it me. Or was it something else. Something I knew nothing about. It was silent before he spoke “I have no idea Elz” He pulled me into yet another hug and was still thinking“But don’t worry I’m here…I’m gonna just pop out” he stood up and began walking towards the door. What he just came and now he was going.

“What Tom please stay…I need you” He turned in his steps and sat down on the sofa again. I rested my head on his shoulder. And watched him think. He leaned back so my head was now on his chest. It gently rose and fell in a steady rhythm. His steady heart beat calmed me down. I don’t know how but Tom seemed to have that effect on me I always relaxed around him. “Do you know what makes me happy when I’m down” he looked down at me “Ummm… drink?” he laughed at my response. “Yeah very true, but except that” he ran his finger up and down my back to comfort me. “Ummm… I donno” I sniffed he passed me a tissue from the box on the side and replyed “Order pizza” he grinned. I laughed I got up and reached over the coffee table and grabbed a take away menu which was lying on the side. I passed it to him. “Ummm what do you fancy?” he asked while scanning the menu. “Whatever you want” “What about a double spicy beef pizza” he peered over the menu and waited for my reaction “Tom you know I hate that one” I gently pushed him and I rolled my eyes “Fine…how about double large pepperoni with wedges” “You know me too well Parker”. He winked and took his phone out of his pocket and called the number.  I went to pick a movie to watched and settled for the women in black. I showed it to Tom. He tensed up. “You scared Parker?” I joked “No” he snapped “I just don’t see why we can’t watch something less scary like ummm…like Avatar” he shrugged. “Nooo, Jay has put me off that film we have watched at least 4 times in the past month not again” “Fine let’s watch that, but at least you have only seen it 4 times this month I have seen it 8 times I swear”.

Tom’s P.O.V

The pizza had arrived and we were half way through the movie. I have to admit it is quite scary. But Ellie didn’t seem to mind, she didn’t seem scared at all. I still wrapped my arms around her shoulders though just in case. We had managed to eat a large pizza, wedges, pop-corn and a pack of haribos all to our selfs. It was nice to see her smiling again. But the text that twat sent her didn’t seem right. I stilled wanted to know why he messed with her and what it meant. I had a plan but I didn’t know if it was gonna work. I needed help though. The movie finished and Ellie turned to face me “You look scared Parker” she laughed “Nahhh I’m not afraid and this is just a random question but why do you and May call me Parker?” “I donno we just have and I like the name Parker” she giggled “Fair enough but don’t you like Tom too” “Nope” my heart sank then I realised the smile on her face “Of course I do I was joking TOM” she laughed. “Awww babe I better get going back to mine. My mum’s properly thinks I have died or something because I haven’t been home in ages you okay though yeah” I laughed. “Aww Yeah I’m fine thank you Tom for everything you are the best” she wrapped me in a massive hug. She called me the best. That felt great. “I’ll text you later” “Okay” I began to walk out of her house and waved before walking around the corner on route to my house. I pulled my phone from my pocket and ran down my contacts until I reached Nath. I hesitated before clicking the call button.

“Alright mate” his thick Gloucester accent rang in my ears. “Yeah mate you” “yeah good tar you ok you had to rush off quickly” “Ummm…yeah mate the reason for me calling is can I ask you a favour and I’ll will tell you everything on the way and what happened” “Ok yeah sure what is it” “Just be ready in 45 minutes and I will explain everything” “Err okay mate see you in 45” I hung up and began fast walking to the station and to think over my plan.

Nathan’s P.O.V

Tom disconnected the call. I pulled my eye brows together and what was Tom on about. I guess I just had to trust him he sounded way serious though. I donno I guess I will see in a bit. “Mayyyy” I called out. No answer. “MAYYYY” I shouted a bit louder this time. “MAYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!” and still no reply. I walked through to the kitchen to find her. I laughed when I saw her washing up our mugs with her ipod in full blast. She was dancing and singing at the top of her voice to call me maybe. She obviously hadn’t noticed me watching. I crept up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulders. She jumped and pulled out her head phones. “Nath shit you made me jump” she laughed. “Good singing babe” I winked and she turned around in my grip. “Shut up Nath… fancy helping me dry up” she blushed before I could answer she has chucked a tea towel in my direction. I caught it just and laughed and began to help her dry up. “By the way babe, me and Tom are going out in like 40 minutes” “Oh cool where you going” she asked while handing me a wet plate. I took it and began drying it “I actually don’t know he asked me for a favour so I said I would help” “Okay cool ummm that’s a little weird though” she said. “Yeah it is don’t worry though babe its properly just something stupid” I reassured her. She smiled and we finished the dishes.

After we had cleared up we went and sat on the sofa in her living room. I suddenly realised we hadn’t told our parents about us. “Umm… babe I was wondering tomorrow if you wanted to come out with me, my mum and Jess and I thought maybe we could tell them about us because they don’t even know. “Yeah I would love too and yeah I kinda forgot. How do you think they are gonna take it” she leaned her head on mychest and I began playing with her hair. “I know my mum has wanted us to get together for years and has always loved you but Jess she thinks you’re her best friend” I laughed “Aww I love your mum and sister” that made me smile. I pulled her into a hug and kissed her gently on the lips “I guess now she is just going to have to learn to share you”. I grinned and she smiled and began to kissed me again. When the door bell went. I sighed and looked at May she was looking away from my gaze. She got up and began to walk towards the door. I followed her but just before she reached it and tugged her hand back; crashed my lips on hers once more. I pulled away and smiled “ See you later beautiful” I winked  “See you later Nath” “Love you” “Love you too” she smiled and I opened the door to revel a serious looking Tom.     

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