Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

May’s P.O.V

Ellie was already dressed with a cuppa in front of her and sipping it slowly and Nath was watching Jermey Kyle. She wore my pink flowerly playsuit with a brown belt round the middle. “Morning I hope you don’t mind I borrowed this” she smiled “Morning and of course not it looks so nice on you” I replied “thanks, I heard you pulled the short straw and had to get Tom up how did it go?” she laughed I glared at Nath. He was smiling like a total idiot. “Yeah Nath fucking shoutgunned before I even fished my sentence, he said he’ll be 5 minutes” I shrugged “And you believed him?” Nath questioned “Nath, this time I think he meant it and if he doesn’t I’ll throw a glass of…” I was interrupted “Throw a glass of what” a sleepy but dresses Tom he yawned from the doorway of the kitchen. “Afternoon nice of you to join us mate” Nathan said sarcastically “Shut up” “Morning Elz you okay” Tom said he was looking at her directly and smiled she nodded. “I didn’t even have to wake Elz she was already in the shower” Nath gloated “Shut it Sykes” I replied “Yeah Syko I wasn’t that bad today was I though today May?” Tom said “I have to admit it’s the best you had gotten up in it normally takes at least an hour and a half” I replied. We all laughed. “Well we have 20 minutes before the police are coming so I’m gonna go and get dressed, help you self to whatever you need guys.”

I had a quick shower and let my hair dry natural. I wore purple skinny jeans with my ‘I’m with a band top’ Ellie had got me for Christmas. I quickly just applied my foundation and mascara and then made my way back down stairs. The others were sat on the sofas watching ice age. Before I got to the bottom of the stairs as soon as I realised what they were watching I burst out laughing. “NATH ITS YOUR MOVIE” I laughed and called down the stairs I all most fell over because I was laughing so much. Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I looked a Nath “Fucks sake you are never going to let that go are you?” he moaned “Hahaha never, but the funny thing is it does actually look like you” I smiled and sat down next to Ellie. “Sorry It’s true Nath” Ellie laughed. “I still have never forgiven my mum for that… and how old were we about 8” he laughed a little bit “Yeah it was in the cinema and you mu randomly came out with it, and I could stop laughing and everyone was giving me dirty looks, and you didn’t talk to me for the whole day” “I bet that was tauter for you” he grinned “You wish Nath” About 20 minutes later the police arrived.

To be honest I had all most forgotten about them coming. Then I remembered people were after me and my best friend. I sigh under my breath and stood up next to Ellie Tom walked towards the door and pulled it open and 2 officers in uniform stood there.

Nathan’s P.O.V

The police stayed for about an hour and a half. Asking us all various questions such as “Where were you then?” “Do you have any idea why are they after you?” “How did you find this out?” “Why did you bump into them?” “How do you know them?” We had to bring up some stuff about mine and Tom’s past that we really didn’t want to say but they didn’t seem to care about it. To be honest they really didn’t seem to give a shit about the girls. In the end Tom kind a lost it a bit by shouting “For God’s sake can’t you just go arrest them guys or something they could do anything” and then gave a stupid excuse because apparently we had no evidence. We did have evidence you just have to go arrest those guys and then you will get the photos was it seriously anymore complicated. They were just a waste of time to be honest, all they said was to act as normal as possible but to make sure they never went out alone, but we already fucking knew that we didn’t need people in uniform to tell us to do that. Did they really think we were that dumb? For fucks sake. But we all knew what they were thinking ‘Stupid teenagers over exaggerating about everything’ to be honest they looked down on us like we were the people fucking doing it. I just wanted this sorted and done with, and apparently these were the people that helped. I know I am being sarcastic but it’s true. “Thanks officers” May smiled and let them out of the front door. As soon as she closed the door “Well that was a waste of time wasn’t it” Tom said “Couldn’t agree more mate them twats have no clue and did absolutely nothing to help what so ever” I said and pulled May into a hug and wrapped my arms around her waist. “At least they know though” May said and I hugged her tighter “True babe” “You both okay though?” Tom asked looking at May and Ellie but mainly at Ellie. They both nodded “Oh well lets think about what’s going to happen next” May said “Yeah” I said “Well erm… one thing guys am I going home tonight or what because if I am I need more clothes. I I can’t keep borrowing off May because she will run out and I need to at least see my parents and tell them I am over here” she smiled “True point umm… why don’t Tom go with Ellie and get her some stuff and then bring them back and you can tell your parents then and you are all welcome to stay here until tings quite down a bit”  May suggested and looked up at me “Good idea babe” I smiled “Sure okay see you later” Tom said while opening the front door for Ellie. “See ya” May and I smiled. To be honest I just wanted to spend a bit of time with just me and May, I mean I love Tom and Ellie to pieces but I miss my time with my girl. Just me and her, and the thought of just me and her made me smile. As soon as Tom shut the door. I turned to look at May. I smile crept along my lips and I quickly picked her up and chucked her over my shoulder and ran towards the living room “NATH PUT ME DOWN!” she laughed. I laughed to myself and plonked her onto the sofa. I jumped onto her and started tickling her “Nath….please….stop…” she laughed “Say that I do not look anything like Sid The Sloth” she didn’t say anything so I tickled harder “ Stop..stop…okay okay. Nathan James Sykes you look nothing like sid the sloth” she shouted “I don’t quite believe you” I smiled “I mean it” she said and I finally stopped. I let her catch her breath “You are so horrible to me sometimes” she giggled “You love me though” she nodded and kissed me gently. “Are we still going out tonight with your family?” she asked I climbed off her so I sat next to her and she laid her head on my shoulder. “Babe I don’t think that’s such a good idea” I trailed off. “Why Nath I was really looking forward to it and you will be with me so I’m not on your own and if they were gonna do something to me they wouldn’t do it in a crowed public area would they? ” she pleaded and gave me puppy eyes “May…I’m not so sure” “Come on it will be fun please” I finally gave in “Okay baby if that’s what you want”. She smiled  “Yayay love you Nath” “I know” I laughed “I’ll go call mum then” I said and got to my feet. I don’t think this is such a good idea, but if this is what she wants then I’ll just be on my guard 24/7. It was only one night right? Nothing could go that wrong right. Right.

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