Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Nath’s P.O.V

Tom and I were currently siting in May’s kitchen with a can of beer in front of both of us in silence I was still trying to finish my song it seemed like it was talking forever but I wanted to make it perfect. The girls were upset I guess it must be a lot to take in I mean finding out someone is out there watching your every move and you had no idea about it. Looking for you because of something someone else did and you thought you knew that person well. That you never know if you are safe or not. Life is pretty shit. I mean I am petrified and I’m not the one they are looking for, I would hate to be them, I wish I could take it away but I know I can’t. This isn’t fair they don’t deserve it but I guess life isn’t fair. But at least the police know, they said they would be round tomorrow. Me and May were meant to be going out with Jess and my mum tomorrow night but I don’t think it’s going to happen now. I know they already know each other, my mum is practically more of a mother than her is to her at the moment, and Jess thinks May’s her best friend but I just wanted, to do it properly I guess we will have to see what the police say. I looked across at Tom, he was staring at his can in deep though “Mate, I think May has some of my clothes here do you wanna borrow some” he didn’t answer he just continued to stare “Urh… to Tom?” He suddenly snapped out “What… sorry mate… I was just thinking about things” “I was just asking if you want some more comfy clothes to, like lounge around in?” “Yes please mate” I walked towards the stairs and called up to May “MAY DO YOU STILL HAVE ANY OF MY CLOTHES HERE?” “UMM…I THINK SO …I THINK THERE IN THE BOX IN THE LIVING ROOM” she shouted down to me “THANKS”. I walked into the living room and opened the box, I began looking through it. I didn’t realise how much of my stuff she had, I guess it had built up gradually from over the years. I finally found some things suitable. I pulled out a pair of navy tack suit bottoms and a grey pair, which were slightly too big for me but I knew would fit Tom perfectly. I also pulled out 2 hoodies one ‘Oasis’ one and a plain navy one which had a zip straight down the front. I closed the box and chucked the oasis hoodie and the tracksuit bottoms at him. “Thanks” he said and took a swig of his beer. He looked closely at the hoodie and smiled “You still have this” he laughed “Yeah it actually fits me now”. I remember it was one of my first concerts me and Tom went to and when I had brought the hoodie it was miles too big for me at the time. “That was a good night” he said “Yeah it was”.

About an hour later we were all siting on the sofa, stuffing our faces with popcorn and Chinese take away and watching the hangover yet again. Even after me having ago at May because I had already seen it only the other night with her. But she argued and said we saw the first one then, so we compromised and we put on the second one which in my opinion was so much better than the first one. May and I were on one sofa all snuggled up and she was siting in-between my legs and was hogging the popcorn which was sat on her stomach in a bowl. Ellie and Tom were sat on the other one. To be honest it looked a bit awkward, but Tom had slowly started to ease closer to Ellie so now his arm was wrapped around her shoulders. I smiled at them, I really wish Tom would tell Ellie how he feels, or I just wish Ellie would have feelings for Tom it would make things so much easier and they would be such a cute couple!

I looked down at mine and May’s bowl of popcorn we were meant to be ‘sharing’ it was almost half empty all ready. “Babe pass me some popcorn please” I whispered in her ear. She turned slightly “Nope” she giggled; turned back around and faced the TV and put another handful of popcorn in her mouth.  If she wanted it that way. I pinched the bowl from her grasp and took held it up high so she couldn’t reach it. “Hey” she moaned “Haha… you’ve had nearly all of it and I’ve hardly had any” I mocked “True, you know what I’m like with popcorn though, and I did offer” she giggled. “Well if you want it back… you have to kiss me” I whispered. “Ewww no why would I want to do that” she laughed “Because I’m beautiful” I said in a camp voice. She leaned in and kissed me slowly on my lips then whispered in my ear “I agree” then winked. My heart was racing and my stomach was going nuts, I had fallen hard for this girl.  “YOU TWO KEEP IT DOWN ME AND TOM ARE STILL HERE YOU KNOW” Ellie said. “Sorry” I replied and before I knew it May had taken the bowl back “Ha” she laughed. I laughed to myself and took one handful from the bowl and ate it.

Ellie’s P.O.V

The movie had just finished, to be honest it had taken my mind off things for a bit, it was nice. May all of a sudden burst out laughing at one point, which made everyone jump, she was nearly crying with laughter, and made us all laugh. “I think I’m going to go to bed” May said and sat up from Naths grasp. I looked at the clock on the DVD player it was one in the morning no wonder we were tired. “Same” I replied. We had all decided that May and I would sleep in her room and Nath and Tom agreed to sleep in the spare room, one on the blow up mattress and the other on the single bed. Tom had straight away shot gunned the bed, so poor Nath ended up on the mattress. May gave Nath a kiss goodnight and hugged him. I love how cute they are together; I just wish I would find someone who treated me how Nath treats May.  Then she gave Tom a big hug, I gave Nath a quick hug then Tom pulled me into a massive hug, I don’t know why but every time he gives me a hug, it’s like a surge of electric runs though me. I like it.  “Night” May and I called as we went upstairs. We entered May’s room and she handed me and pillow. We got into bed and she turned the light off. We said goodnight but just as I was about to fall asleep “May…I’m so sorry” I whispered. She turned around and looked at me “Why? It’s not your fault Elz” she smoothed me “It is though if I hadn’t of gone out with Harry none of this would have happened” I sighed “Shut up! It’s not your fault, they still would of got photos if you were going out with him or not…trust me this isn’t your fault” she pulled me into a massive hug “Thank you” I mumbled “You’re the best friend ever” she whispered “You too” I replied “Good Night” I whispered “Night” she replied.

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