Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Ellie’s P.O.V

I had the quickest shower ever and ran the blow dryer over my hair quickly. I looked at my watch 13:40. Shit I don’t have time to straighten my hair so I let it fall naturally just below my shoulders. I quickly opened my wardrobe and pulled out a baby pink dress and laid it on to my bed. I also grabbed my pink heals that matched; I ran over to my mirror and began to apply my make-up.

I dashed around my house trying to find my phone then I looked down and realise I was already holding it I laughed at myself and chucked it into my purse and waited.

Tom’s P.O.V

I managed to pill my eyes open. I had to blink about 10 times to realise where I was. I was in May’s living room, on her sofa. My head was still spinning. I groaned as my head killed. I must have got smashed. But I remember the reason I kept drinking I tried to drown about my thoughts. It normally works but it didn’t and to honest I felt worse. I rolled off the sofa and began to walk into the kitchen where I heard small soft voices and the sound of the toaster. I walked and with every step I took my head thudded. I walked into the room looking down and rubbing my temples with my fingers to try and ease the pain away. I was saw feet that I am pretty sure weren’t Mays “Al’right mate” he slapped me on my back I realised Naths accent. I groaned and looked him in the eye. He had a cheesy grin plastered across his face “Shut up” he didn’t have to say anything I knew what he meant. I looked over at the kitchen table and saw May sitting in one of Nath’s hoodies with her head in her hands, she realised I was there and lifted her head up and smiled then placed her head back down on the table with a bang. “Ouch!” she groaned. “You idiot” Nath laughed “eurgh” she replied. He kissed her head “All better?” she smiled and nodded.  “Ewww got any parcetamol Mays?”. She chucked over the packet and I walked over to the sink and filled up a glass of water and took the pills. “May ain’t that Naths hoodie?” She looked down at it and laughed “Yeah soz Nath” “Narr its ok it suits you” he laughed. Nath looked at me a little sadness in his eyes “Mate, I’m the one with the hangover? Whats up with you?” “I’m gonna go have a shower” May interrupted. Nath smiled “ok” I replied for both of us. “Tom Tom help yourself to tea and toast” she said and walked up stairs “Cheers May” I called up after her. I looked at Nath waiting for an answer “I wish you came to me when you feel depressed I am always here you know to talk” “Oh mate don’t beat yourself up about it, it was just Mays been in the same situation and she just was there for me. I know you are to mate. To be honest I still feel like shit.” He eyes looked guilty; he pulled me into a solid firm hug. I laughed. I changed the subject “You going to Jaybirds party?” His eyes widened at the sound of a party “Defo mate and you better be coming to” “Yeah when have I ever missed a party” he laughed. “It’s good to see you smiling Parker” “You’ve been kinda distant lately I’ve missed the boy” he said in the voice. “yahyahyahay” I replied. “All we need is Max to be playing with our ears” I he said. “Yeah anyway I guess I have been in a downer but I’m back” I laughed “You know maybe you should tell Ellie the way you feel you never know she may feel the same way” I thought of that made my heart skip. “Maybe” I sighed “she has Harry at the moment anyway, anyway what’s happening with you and May” I winked “shut up” he blushed “Is Nafan in love” I cooed. He punched me lightly. “I told you, she liked you back”. He smiled. “We are taking things slow though, we didn’t want it to ruin our friendship” “Oh cool”

I felt my phone buzz from my pocket. I took it up and read the new message

*Tom if you can, um please come over I need someone Exxx*

My heart went nuts. I quickly replied.

*Sure babe on my way J xxx*

“Umm… I need to go Nath say to May thanks for everything text you later about Jays and umm can I borrow your car” “Umm. Sure mate” he passed me the keys and before he could say anything back I ran out the door and slammed it behind me. I got into the car and pulled away from the drive and drove to Ellie’s.

What was the matter? Why did she want me to come over? Was she hurt? Had that prick got anything to do with it I would kill him I swear. Anger boiled up inside me. Horrible images of her hurt appeared in my head. I drove as fast as I could to hers.

Ellie’s P.O.V

I read the message over and over again. Tears rolling down my checks. I thought he cared about me obviously not. How could I of been so stupid. I knew it was too good. I re read the message again

*So sorry babe, my parents are in some trouble I had to go with them,They found out about you and me I am so sorry I will try and come back when everything is sorted. I never meant for it to turn out like this I promise ly *

More tears fell on to my lap. I need one person who would be here for me. Tom. I texted him and he said he was on his way.

I heard the doorbell and I ran towards it and flung open the door and flung myself into his arms. He seemed surprised, his face was full of worry and I buried my head tighter into his chest. He wrapped his arms tighter around my waist and kissed my head. “It’s okay Elz I am here shhh don’t worry”. I pulled my face away from his chest and cupped my face with his hands and wiped a tear that had escaped from my eyes with his finger. He smiled weakly. “Oh Tom…     

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